by Al Benson Jr.
Mr. Trump tweeted sometime today about being all alone on Christmas Eve tweeting messages to promote his America first agenda. He was being humorous when he did it, but as you watch the Swamp Creatures in that gigantic, corrupt ooze that we refer to as Washington, I really wonder if Mr. Trump realizes just how alone he really is in that bucket of political slime.
There is almost no one in Washington that wants to see his agenda, work out, even though it will benefit the average American. Most of the Washington slime balls hate Trump so much they would gladly trash the country and its people just to take Trump down--and this includes lots of our "elected" representatives--which fact amply demonstrates that they don't really care about their constituents back home. We only exist to pay their fat salaries and make sure, with those fat-cat salaries, they have enough time to work at subverting the country.
The Demoncrats have already shown us that they will do anything to promote open borders and deep six real border security. Their total allegiance is to the Deep State--the CFR/Trilateral/Bilderberg cabal and the military/industrial warmongers. These are their gods and these are who they serve and worship, along with lots of lying Republicans.
The real friends Trump has in Washington consist of a couple senators, a handful of House members and maybe some in the military that can't say or do much of anything without fear of being punished. Mr. Trump has people in his own family circle that support the agenda of his adversaries--like the Bible says--"A man's foes shall be they of his own house."
I hope Mr. Trump, at this point, realizes just how alone with his agenda he really is. If he does, I pray that he will seriously ask for and seek Divine Guidance as to just what he needs to do to defeat those that are trying to take him down.
Mr. Trump, like all of us, is a flawed human being and needs the Lord's help to do what he needs to do. I can understand Rand Paul's statement, made several months ago, where he said he wakes up every morning and thanks God we got Trump instead of St. Hillary for president. Had we gotten her, the country, for all intents and purposes, would be gone by now.
Maybe we should all do the same--thank God we got Trump when we really, for our sins, deserved Hillary! And maybe we should start praying that the Lord will guide and help Mr. Trump to know how he ought to proceed and that the Lord will give him some patriotic people who will help him promote his agenda instead of these leftist neo-cons who get into important positions and then use them to destroy the country.
I just read an article on Breitbart this afternoon where James (the truthful one) Comey made the statement that "There's no deep state." Here's a worthy individual who has been caught lying under oath how many times, and he sits there with a smug smirk on his puss and blithely informs us that the deep state does not exist! Does he really think we are all that stupid? Or is he so used to prevarication that he doesn't give a tinker's damn? Anyone believing this guy or any of his buddies that are all part of the Deep State, deserves to be fooled! He's about as honest as Honest Abe was.
Let's face it, the American people have been getting lied to for over 150 years now. Maybe its time we woke up, got our kids out of those brain laundries we call public schools and quit believing the fake news media and started finding our for ourselves what's really going on. I guarantee, if you are willing to do that you won't like what you find.
Monday, December 24, 2018
Friday, November 30, 2018
U N Open Borders Agenda--1984 Is Here!
by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
For weeks now many have been watching these so-called "caravans" working their way up to our Southern border from Central America, across Mexico, and now many of them are at our Southern border, holding up a handful of children in front of them while they throw rocks and other things at our Border Patrol people. Let's be honest here. These people are not oppressed aliens looking for a better life--They are an invasion force. They forced their way into Mexico and they plan on forcing their way into the United States. They are part of the United Nations scheme to inundate us with third world immigrants and water down our cultural distinctives until we are nothing more than a bigger edition of a third world country.
It's all part of the United Nations "Open Borders" agenda and they are doing the same thing in Europe as well.
There is a very informative article on which explains all this, but it is 12 pages long and I cannot reproduce it all here. All I can do is give some of the high spots and hope people will be concerned enough to check it out on their own. If you are not willing to do a little something then you might not like the version of 1984 we end up with. The article was written by Baxter Dmitry on November 19th.
The article states, in part: "A new UN agreement, which almost all member states plan to sign in December, propagates the radical idea that borders must be opened and a 'new world' created, where mass migration--for any reason-is something that must be promoted, enabled and enshrined as a 'human right.' The agreement also directs national governments to defund and suppress all forms of counter-expression to mass migration within their countries. Critics who oppose open borders should undergo 'sensitization training' according to the text of the agreement. Free speech will die." That's the idea! No free speech allowed so that no one can criticize the United Nations agenda.
Naturally enough, none of the countries that are on board with this UN scheme have bothered to check in to see what their citizens think about all this. Why should they bother? The citizens are only sheep to be shorn by the Grand UN Deity so why should they be consulted about anything? The countries that are signing onto this Orwellian nightmare are doing it without any public debate because they realize that public debate and any sort of public forum will seriously jeopardize this scheme.
The technical name for this monstrosity is the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Doesn't that sound cozy? This is not about refugees running from persecution, religious or political. It is all about the radical Leftist idea that migration, for whatever reason, needs to be promoted and protected. After all, says the UN, migration is an enshrined "right." And you should be able to migrate wherever you want, whenever you want, and no country should have the right or ability to refuse you and millions of your brethren entrance. You should be able to go where you want when you want, as many of you as want and to be able to adulterate any culture you disagree with and the people of that culture should not be able to prevent your efforts at cultural genocide. Thus saith the mighty UN.
So far, most member countries are expected to sign up for this, with, so far, the exception of the United States, Australia, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland. Seems like some of the former Iron Curtain countries have more common sense than some of the so-called Western European countries.
Anyway, this is the One World game that is currently under way and I have no doubt whatever that all this foolishness with these "caravans" may be an integral part of it. Our leadership, from Trump on down needs to realize that we don't want any part of this internationalist insanity. The idea the John Birch Society had years ago about getting the US out of the UN is looking better with each passing week.
There is a bill in the House now, HR 193 to get the US out of the UN. Why not contact your congress critters and tell them to support this bill and they need to do it now because once the demoncrats take over the House in January it will get buried forever.
Update: This morning 12/1/18 on the Zero Hedge website there was an article noting that, in Europe "criticism of migration" is set to become a criminal offense.
The article noted: "Europeans concerned about borders, language and culture may soon find themselves in the hot seat after Dutch politician and European Parliament member Marcel de Graaff issued a dire warning over the 'definition of hate speech' which will criminalize speech opposing mass migration, as was first reported by Joe Schaeffer of LibertyNation.
So there you have it, folks, to be critical of any mass migration, if you live in Europe may soon be characterized as "hate speech." We can only wonder how long it will be before some "useful idiot" Congress critter in this country will introduce a similar bill in Congress, especially with the Demoncrats having "influenced" the House in the recent elections. Keep your eyes peeled because you have not seen the last of this.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
For weeks now many have been watching these so-called "caravans" working their way up to our Southern border from Central America, across Mexico, and now many of them are at our Southern border, holding up a handful of children in front of them while they throw rocks and other things at our Border Patrol people. Let's be honest here. These people are not oppressed aliens looking for a better life--They are an invasion force. They forced their way into Mexico and they plan on forcing their way into the United States. They are part of the United Nations scheme to inundate us with third world immigrants and water down our cultural distinctives until we are nothing more than a bigger edition of a third world country.
It's all part of the United Nations "Open Borders" agenda and they are doing the same thing in Europe as well.
There is a very informative article on which explains all this, but it is 12 pages long and I cannot reproduce it all here. All I can do is give some of the high spots and hope people will be concerned enough to check it out on their own. If you are not willing to do a little something then you might not like the version of 1984 we end up with. The article was written by Baxter Dmitry on November 19th.
The article states, in part: "A new UN agreement, which almost all member states plan to sign in December, propagates the radical idea that borders must be opened and a 'new world' created, where mass migration--for any reason-is something that must be promoted, enabled and enshrined as a 'human right.' The agreement also directs national governments to defund and suppress all forms of counter-expression to mass migration within their countries. Critics who oppose open borders should undergo 'sensitization training' according to the text of the agreement. Free speech will die." That's the idea! No free speech allowed so that no one can criticize the United Nations agenda.
Naturally enough, none of the countries that are on board with this UN scheme have bothered to check in to see what their citizens think about all this. Why should they bother? The citizens are only sheep to be shorn by the Grand UN Deity so why should they be consulted about anything? The countries that are signing onto this Orwellian nightmare are doing it without any public debate because they realize that public debate and any sort of public forum will seriously jeopardize this scheme.
The technical name for this monstrosity is the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Doesn't that sound cozy? This is not about refugees running from persecution, religious or political. It is all about the radical Leftist idea that migration, for whatever reason, needs to be promoted and protected. After all, says the UN, migration is an enshrined "right." And you should be able to migrate wherever you want, whenever you want, and no country should have the right or ability to refuse you and millions of your brethren entrance. You should be able to go where you want when you want, as many of you as want and to be able to adulterate any culture you disagree with and the people of that culture should not be able to prevent your efforts at cultural genocide. Thus saith the mighty UN.
So far, most member countries are expected to sign up for this, with, so far, the exception of the United States, Australia, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland. Seems like some of the former Iron Curtain countries have more common sense than some of the so-called Western European countries.
Anyway, this is the One World game that is currently under way and I have no doubt whatever that all this foolishness with these "caravans" may be an integral part of it. Our leadership, from Trump on down needs to realize that we don't want any part of this internationalist insanity. The idea the John Birch Society had years ago about getting the US out of the UN is looking better with each passing week.
There is a bill in the House now, HR 193 to get the US out of the UN. Why not contact your congress critters and tell them to support this bill and they need to do it now because once the demoncrats take over the House in January it will get buried forever.
Update: This morning 12/1/18 on the Zero Hedge website there was an article noting that, in Europe "criticism of migration" is set to become a criminal offense.
The article noted: "Europeans concerned about borders, language and culture may soon find themselves in the hot seat after Dutch politician and European Parliament member Marcel de Graaff issued a dire warning over the 'definition of hate speech' which will criminalize speech opposing mass migration, as was first reported by Joe Schaeffer of LibertyNation.
So there you have it, folks, to be critical of any mass migration, if you live in Europe may soon be characterized as "hate speech." We can only wonder how long it will be before some "useful idiot" Congress critter in this country will introduce a similar bill in Congress, especially with the Demoncrats having "influenced" the House in the recent elections. Keep your eyes peeled because you have not seen the last of this.
Monday, November 12, 2018
If You Think Problems With Government Schools Are New You Better Think Again
by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
Many seem to think that problems with the content of what passes for education in public schools is, somehow, a recent development, maybe a problem for the last twenty years or so, but certainly no longer. If you are one of those folks you need to rethink your position and gain a little perspective in this area. Public schools have been a major problem for longer than any of you have been alive. That statement may shock some, but the evidence is out there if you are willing to pursue it.
I have been collecting info about what goes on in public schools for close to five decades now. What has gone on in public schools for the past 50 years is, believe it or not, not the real problem--but it is a very dramatic symptom of the real problem. The real problem goes all the way back to the early 1800s. More on that in the future as the Lord allows.
For this article I want to deal with some of the symptoms so you can begin to see what the real problem (anti-Christian "education") produces, and how it works itself out through the symptoms.
I have an article in my files from the Providence (Sunday) Journal from Providence, Rhode Island for Sunday, 3/19/72, the headline for which is: Cranston's Controversial 'Prostitute Case'. It was written by a M. William Salganik. I know nothing about him.
Mr. Salganik wrote, in part, "The uproar in Cranston, (Rhode Island) over a prostitute who spoke to a high school social studies class is the latest in a series of schoolroom crises. Those who were horrified by the appearance of a prostitute in a public school classroom say it is the latest instance of teachers overstepping the bounds of good taste or good judgment." Some, however, defended having the prostitute there and accused those opposed to it of an "attempt to suppress creative teachers and trample on academic freedom." How often have you all heard that line over the years? To those who spout it "academic freedom" means their unfettered ability to shove whatever propaganda they deem relevant down your kids' throats and you will have nothing to say about it--so just shut up and sit down. After all, the job of brainwashing your kids belongs to the state doesn't it?
Reading Salganik's article, you are confronted with the unpleasant truth that "change agents" were using public schools in Rhode Island as a seedbed for revolution. Salganik noted several other schools in Rhode Island that had problems of this nature--one is Scituate, Rhode Island where students were fed a "black history" course larded with four-letter words and one in Warwick, Rhode Island where students had an "art project" in which students painted "peace symbols." Folks who don't know better, even today, think the "peace symbol" is really all about peace. It isn't! It has a very interesting history--and an anti-Christian one!
There was quite a fuss over some of this in Rhode Island, particularly the prostitute in the social studies class. I recall having had social studies in school. By the time I came along social studies had replaced American history in most schools, at least in the North, and it was a poor substitute for history. But, then, if the kids aren't taught real history they can't speak up in its behalf or ask penetrating questions about it now, can they?
And while I can appreciate the folks who felt teachers were stepping over the bounds of good judgment, they really didn't understand the problem. The problem really wasn't teachers with bad judgment--the problem was--and still is--an "education" system that seeks to indoctrinate your kids in a world view totally alien to what you want them to embrace. It has nothing whatever to do with real education or true academic freedom and everything to do with socialist indoctrination. The object is to desensitize your kids along the lines advocated by those in the Frankfurt School have laid out for them. If, by now, you don't know what the Frankfurt School is, look it up on the internet and do a little homework. If you are a Christian parent you won't like what you find.
Bear in mind that what I am noting here in Rhode Island took place a short two years before the Textbook Protest in Kanawha County, West Virginia, so there was a big push for this stuff in public schools in this country in the 1970s. In West Virginia the parents revolted over this kind of trash passing for education. In Rhode Island they just complained and didn't revolt. Mores the pity!
Even with my brief comments you should be able to see how bad some of this stuff was. You also should be able to see that, with all that has gone on for so long, chatter about "reforming" the public schools is just that--idle chatter! Real reformation for public schools will never happen and you need to realize that somber fact. The public schools are doing what they were really intended to do--indoctrinate your kids with an anti-Christian worldview. When you begin to realize that, you will begin to see that it is a waste of time and effort trying to reform them. What you really need to do is to separate from them and find Christian alternatives. There are some out there, Exodus Mandate being one of the most notable.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
Many seem to think that problems with the content of what passes for education in public schools is, somehow, a recent development, maybe a problem for the last twenty years or so, but certainly no longer. If you are one of those folks you need to rethink your position and gain a little perspective in this area. Public schools have been a major problem for longer than any of you have been alive. That statement may shock some, but the evidence is out there if you are willing to pursue it.
I have been collecting info about what goes on in public schools for close to five decades now. What has gone on in public schools for the past 50 years is, believe it or not, not the real problem--but it is a very dramatic symptom of the real problem. The real problem goes all the way back to the early 1800s. More on that in the future as the Lord allows.
For this article I want to deal with some of the symptoms so you can begin to see what the real problem (anti-Christian "education") produces, and how it works itself out through the symptoms.
I have an article in my files from the Providence (Sunday) Journal from Providence, Rhode Island for Sunday, 3/19/72, the headline for which is: Cranston's Controversial 'Prostitute Case'. It was written by a M. William Salganik. I know nothing about him.
Mr. Salganik wrote, in part, "The uproar in Cranston, (Rhode Island) over a prostitute who spoke to a high school social studies class is the latest in a series of schoolroom crises. Those who were horrified by the appearance of a prostitute in a public school classroom say it is the latest instance of teachers overstepping the bounds of good taste or good judgment." Some, however, defended having the prostitute there and accused those opposed to it of an "attempt to suppress creative teachers and trample on academic freedom." How often have you all heard that line over the years? To those who spout it "academic freedom" means their unfettered ability to shove whatever propaganda they deem relevant down your kids' throats and you will have nothing to say about it--so just shut up and sit down. After all, the job of brainwashing your kids belongs to the state doesn't it?
Even with my brief comments you should be able to see how bad some of this stuff was. You also should be able to see that, with all that has gone on for so long, chatter about "reforming" the public schools is just that--idle chatter! Real reformation for public schools will never happen and you need to realize that somber fact. The public schools are doing what they were really intended to do--indoctrinate your kids with an anti-Christian worldview. When you begin to realize that, you will begin to see that it is a waste of time and effort trying to reform them. What you really need to do is to separate from them and find Christian alternatives. There are some out there, Exodus Mandate being one of the most notable.
Tuesday, November 06, 2018
More Internet and Email Censorship???
by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
Those who follow my blogs know that my stuff on both blogs has been shadow banned recently. Neither of my blogs has been popular--I guess because I don't talk about all the warm, fuzzy stuff the Leftists want talked about--rather I talk about what frauds and sham artists they all are, and that's a no-no, especially in an election season.
As I said, recently I had problems and then, all of a sudden, they ceased and everything went back to normal. I sort of concluded that my blogs (and probably those of others like me) had been put through sort of a dry run to show the Deep State media control freaks what it was possible for them to get away with regarding us. I thought they might have concluded that we were not all that big a threat numbers-wise and so they could probably ignore us.
Foolishness on my part! They're back!
From time to time on aol, when I would reply to someone's email I would get a notice that said "there was an error sending the message" and so it would not go through. I didn't mind this once in awhile, because after all, things happen, but I guess aol has decided that it worked so well they will use it to shut down any communication I have with folks that send me email.
Now, every message I try to reply to from someone gets this same error message. That means I can't reply to anyone that sends me a message on aol and I can't forward anything I receive from others on aol because anything I try to send out gets an error message tacked onto it and won't go anywhere.
In other words, anything I try to send out from aol is automatically an "error" message and, therefore, cannot be sent. It's not that aol is banning me, you understand. They wouldn't do that to me. They are just not letting me communicate with those I receive email from because all my replies are suddenly "error messages" that can't be sent.
So I am now starting to phase my email communications via aol out and my readers will henceforth be getting my messages from another provider and just think, that will save aol the trouble of having to label my outgoing mail as "error messages." It will probably make their whole day!
It's probably time I started movin' on anyway and as I am able to do that, soon I won't even be able to say to aol "I'll see you at sundown."
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
Those who follow my blogs know that my stuff on both blogs has been shadow banned recently. Neither of my blogs has been popular--I guess because I don't talk about all the warm, fuzzy stuff the Leftists want talked about--rather I talk about what frauds and sham artists they all are, and that's a no-no, especially in an election season.
As I said, recently I had problems and then, all of a sudden, they ceased and everything went back to normal. I sort of concluded that my blogs (and probably those of others like me) had been put through sort of a dry run to show the Deep State media control freaks what it was possible for them to get away with regarding us. I thought they might have concluded that we were not all that big a threat numbers-wise and so they could probably ignore us.
Foolishness on my part! They're back!
From time to time on aol, when I would reply to someone's email I would get a notice that said "there was an error sending the message" and so it would not go through. I didn't mind this once in awhile, because after all, things happen, but I guess aol has decided that it worked so well they will use it to shut down any communication I have with folks that send me email.
Now, every message I try to reply to from someone gets this same error message. That means I can't reply to anyone that sends me a message on aol and I can't forward anything I receive from others on aol because anything I try to send out gets an error message tacked onto it and won't go anywhere.
In other words, anything I try to send out from aol is automatically an "error" message and, therefore, cannot be sent. It's not that aol is banning me, you understand. They wouldn't do that to me. They are just not letting me communicate with those I receive email from because all my replies are suddenly "error messages" that can't be sent.
So I am now starting to phase my email communications via aol out and my readers will henceforth be getting my messages from another provider and just think, that will save aol the trouble of having to label my outgoing mail as "error messages." It will probably make their whole day!
It's probably time I started movin' on anyway and as I am able to do that, soon I won't even be able to say to aol "I'll see you at sundown."
Sunday, November 04, 2018
Scumbags of the World Unite!
by Al Benson Jr.
I suppose, in sort of a left-handed way, all of us white folks are supposed to be thankful to Michael Moore, Hitlery Clinton, Obama and all the rest of the Leftist coterie that is part and parcel of the Deep State for them telling us what scumbags all white folks are. I mean, after all, where else would we have ever found out how deplorable all white folks are if those on the Far, Far Left hadn't been so concerned with our "welfare" that they just had to let us know how horrible we all really are?
Of course I find it interesting that some of these folks that have taken great paints to inform us of how terrible we are also happen to be white. Does that make them as horrendous as the rest of us? Logical thought would dictate that it should, just because of their skin color you would think. But, no, somehow, as white as they are, they plead that they are not as bad as all the rest of us. We are bad, but, somehow, in their omniscience, they have managed to rise above all that. After all, how would they know how terrible we all really are if they had not reached that elevated status that reveals to them how bad we are and how good they are?
You see, if you really delve into it all, it tends to get complicated. It seems that "white" is really sort of virtuous if it is on the Left politically. It only becomes horrible if you happen to be on the Right politically. Got that? In other words "white is really right, if it's on the Left. It's only when it's Right that it's wrong!
To those on the Left it all makes perfect sense, but to normal people, it reeks of bovine fertilizer--you're just not supposed to notice the smell. Just pretend it ain't there and it will go away, so they tell us.
You see you have these folks over on the political Left that are cultural Marxists. A cultural Marxist is someone who doesn't want you to know he or she is a Marxist, so instead they refer to themselves as being politically correct, or "progressive." They use the latter term because they think it actually fools people into thinking they are way ahead of the curve. The English have a term for one who is crazy. They say he's "right round the bend." I wonder if that's what the progressives mean by being ahead of the curve. Does that mean they have reached the state of insanity quicker than the rest of us? Based on some of what they've tried to pull lately it could well mean that, as some Leftist actions of late do seem a bit unhinged--but then, I have to remember that I am only a lowly white scumbag and so may be totally incapable of discerning the convoluted progressions of the high and mighty Leftists among us. They may have attained a plane of existence that I am unable to contemplate.
Years ago Johnny Cash did a song that said "The one on the left is in the middle and the one on the right is on the left" or something to that effect. Confusing I admit, but often something like that may well sum up where the Left really is, or thinks it is, or possibly is--or whatever!
The paragons of virtue on the Left have been noted for decades now for not making sense to rational people--but then rational people are probably all scumbags along with us miserable white folks. I recall, during World War 2 or just before it, the Soviet Communists really hated the German fascists (who were really their political second cousins) and all the Communist literature parroted that fact. Then one day Hitler and Stalin sat down and made a pact to divide Poland up between then and voila, overnight, the Soviets and the Germans commenced a gigantic European socialist lovefest that even threw their staunchest devotees for a loop--especially in this country! What had been reprehensible yesterday became totally acceptable today. Such is Leftist, what shall we say--paranoia?
Don't try to figure out the Leftist lovebirds by any normal means. You will be doomed to failure. You do need to discern what they are all about but, in the long run you can only do that with prayer and Divine Guidance.
Once we white scumbags (and other scumbags not on the Left) have prayed and sought Divine Guidance, then what we must do is to unite together as concerned scumbags and resist the Left and those who continue to finance it. As the man says "Scumbags of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but the chains the Deep State would bind you down with."
I suppose, in sort of a left-handed way, all of us white folks are supposed to be thankful to Michael Moore, Hitlery Clinton, Obama and all the rest of the Leftist coterie that is part and parcel of the Deep State for them telling us what scumbags all white folks are. I mean, after all, where else would we have ever found out how deplorable all white folks are if those on the Far, Far Left hadn't been so concerned with our "welfare" that they just had to let us know how horrible we all really are?
Of course I find it interesting that some of these folks that have taken great paints to inform us of how terrible we are also happen to be white. Does that make them as horrendous as the rest of us? Logical thought would dictate that it should, just because of their skin color you would think. But, no, somehow, as white as they are, they plead that they are not as bad as all the rest of us. We are bad, but, somehow, in their omniscience, they have managed to rise above all that. After all, how would they know how terrible we all really are if they had not reached that elevated status that reveals to them how bad we are and how good they are?
You see, if you really delve into it all, it tends to get complicated. It seems that "white" is really sort of virtuous if it is on the Left politically. It only becomes horrible if you happen to be on the Right politically. Got that? In other words "white is really right, if it's on the Left. It's only when it's Right that it's wrong!
To those on the Left it all makes perfect sense, but to normal people, it reeks of bovine fertilizer--you're just not supposed to notice the smell. Just pretend it ain't there and it will go away, so they tell us.
You see you have these folks over on the political Left that are cultural Marxists. A cultural Marxist is someone who doesn't want you to know he or she is a Marxist, so instead they refer to themselves as being politically correct, or "progressive." They use the latter term because they think it actually fools people into thinking they are way ahead of the curve. The English have a term for one who is crazy. They say he's "right round the bend." I wonder if that's what the progressives mean by being ahead of the curve. Does that mean they have reached the state of insanity quicker than the rest of us? Based on some of what they've tried to pull lately it could well mean that, as some Leftist actions of late do seem a bit unhinged--but then, I have to remember that I am only a lowly white scumbag and so may be totally incapable of discerning the convoluted progressions of the high and mighty Leftists among us. They may have attained a plane of existence that I am unable to contemplate.
Years ago Johnny Cash did a song that said "The one on the left is in the middle and the one on the right is on the left" or something to that effect. Confusing I admit, but often something like that may well sum up where the Left really is, or thinks it is, or possibly is--or whatever!
The paragons of virtue on the Left have been noted for decades now for not making sense to rational people--but then rational people are probably all scumbags along with us miserable white folks. I recall, during World War 2 or just before it, the Soviet Communists really hated the German fascists (who were really their political second cousins) and all the Communist literature parroted that fact. Then one day Hitler and Stalin sat down and made a pact to divide Poland up between then and voila, overnight, the Soviets and the Germans commenced a gigantic European socialist lovefest that even threw their staunchest devotees for a loop--especially in this country! What had been reprehensible yesterday became totally acceptable today. Such is Leftist, what shall we say--paranoia?
Don't try to figure out the Leftist lovebirds by any normal means. You will be doomed to failure. You do need to discern what they are all about but, in the long run you can only do that with prayer and Divine Guidance.
Once we white scumbags (and other scumbags not on the Left) have prayed and sought Divine Guidance, then what we must do is to unite together as concerned scumbags and resist the Left and those who continue to finance it. As the man says "Scumbags of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but the chains the Deep State would bind you down with."
Monday, October 22, 2018
Central American Invasion Force Gathers Steam
by Al Benson Jr.
I've just been reading today, 10/22/18 how the so-called "immigrant caravan" heading this way from Central America has brushed past the token resistance given it by Mexico (as was the real intention) and is again headed for our southern border.
Supposedly the number of "immigrants" has swelled to somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 and guess when they are slated to arrive? You get 3 guesses and the first two don't count. They will probably wash up against our southern border right about in time for the mid-term elections--the wildest of coincidences I'm sure. It I had a suspicious mind, I'd think this was timed to make Trump look bad. But, seeing that I am such a trusting soul, I wouldn't dream of accusing the George Soros-funded groups that have organized this of such a devious and low-down agenda. After all, everyone knows that the radical, socialist Demoncrats and other Soros appendages are all pure as the driven snow.
It's interesting how the radical Left and its media prostitutes have characterized all these people as "immigrants" and there are probably some genuine would-be immigrants among them. However, over all, they are not immigrants; they are invaders.
An article on the American Thinker website for July 10th of this year, by Shari Goodman, takes the trouble to spell out the difference between the two groups. Ms. Goodman noted, quite accurately, that "The Democratic Party with its shills in the mainstream media, has misleadingly blurred the lines between the definition of 'immigrant' and 'invader.' An immigrant is an alien who has been granted the right to permanently reside in the United States by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. An 'invader,' as defined by Merriam Webster, is one who 'trespasses, encroaches, and infringes upon another's property."
These people who are on their way up here, should they manage to get across the border, will be trespassing and encroaching. THEY ARE INVADERS--NOT IMMIGRANTS!
President Trump is supposed to be calling up the Army to deal with this. I hope he does that and does not back down because these people mean to get in here and take whatever they can get away with and if they manage to infringe upon our liberties, well then, that's part of the plan.
This is all part of the Democratic plan to destabilize the country. Ms. Goodman comments on the Democratic Party leadership. She labels Tom Perez a Marxist and Keith Ellison a Muslim Brotherhood operative. Both have been campaigning for open borders along with the rest of the Democratic horde. These people want a foreign invasion to obliterate our culture and its high time we woke up to what these people are doing to us. They are thieves of our culture and heritage and we better learn that and start to resist. Our grandchildren won't thank us for sitting idly by and doing nothing.
Update: According to a Fox News report noted on about 80% of those in the "Migrant" caravan Are men under the age of 35. Despite the main stream media narrative that the caravan is comprised of "hundreds of mostly women and children" local reporting from exican newspaper El Universal found that report grossly misleading. In fact 80% of the caravan are military age men, Fox News reported. So folks, we are being invaded and we are being lied to about it. Does that really surprise anyone. Let's face it--the mainstream media in this country is not on the side of real Americans--it is on the side of the radical Leftists and those who fund their activities. And now they are talking about yet another caravan that is on its way to McAllen, Texas.
Get used to the idea folks--We are in the process of being invaded!!! What's done about it will determine if we still have a country when it is all over!
I've just been reading today, 10/22/18 how the so-called "immigrant caravan" heading this way from Central America has brushed past the token resistance given it by Mexico (as was the real intention) and is again headed for our southern border.
Supposedly the number of "immigrants" has swelled to somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 and guess when they are slated to arrive? You get 3 guesses and the first two don't count. They will probably wash up against our southern border right about in time for the mid-term elections--the wildest of coincidences I'm sure. It I had a suspicious mind, I'd think this was timed to make Trump look bad. But, seeing that I am such a trusting soul, I wouldn't dream of accusing the George Soros-funded groups that have organized this of such a devious and low-down agenda. After all, everyone knows that the radical, socialist Demoncrats and other Soros appendages are all pure as the driven snow.
It's interesting how the radical Left and its media prostitutes have characterized all these people as "immigrants" and there are probably some genuine would-be immigrants among them. However, over all, they are not immigrants; they are invaders.
An article on the American Thinker website for July 10th of this year, by Shari Goodman, takes the trouble to spell out the difference between the two groups. Ms. Goodman noted, quite accurately, that "The Democratic Party with its shills in the mainstream media, has misleadingly blurred the lines between the definition of 'immigrant' and 'invader.' An immigrant is an alien who has been granted the right to permanently reside in the United States by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. An 'invader,' as defined by Merriam Webster, is one who 'trespasses, encroaches, and infringes upon another's property."
These people who are on their way up here, should they manage to get across the border, will be trespassing and encroaching. THEY ARE INVADERS--NOT IMMIGRANTS!
President Trump is supposed to be calling up the Army to deal with this. I hope he does that and does not back down because these people mean to get in here and take whatever they can get away with and if they manage to infringe upon our liberties, well then, that's part of the plan.
This is all part of the Democratic plan to destabilize the country. Ms. Goodman comments on the Democratic Party leadership. She labels Tom Perez a Marxist and Keith Ellison a Muslim Brotherhood operative. Both have been campaigning for open borders along with the rest of the Democratic horde. These people want a foreign invasion to obliterate our culture and its high time we woke up to what these people are doing to us. They are thieves of our culture and heritage and we better learn that and start to resist. Our grandchildren won't thank us for sitting idly by and doing nothing.
Update: According to a Fox News report noted on about 80% of those in the "Migrant" caravan Are men under the age of 35. Despite the main stream media narrative that the caravan is comprised of "hundreds of mostly women and children" local reporting from exican newspaper El Universal found that report grossly misleading. In fact 80% of the caravan are military age men, Fox News reported. So folks, we are being invaded and we are being lied to about it. Does that really surprise anyone. Let's face it--the mainstream media in this country is not on the side of real Americans--it is on the side of the radical Leftists and those who fund their activities. And now they are talking about yet another caravan that is on its way to McAllen, Texas.
Get used to the idea folks--We are in the process of being invaded!!! What's done about it will determine if we still have a country when it is all over!
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Some Unwelcome U N Guests
by Al Benson Jr.
Well, the Soros-sponsored invasion of the southern united States has officially begun, with the United Nations giving a large helping hand.
This invasion was supposed to have been stopped at Mexico's southern border. The Mexican police, or army or whatever, was there and they lobbed a little tear gas at the invaders and then basically got out of the way to let them pass.
I noted one video on https:'' that showed a whole batch of the invaders tearing down the gates at one place so they could get through and many of them were wearing blue United Nations hats with UN printed boldly on the front. Now where do you suppose they got those? At the local costume store no doubt. You don't actually think the UN would sanction any of this now do you? Of course not. Needless to say, with their One World Government worldview the UN is all for open borders except where it might be inconvenient to them.
And in Texas the socialist demoncrats are busily getting ballots ready for the non-citizens and illegals so they can vote in the next election and culturally dilute the American South even more. I would hope the current Texas government wouldn't put up with this, but we will see.
Trump has been talking about sending the army to our Southern border to stop this illegal invasion. I pray that it's not just talk and that he will stand up and DO it. If he caves in on this issue his base will have sufficient reason to question just what he is doing, as this is one issue he campaigned heavily on--keeping the illegals out--and this invasion from Central America is comprised of people who will be illegals if they can just manage somehow to cross our southern border.
One of the activist groups promoting this invasion is funded by one of George Soros' groups so you have to realize who is behind all this. Even Mike Pompeo has had to admit that this invasion is not "organic" but is sponsored by outside groups. So it's an invasion pure and simple.
So what do we do? Pray and ask the Lord to stem this invasion and ask Him to give our leadership the moral backbone to stop it in its tracks at our southern border.
Well, the Soros-sponsored invasion of the southern united States has officially begun, with the United Nations giving a large helping hand.
This invasion was supposed to have been stopped at Mexico's southern border. The Mexican police, or army or whatever, was there and they lobbed a little tear gas at the invaders and then basically got out of the way to let them pass.
I noted one video on https:'' that showed a whole batch of the invaders tearing down the gates at one place so they could get through and many of them were wearing blue United Nations hats with UN printed boldly on the front. Now where do you suppose they got those? At the local costume store no doubt. You don't actually think the UN would sanction any of this now do you? Of course not. Needless to say, with their One World Government worldview the UN is all for open borders except where it might be inconvenient to them.
And in Texas the socialist demoncrats are busily getting ballots ready for the non-citizens and illegals so they can vote in the next election and culturally dilute the American South even more. I would hope the current Texas government wouldn't put up with this, but we will see.
Trump has been talking about sending the army to our Southern border to stop this illegal invasion. I pray that it's not just talk and that he will stand up and DO it. If he caves in on this issue his base will have sufficient reason to question just what he is doing, as this is one issue he campaigned heavily on--keeping the illegals out--and this invasion from Central America is comprised of people who will be illegals if they can just manage somehow to cross our southern border.
One of the activist groups promoting this invasion is funded by one of George Soros' groups so you have to realize who is behind all this. Even Mike Pompeo has had to admit that this invasion is not "organic" but is sponsored by outside groups. So it's an invasion pure and simple.
So what do we do? Pray and ask the Lord to stem this invasion and ask Him to give our leadership the moral backbone to stop it in its tracks at our southern border.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Immigration and Culture
by Daniel Benson
Immigration was once a wonderful thing. Nowadays, though, to come to America has become a tool to downgrade our culture and lifestyle and to make us the minority. Immigration was how we all got to America in the first place and I have no issues with legal immigration. It's the illegals that bother me because rules don't mean anything to them. When legal immigrants come here they come for a safer lifestyle and a better chance to work to feed their families, and a better chance to be free. But illegal immigrants today account for more violent crimes than legal ones ever will.
Legal immigration can be done in two ways. They come here looking for a new chance, or the federal government brings them in here to place somewhere. That's not the most ideal situation. Take a good long look at Minnesota, where the government placed 10,000 Muslin (supposed) refugees and then gave them money (ours) to start a life over. Well, they've multiplied, and now they want Sharia law in Minnesota, the very thing they were running from, supposedly. Guessing you didn't see that coming with the forced immigration of these wonderful new "American citizens." Did other states get that many of them? I'm guessing 4-5 other states got clobbered like that, but don't know for sure.
Most of the Mexicans I know are friendly and family-oriented. I have no issues with these people. It's the drug cartel people we could all do without. They are the violent ones who don't care about our laws. They come here and infiltrate our society how often? If we don't uphold our values and traditions they will happily trod all over you and me. They don't believe in our way of life, so if they trample it, does it matter to them? Not really.
Slowly the American dream is slipping away. Big government has its fingers into so many countries that don't agree with us and our way of thought that they can bring lots of them over here from there and our understanding of America will be gone forever.
Central American countries send people here constantly. They have what for governments in most of these places? Your first guess doesn't count. So between the Middle East and Central America, how many have come here--legally or otherwise? No wall keeps people out forever. But a wall keeps us in. Immigration laws will have to change or Mexico will slowly move back into our territory and what will a war of attrition like that do to us?
In closing, I'm guessing that a fair number reading this might really have some small inkling as to what's going on. But it's the ones that won't bother reading this that need to. Will you share it with those you know or will you "hide it beneath a bushel?" I'm guessing too many will hide it. If so, then too bad America won't be a free country long enough for your grandkids to taste the freedom you had--and wouldn't defend.
Immigration was once a wonderful thing. Nowadays, though, to come to America has become a tool to downgrade our culture and lifestyle and to make us the minority. Immigration was how we all got to America in the first place and I have no issues with legal immigration. It's the illegals that bother me because rules don't mean anything to them. When legal immigrants come here they come for a safer lifestyle and a better chance to work to feed their families, and a better chance to be free. But illegal immigrants today account for more violent crimes than legal ones ever will.
Legal immigration can be done in two ways. They come here looking for a new chance, or the federal government brings them in here to place somewhere. That's not the most ideal situation. Take a good long look at Minnesota, where the government placed 10,000 Muslin (supposed) refugees and then gave them money (ours) to start a life over. Well, they've multiplied, and now they want Sharia law in Minnesota, the very thing they were running from, supposedly. Guessing you didn't see that coming with the forced immigration of these wonderful new "American citizens." Did other states get that many of them? I'm guessing 4-5 other states got clobbered like that, but don't know for sure.
Most of the Mexicans I know are friendly and family-oriented. I have no issues with these people. It's the drug cartel people we could all do without. They are the violent ones who don't care about our laws. They come here and infiltrate our society how often? If we don't uphold our values and traditions they will happily trod all over you and me. They don't believe in our way of life, so if they trample it, does it matter to them? Not really.
Slowly the American dream is slipping away. Big government has its fingers into so many countries that don't agree with us and our way of thought that they can bring lots of them over here from there and our understanding of America will be gone forever.
Central American countries send people here constantly. They have what for governments in most of these places? Your first guess doesn't count. So between the Middle East and Central America, how many have come here--legally or otherwise? No wall keeps people out forever. But a wall keeps us in. Immigration laws will have to change or Mexico will slowly move back into our territory and what will a war of attrition like that do to us?
In closing, I'm guessing that a fair number reading this might really have some small inkling as to what's going on. But it's the ones that won't bother reading this that need to. Will you share it with those you know or will you "hide it beneath a bushel?" I'm guessing too many will hide it. If so, then too bad America won't be a free country long enough for your grandkids to taste the freedom you had--and wouldn't defend.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
What's Junior Playing On His PC?
by Daniel Benson
Lets sit down and talk. Do you know what your kids are playing on their pc's, their xbox ones, their play stations? Well let me tell you, those games are not setting them up for anything positive. The games I will list below are just the tip of the iceberg as to what they play. Others teach them to kill each other in any way possible. So what are they playing?
In the "shooter" games listed here, Fortnite, PugB, Smite, Paladins, Tom Clancy's Siege, Call of Duty, Gears of War and many others not mentioned, "shooters" pit one against another or even teams against one another. Yet, as your kids grow up do they realize how this gaming affects how they think? As importantly, do you realize how it affects how and what they think? Just look at the episode at the recent Madden Tournament, how one loser reacted to losing; he started shooting! So what do you teach your kids about guns (and you do need to teach them). These games teach them how to shoot at other people. Would they shoot at you if they got upset enough? Are you willing to find out? Zombies are a huge part of shooting games and where has anyone seen a zombie? Horde is the other player vs. player environment, where they get to chase each other around and kill each other. Is this good for their brains at any age?
Need for Speed, The Crew, 1 and 2 and GTA and many other games like these teach them that destroying personal property doesn't matter, just so you win at any cost and make sure the cops pay. Police are victims of how many violent crimes because we are so used to killing them in video games, why not shoot them, hit them, or kill them in real life? It's all just like a video game, right? Run anyone who might challenge you for a win off the road at any cost. Road rage sound familiar? That's your kids when they grow up! All the talk they see on You Tube and cop chases that should never have happened in the first place is because video games teach us to run from the cops, not to respect men and women trying to protect themselves and everyone else.
Diablo 3 is a great fantasy game, and yes, I have played lots of games, this is just one of the many. But it teaches us to hack and slash our way through life because that's how it's done in Diablo 3. Tera, World of Warcraft, Rift, Black Desert and many others--I can name them all. We can party up to kill things, we all get some of the loot and wow, we are so good! But the lasting effect on us is slowly numbing us to how many murders this country has each day. And last but not least let's pick on Detroit, or whatever it's called, where you are a machine and there are multitudes of possible endings based completely on how you feel like doing it. Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy are two games who do both rpg (meaning role playing games and mmo, meaning mass multiplayer online role playing games, letting you kill indiscriminately whenever you want. Even Minecraft and Roboblox can't stay away from multiplayer spaces and Roboblox had a young female player in the game, raped by two other male players in the game, so what's the mindset here like???
You don't have a clue what your kids are playing do you? I know one family whose five-year old plays this stuff. Psychologically we are slowly turning into a country whose idea of "fun" is virtual reality. If we can't kill, maim or destroy something, we won't play the game. Great thought processes for our future generation to be engaged in, right? Fortnite just lets you run and kill. Why think? Oh, let's play tag, but wait, why run around in real life when I can jump around like a monkey online? Forget social graces--we can taunt each other and make fun of each other in the mmo games. Who cares about how others feel? I won't meet them in real life will I? Well, yes, you just might. Consider that that person is just like you and they have feelings just like you, or have you gotten so numb you can't feel anything anymore?
To close, do you, even for a second, watch what your kids are playing, where gold is just picked up by the 1000's at a time they think money grows on trees? It doesn't, but they won't know that because, hey, they are going to play games professionally, you know, and they will be rich! Good luck with that!
Lets sit down and talk. Do you know what your kids are playing on their pc's, their xbox ones, their play stations? Well let me tell you, those games are not setting them up for anything positive. The games I will list below are just the tip of the iceberg as to what they play. Others teach them to kill each other in any way possible. So what are they playing?
In the "shooter" games listed here, Fortnite, PugB, Smite, Paladins, Tom Clancy's Siege, Call of Duty, Gears of War and many others not mentioned, "shooters" pit one against another or even teams against one another. Yet, as your kids grow up do they realize how this gaming affects how they think? As importantly, do you realize how it affects how and what they think? Just look at the episode at the recent Madden Tournament, how one loser reacted to losing; he started shooting! So what do you teach your kids about guns (and you do need to teach them). These games teach them how to shoot at other people. Would they shoot at you if they got upset enough? Are you willing to find out? Zombies are a huge part of shooting games and where has anyone seen a zombie? Horde is the other player vs. player environment, where they get to chase each other around and kill each other. Is this good for their brains at any age?
Need for Speed, The Crew, 1 and 2 and GTA and many other games like these teach them that destroying personal property doesn't matter, just so you win at any cost and make sure the cops pay. Police are victims of how many violent crimes because we are so used to killing them in video games, why not shoot them, hit them, or kill them in real life? It's all just like a video game, right? Run anyone who might challenge you for a win off the road at any cost. Road rage sound familiar? That's your kids when they grow up! All the talk they see on You Tube and cop chases that should never have happened in the first place is because video games teach us to run from the cops, not to respect men and women trying to protect themselves and everyone else.
Diablo 3 is a great fantasy game, and yes, I have played lots of games, this is just one of the many. But it teaches us to hack and slash our way through life because that's how it's done in Diablo 3. Tera, World of Warcraft, Rift, Black Desert and many others--I can name them all. We can party up to kill things, we all get some of the loot and wow, we are so good! But the lasting effect on us is slowly numbing us to how many murders this country has each day. And last but not least let's pick on Detroit, or whatever it's called, where you are a machine and there are multitudes of possible endings based completely on how you feel like doing it. Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy are two games who do both rpg (meaning role playing games and mmo, meaning mass multiplayer online role playing games, letting you kill indiscriminately whenever you want. Even Minecraft and Roboblox can't stay away from multiplayer spaces and Roboblox had a young female player in the game, raped by two other male players in the game, so what's the mindset here like???
You don't have a clue what your kids are playing do you? I know one family whose five-year old plays this stuff. Psychologically we are slowly turning into a country whose idea of "fun" is virtual reality. If we can't kill, maim or destroy something, we won't play the game. Great thought processes for our future generation to be engaged in, right? Fortnite just lets you run and kill. Why think? Oh, let's play tag, but wait, why run around in real life when I can jump around like a monkey online? Forget social graces--we can taunt each other and make fun of each other in the mmo games. Who cares about how others feel? I won't meet them in real life will I? Well, yes, you just might. Consider that that person is just like you and they have feelings just like you, or have you gotten so numb you can't feel anything anymore?
To close, do you, even for a second, watch what your kids are playing, where gold is just picked up by the 1000's at a time they think money grows on trees? It doesn't, but they won't know that because, hey, they are going to play games professionally, you know, and they will be rich! Good luck with that!
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Who's Book Will Be Out This Month?
by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
Well, I have just read that disgraced former FBI personality Andrew McCabe is now going to write a new book about how bad life is in this country with Trump as President. It will be out sometime in early December (just in time for Christmas). Gag me with a spoon!
It almost seems as if every member of the Deep State that has had a difficulty with Donald
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
Well, I have just read that disgraced former FBI personality Andrew McCabe is now going to write a new book about how bad life is in this country with Trump as President. It will be out sometime in early December (just in time for Christmas). Gag me with a spoon!
It almost seems as if every member of the Deep State that has had a difficulty with Donald
Trump either has been or is in the process of writing a book. Hillary was the first. What was the title of her book--What Happened? Maybe I am wrong, but it seems that title sticks in my mind. So what happened? What happened, lady, is that you lost. That's what happened and maybe you need to get over it. Even if you weren't supposed to lose--you lost! I realize that in your current mental state you feel it was Trump's fault, Congresses fault, the Deplorables fault, everybody's fault but yours. So your book is out there and I understand it ain't becoming a big seller. What a pity!
So then Comey got bounced from the FBI and he wrote an anti-Trump book. So lets see, Hillary, Comey, and now McCabe will all have anti-Trump screeds out there explaining how all the ills of the world since the Dark Ages are Trump's fault.
I can hardly wait for who's next. Will it be Muslim convert John Brennan who voted for the Communist Party ticket in the 1976 presidential election? So why did he vote that way back then? Well, it was probably Trump's fault. Trump. not the devil, made him do it.
Or will it be the two FBI lovers Strzk and Page. No doubt their illicit "love" affair was Trump's fault. And if they conspire to put out a book, probably early next year they will no doubt explain why their whole affair should be blamed on Trump.
It seems as if half the Deep State characters in Washington that have been responsible for the thorough socialization (as in socialism) of our government agencies have been, are, or will be in the process of writing their anti-Trump books within the next several months. You have to wonder if part of the Deep State agenda to get rid if Trump is to drive him out of office with their literary content. Although, personally, I think they have something much worse in store for him.
So keep an eye out for whose book is due out next. One thing, I wouldn't recommend spending any money on any of this literary fertilizer. the human spirit can only take so much garbage.
Saturday, September 08, 2018
Our "Ever Truthful News Media"
by Daniel Benson
Today's news media might as well be witches. They have hunted (and haunted) the President since he was elected. Yet did they ever do this to Obama? No not once! The media is as far left as the old Soviet Union was--wait--maybe even further left. The Soviet Union might actually have been right of today's media. The "Doctor Feelgood" media can't tell a truth to save themselves. Local news people might be decent, or even trying, yet the national news media is so biased toward the leftist agenda they would fall into the Grand Canyon trying to promote it. If they told you the Atlantic Ocean had dried up and the water there was an illusion they would believe it and call you a liar from pointing out their error.
Most "newspapers" are rubbish now. A handful of people own all the newspapers in the country so you can't get a straight answer from those either. Again, the media is so biased you couldn't swim through it. Even the local paper here is controlled by them, though there is one local weekly here that is not (it's the only paper in the area worth reading). These few people want you to follow their lead blindly until you cease to exist. They tell you every lie you can imagine, and sometimes they fool themselves and actually put some truth out there (not much). How rare it is to see something politically incorrect in their papers. What you and I call politically correct (the truth) is completely taboo for these guys. They are so far left they probably couldn't see the left rearview mirror on a car.
How many times a day are things misrepresented to you? The internet is slowly getting to be more and more controlled now and the reins are tightening because they don't intend to let you hear any view but theirs.
Take a leftist rally vs. a rally on the right. They will report throngs of people at the leftist rally and a smattering of people at the one on the right, when the left didn't have one quarter of the 150k they said was there, and the rally on the right had three times more than the 25k they said was there. In sports events, attendance is announced by the ticket counts. Too bad you couldn't make the media use that method to tell us how many were really there. Google is slowly becoming the search engine of the left, taking down right-leaning things everywhere. Twitter and Facebook are tools for the anti-Trump and pro-left agenda as well, while anything someone might deem even slightly right of Stalin is removed.
Soon you won't be able to watch tv without them knowing exactly what you are doing and watching--oh wait--they already know! Your internet traffic is watched, your tv is monitored, your telephones, cell or landlines, are listened to. Ever hear of smart phones? Big Brother, Trump notwithstanding, has his nose into everything you see, hear, or think. And the media can't be bothered to even try to say "hey, we see what's going on" because they are part of it all. They will vilify anyone not following their plan, fire anyone who speaks out against them, and make sure they never work again. But, as for you low-level "useful idiots" they just want you to be a good stooge and do exactly what they say because, after all, they can't lie can they?
Today's news media might as well be witches. They have hunted (and haunted) the President since he was elected. Yet did they ever do this to Obama? No not once! The media is as far left as the old Soviet Union was--wait--maybe even further left. The Soviet Union might actually have been right of today's media. The "Doctor Feelgood" media can't tell a truth to save themselves. Local news people might be decent, or even trying, yet the national news media is so biased toward the leftist agenda they would fall into the Grand Canyon trying to promote it. If they told you the Atlantic Ocean had dried up and the water there was an illusion they would believe it and call you a liar from pointing out their error.
Most "newspapers" are rubbish now. A handful of people own all the newspapers in the country so you can't get a straight answer from those either. Again, the media is so biased you couldn't swim through it. Even the local paper here is controlled by them, though there is one local weekly here that is not (it's the only paper in the area worth reading). These few people want you to follow their lead blindly until you cease to exist. They tell you every lie you can imagine, and sometimes they fool themselves and actually put some truth out there (not much). How rare it is to see something politically incorrect in their papers. What you and I call politically correct (the truth) is completely taboo for these guys. They are so far left they probably couldn't see the left rearview mirror on a car.
How many times a day are things misrepresented to you? The internet is slowly getting to be more and more controlled now and the reins are tightening because they don't intend to let you hear any view but theirs.
Take a leftist rally vs. a rally on the right. They will report throngs of people at the leftist rally and a smattering of people at the one on the right, when the left didn't have one quarter of the 150k they said was there, and the rally on the right had three times more than the 25k they said was there. In sports events, attendance is announced by the ticket counts. Too bad you couldn't make the media use that method to tell us how many were really there. Google is slowly becoming the search engine of the left, taking down right-leaning things everywhere. Twitter and Facebook are tools for the anti-Trump and pro-left agenda as well, while anything someone might deem even slightly right of Stalin is removed.
Soon you won't be able to watch tv without them knowing exactly what you are doing and watching--oh wait--they already know! Your internet traffic is watched, your tv is monitored, your telephones, cell or landlines, are listened to. Ever hear of smart phones? Big Brother, Trump notwithstanding, has his nose into everything you see, hear, or think. And the media can't be bothered to even try to say "hey, we see what's going on" because they are part of it all. They will vilify anyone not following their plan, fire anyone who speaks out against them, and make sure they never work again. But, as for you low-level "useful idiots" they just want you to be a good stooge and do exactly what they say because, after all, they can't lie can they?
Monday, September 03, 2018
Lest We Forget
by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
It has been forty four years ago this month, if my timeline is correct, that government (public) schools reopened in Kanawha County, West Virginia to a very slim group of students. Most of the students were kept at home by parents who had major (and understandable) problems with the textbooks their kids were supposed to use that year and they were not about to subject their kids to what many of them felt were pornographic texts.
I've seen copies of what was in some of the books. The parents were right.
This whole situation set off a major struggle over who really controlled what passes for public education in this country--and just to give you a subtle hint--it ain't the parents. Even with Trump's new education secretary, it still ain't the parents. A public school system run by the state will never be under the control of the parents, no matter what you may hear at the parent-teacher meetings.
A public school system is a state school system and our parents, especially our Christian parents, need to be able to get a grasp of this salient fact. Most of them don't have a clue.
As for much of went on in West Virginia during this textbook protest, I would urge you to read a book by Karl Priest called Protester Voices--the 1974 Textbook Tea Party. I believe it's still on Amazon, but if you can't find it there contact me and I will give you Karl's mailing address.
The textbook protest in Kanawha County changed the lives of myself and my family because, even though we lived in Illinois when it started, we ended up in West Virginia while it continued.
The whole situation never would have come to light had not Alice Moore been on the school board.It was her that exposed what was in the books. The other school board members were willing to just go along to get along with the texts that were "suggested" for the students. Mrs. Moore, when she got a look at what was being proposed to feed the kids intellectually, was not. She was on target--the rest of the school board was "out to lunch" so to speak, willing to go along to get along.
Mrs. Moore exposed what was in the books to Kanawha County parents with the help of several local preachers and rallies were held all over the county to alert people to the intellectual swamp that was the public school system. So when public schools convened in the Fall of 1974, most kids stayed home. Not only that, parents started picketing the schools and that meant lots of people, truck drivers included, would not cross the picket lines. West Virginia was a union state and you didn't cross a picket line.
Parents wrote to their state legislators, their national legislators, and whoever they thought would help them get these horrible books out of their schools. No one was willing to do anything. No one did anything. What the parents didn't realize at the time, and I hope they do now, is that no one was going to do anything--ever!
The sleaze-books their kids were to be force-fed were mandated in Washington and that was that. When parents publicly protested they were often met by "peace officers" with billy clubs who enjoyed breaking up the protests by hitting little old ladies (and others) over the shoulder with billy clubs and if they could hit hard enough they often broke the shoulder. They got their kicks doing that. Some were heard to say as much.
Word of the protest eventually got out despite the managed media's attempts to contain it locally. That's how we found out about it in Illinois. There was an article in one of the Chicago papers that really bashed the protesters and it was bad enough that I started watching for more articles with names in them and when I found some I started trying to contact those people to find out what really was going on because, even at that early date, I realized the "news" media mostly lied to us.
We took a trip to West Virginia in June of 1975 and stayed with a fine Christian family there for a week. During that time I interviewed some of the protest leaders and really got an earful. Hard to believe that some of what I heard happens in Amerika, but it did--and does.
The parents in Kanawha County were guilty--of wanting a decent, moral education for their kids. Little did they realize at the time they would never, and I mean never, get that in the public school system. And today it's even worse.
The Deep State of that day (not much different than today's) managed to beat the protest (literally) into submission. Several new Christian schools came out of the protest, but if more Christians had gotten involved instead of sitting it out, the effect could have been greater.
So the textbook protest in West Virginia ended, not with a whimper, but with a billy club whacked over old ladies shoulders. I saw some of them, heard what they had to say about it all. The public schools in West Virginia and other places, are no different today than then except they are busier taking down Confederate flags than they used to be.
If you are one of those whose hope is in the "reformation" of public schools you are dreaming a dream that will never happen, no matter what kind of administration they have in Washington. The educational establishment is dedicated to the cultural destruction of your children and you'd better get used to that idea because that's how it is. If you want anything better for your kids, take them and secede from the public "education" system and educate them at home or find some kind of Christian school you can trust. For a little added info, try checking out Exodus Mandate on the internet.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
It has been forty four years ago this month, if my timeline is correct, that government (public) schools reopened in Kanawha County, West Virginia to a very slim group of students. Most of the students were kept at home by parents who had major (and understandable) problems with the textbooks their kids were supposed to use that year and they were not about to subject their kids to what many of them felt were pornographic texts.
I've seen copies of what was in some of the books. The parents were right.
This whole situation set off a major struggle over who really controlled what passes for public education in this country--and just to give you a subtle hint--it ain't the parents. Even with Trump's new education secretary, it still ain't the parents. A public school system run by the state will never be under the control of the parents, no matter what you may hear at the parent-teacher meetings.
A public school system is a state school system and our parents, especially our Christian parents, need to be able to get a grasp of this salient fact. Most of them don't have a clue.
As for much of went on in West Virginia during this textbook protest, I would urge you to read a book by Karl Priest called Protester Voices--the 1974 Textbook Tea Party. I believe it's still on Amazon, but if you can't find it there contact me and I will give you Karl's mailing address.
The textbook protest in Kanawha County changed the lives of myself and my family because, even though we lived in Illinois when it started, we ended up in West Virginia while it continued.
The whole situation never would have come to light had not Alice Moore been on the school board.It was her that exposed what was in the books. The other school board members were willing to just go along to get along with the texts that were "suggested" for the students. Mrs. Moore, when she got a look at what was being proposed to feed the kids intellectually, was not. She was on target--the rest of the school board was "out to lunch" so to speak, willing to go along to get along.
Mrs. Moore exposed what was in the books to Kanawha County parents with the help of several local preachers and rallies were held all over the county to alert people to the intellectual swamp that was the public school system. So when public schools convened in the Fall of 1974, most kids stayed home. Not only that, parents started picketing the schools and that meant lots of people, truck drivers included, would not cross the picket lines. West Virginia was a union state and you didn't cross a picket line.
Parents wrote to their state legislators, their national legislators, and whoever they thought would help them get these horrible books out of their schools. No one was willing to do anything. No one did anything. What the parents didn't realize at the time, and I hope they do now, is that no one was going to do anything--ever!
The sleaze-books their kids were to be force-fed were mandated in Washington and that was that. When parents publicly protested they were often met by "peace officers" with billy clubs who enjoyed breaking up the protests by hitting little old ladies (and others) over the shoulder with billy clubs and if they could hit hard enough they often broke the shoulder. They got their kicks doing that. Some were heard to say as much.
Word of the protest eventually got out despite the managed media's attempts to contain it locally. That's how we found out about it in Illinois. There was an article in one of the Chicago papers that really bashed the protesters and it was bad enough that I started watching for more articles with names in them and when I found some I started trying to contact those people to find out what really was going on because, even at that early date, I realized the "news" media mostly lied to us.
We took a trip to West Virginia in June of 1975 and stayed with a fine Christian family there for a week. During that time I interviewed some of the protest leaders and really got an earful. Hard to believe that some of what I heard happens in Amerika, but it did--and does.
The parents in Kanawha County were guilty--of wanting a decent, moral education for their kids. Little did they realize at the time they would never, and I mean never, get that in the public school system. And today it's even worse.
The Deep State of that day (not much different than today's) managed to beat the protest (literally) into submission. Several new Christian schools came out of the protest, but if more Christians had gotten involved instead of sitting it out, the effect could have been greater.
So the textbook protest in West Virginia ended, not with a whimper, but with a billy club whacked over old ladies shoulders. I saw some of them, heard what they had to say about it all. The public schools in West Virginia and other places, are no different today than then except they are busier taking down Confederate flags than they used to be.
If you are one of those whose hope is in the "reformation" of public schools you are dreaming a dream that will never happen, no matter what kind of administration they have in Washington. The educational establishment is dedicated to the cultural destruction of your children and you'd better get used to that idea because that's how it is. If you want anything better for your kids, take them and secede from the public "education" system and educate them at home or find some kind of Christian school you can trust. For a little added info, try checking out Exodus Mandate on the internet.
Friday, August 03, 2018
Ongoing "Reconstruction"
by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
I have an email friend who is a fellow Copperhead. Like me, he was born in the bleak atmosphere of a New England that was affected by the cold chill of Unitarianism. It affected where he lived as it affected where I lived. Probably neither of us recognized that at the time, but we both realized in our innermost beings that something there wasn't quite right.
He moved from Northern New England down to West Virginia, where he seems quite content. We moved all over the place, depending on circumstances, ending up in Illinois several years ago, and from there we came to North Louisiana. Knowing our concern for their heritage and history, the good Southern folks accepted us and we have been more comfortable in the South than we had been anywhere else (except when I lived in Oklahoma briefly during the late 1960s).
Anyway, this friend, like me, studies history and keeps a weather eye on the political scene. Just recently he emailed me with some observations. He noted that, after looking at history, he had concluded that the "Civil War" never really ended--and it sure didn't end when Lee walked out of the courthouse at Appomattox. Technically it didn't end then--it limped along for a little more than another two months. But even for that, it didn't really "end." You see, the War of Northern Aggression (which it what it really was), was a culture war. It's main agenda was the total destruction of Southern culture, history, and heritage, and that all didn't end when the fighting ceased and so the War had to continue But they had to cover that fact up and so they ceased to call it a war and they renamed it--they started calling it Reconstruction. This was his take on it and I have to admit, I can't really disagree with him. I'd figured out the same thing awhile back.
It had always amazed me that "reconstruction" was Karl Marx's term. He had called for "the reconstruction of s social world" in regard to changing the worldview of the South. His Radical Abolitionist friends in the North seized on his terminology (as a possible hidden tribute to him) when they gave a name to what they planned to do to the South.
Over the years, I have contended that "reconstruction" never really ended and instead the Establishment, Shadow Government, or whatever you want to call them, has just continued it under a varied collage of different titles--affirmative action, global warming, no child left behind, or whatever other noble-sounding fiction they thought would befuddle the public at large. My Copperhead friend had concluded the same thing. Interestingly enough, he and I had come up with our conclusions totally independently of one another. Each of us looked at the evidence we had been able to amass--and we came up with the same conclusion as the other.
Reminds me of a situation several years ago now, back when I started digging up evidence for Lincoln being in love with the Marxists and socialists. I had put together quite a bit of evidence on Lincoln's affinity for the Left and published some of it in a couple articles when I got an email from a man in North Carolina indicating that he had found the same thing. He shared his sources with me and it turned out a lot of them were not the same sources I had used, but they were just as authoritative.
This goes to show you that there are a lot of people out there quietly doing the homework and connecting the dots and much of what they find ends up on blog spots and websites. I don't think most people realize how many blog spots there are out there, but there are thousands of them and lots and lots of them come from a patriotic, American perspective. The Deep State may be trying to censor conservative viewpoints and they may be trying to shut down some of the bigger patriotic websites and they may succeed to a degree. If such does happen, then many people who are aware of some of these more obscure sites will start checking out the "second string" of sites where they can get their news. The days of the "big 3" in the prostitute press controlling all the news are over. Millions of people nowadays realize the Main Stream Media is pure hogwash and they constantly search out the alternate media for their news--and part of the alternate media is these thousands upon thousands of blog spots--and I don't think the Deep State can shut them all down no matter how much they'd love to.
There are lots of us out here digging up the stuff the establishment media would rather have buried and the Marxist "historians" have kept under wraps for years. They can't hide it all anymore, and that fact will eventually be their undoing.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
I have an email friend who is a fellow Copperhead. Like me, he was born in the bleak atmosphere of a New England that was affected by the cold chill of Unitarianism. It affected where he lived as it affected where I lived. Probably neither of us recognized that at the time, but we both realized in our innermost beings that something there wasn't quite right.
He moved from Northern New England down to West Virginia, where he seems quite content. We moved all over the place, depending on circumstances, ending up in Illinois several years ago, and from there we came to North Louisiana. Knowing our concern for their heritage and history, the good Southern folks accepted us and we have been more comfortable in the South than we had been anywhere else (except when I lived in Oklahoma briefly during the late 1960s).
Anyway, this friend, like me, studies history and keeps a weather eye on the political scene. Just recently he emailed me with some observations. He noted that, after looking at history, he had concluded that the "Civil War" never really ended--and it sure didn't end when Lee walked out of the courthouse at Appomattox. Technically it didn't end then--it limped along for a little more than another two months. But even for that, it didn't really "end." You see, the War of Northern Aggression (which it what it really was), was a culture war. It's main agenda was the total destruction of Southern culture, history, and heritage, and that all didn't end when the fighting ceased and so the War had to continue But they had to cover that fact up and so they ceased to call it a war and they renamed it--they started calling it Reconstruction. This was his take on it and I have to admit, I can't really disagree with him. I'd figured out the same thing awhile back.
It had always amazed me that "reconstruction" was Karl Marx's term. He had called for "the reconstruction of s social world" in regard to changing the worldview of the South. His Radical Abolitionist friends in the North seized on his terminology (as a possible hidden tribute to him) when they gave a name to what they planned to do to the South.
Over the years, I have contended that "reconstruction" never really ended and instead the Establishment, Shadow Government, or whatever you want to call them, has just continued it under a varied collage of different titles--affirmative action, global warming, no child left behind, or whatever other noble-sounding fiction they thought would befuddle the public at large. My Copperhead friend had concluded the same thing. Interestingly enough, he and I had come up with our conclusions totally independently of one another. Each of us looked at the evidence we had been able to amass--and we came up with the same conclusion as the other.
Reminds me of a situation several years ago now, back when I started digging up evidence for Lincoln being in love with the Marxists and socialists. I had put together quite a bit of evidence on Lincoln's affinity for the Left and published some of it in a couple articles when I got an email from a man in North Carolina indicating that he had found the same thing. He shared his sources with me and it turned out a lot of them were not the same sources I had used, but they were just as authoritative.
This goes to show you that there are a lot of people out there quietly doing the homework and connecting the dots and much of what they find ends up on blog spots and websites. I don't think most people realize how many blog spots there are out there, but there are thousands of them and lots and lots of them come from a patriotic, American perspective. The Deep State may be trying to censor conservative viewpoints and they may be trying to shut down some of the bigger patriotic websites and they may succeed to a degree. If such does happen, then many people who are aware of some of these more obscure sites will start checking out the "second string" of sites where they can get their news. The days of the "big 3" in the prostitute press controlling all the news are over. Millions of people nowadays realize the Main Stream Media is pure hogwash and they constantly search out the alternate media for their news--and part of the alternate media is these thousands upon thousands of blog spots--and I don't think the Deep State can shut them all down no matter how much they'd love to.
There are lots of us out here digging up the stuff the establishment media would rather have buried and the Marxist "historians" have kept under wraps for years. They can't hide it all anymore, and that fact will eventually be their undoing.
Friday, July 13, 2018
"They KNOW NOT What They Do"
"They know not what they do" the words of Jesus the Christ from the cross.
Or do they?
First Christ said: "Forgive them, Father (God)!
Do the PONS/ACTIVISTS actually know which subversive leaders are putting them up to it?
Blind? Stupid? Are the not so blind leading the truly blind? That's probably the question we should be asking first, and the second question--who are the not so blind???
Subversive forces in this country are hell-bent on destroying what God (and our forefathers) helped to create with much blood, sweat and tears, over many years...(1776-2018)--242 years.
We shouldn't let them get away with it. "Them" are the cruel leaders of the blind and ignorant (wet behind the ears) individuals who have never learned their history (thanks to their public school "educations" nor do they even care. Anything before the Beatles is totally irrelevant to them.
"They" are ignorant like sheep led to the slaughter, young people, ages 16-25, who have NO IN-vested interest in our country...just what their subversive leaders are counting on...people who are young, excitable, and with NO sound foundation of history or any kind of patriotism. Most of them have no clue about our real history--and they don't care to learn! Many are just the drop-outs of life, the ones who have tuned out and dropped out--the impressionable and the gullible--who seem to think they are all brilliant! However, ignorance is what the purveyors of subversion are depending on to enable them to carry out their subversive and covert activities. And it's happening now--right before our eyes. Democrats (and some Republicans) are desperate and are taking desperate measures..i.e. Desperados!
With the influx of illegal immigrants, the intent is to destroy our culture by FLOODING our country with many NON-Christian attitudes and UN-controlled individuals who have NO intent to assimilate into our culture, or learn our language, which is for legal immigrants imperative.
This Movement is not just a fun game for the power brokers behind the insurrection in the streets. They are in it for keeps. For them the USA is something to be torn down!!!
The Socialist/Marxist/Communist Movement did NOT just happen by accident; it has been ongoing since before our UN"Civil War". Control of our educational system has been THE MAJOR PART of our problem since then.
By NOT re-enforcing REAL history in the public schools, the National Education Association is intentionally allowing Negligence to exist.
Ask yourself why so few of our young people (from the age of 10 and clear through 50) know any real history. Not even attorneys, most Congressmen...Senators and Representatives. Those who are supposed to represent our interests DON'T.
Fortunately Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Joe Pags and other people in the alternate media do. They know what's going on out here--all the stuff the mainstream media thinks we are better off not knowing about. So we are informed. But, we (the vast majority of us) are allowing this charade to continue. People are being hurt in so many ways because NO leader (but Trump) is stepping up and Stopping the Out of control Left. Leaders, where are you???
Political commentary by Sam Schwartz
Or do they?
First Christ said: "Forgive them, Father (God)!
Do the PONS/ACTIVISTS actually know which subversive leaders are putting them up to it?
Blind? Stupid? Are the not so blind leading the truly blind? That's probably the question we should be asking first, and the second question--who are the not so blind???
Subversive forces in this country are hell-bent on destroying what God (and our forefathers) helped to create with much blood, sweat and tears, over many years...(1776-2018)--242 years.
We shouldn't let them get away with it. "Them" are the cruel leaders of the blind and ignorant (wet behind the ears) individuals who have never learned their history (thanks to their public school "educations" nor do they even care. Anything before the Beatles is totally irrelevant to them.
"They" are ignorant like sheep led to the slaughter, young people, ages 16-25, who have NO IN-vested interest in our country...just what their subversive leaders are counting on...people who are young, excitable, and with NO sound foundation of history or any kind of patriotism. Most of them have no clue about our real history--and they don't care to learn! Many are just the drop-outs of life, the ones who have tuned out and dropped out--the impressionable and the gullible--who seem to think they are all brilliant! However, ignorance is what the purveyors of subversion are depending on to enable them to carry out their subversive and covert activities. And it's happening now--right before our eyes. Democrats (and some Republicans) are desperate and are taking desperate measures..i.e. Desperados!
With the influx of illegal immigrants, the intent is to destroy our culture by FLOODING our country with many NON-Christian attitudes and UN-controlled individuals who have NO intent to assimilate into our culture, or learn our language, which is for legal immigrants imperative.
This Movement is not just a fun game for the power brokers behind the insurrection in the streets. They are in it for keeps. For them the USA is something to be torn down!!!
The Socialist/Marxist/Communist Movement did NOT just happen by accident; it has been ongoing since before our UN"Civil War". Control of our educational system has been THE MAJOR PART of our problem since then.
By NOT re-enforcing REAL history in the public schools, the National Education Association is intentionally allowing Negligence to exist.
Ask yourself why so few of our young people (from the age of 10 and clear through 50) know any real history. Not even attorneys, most Congressmen...Senators and Representatives. Those who are supposed to represent our interests DON'T.
Fortunately Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Joe Pags and other people in the alternate media do. They know what's going on out here--all the stuff the mainstream media thinks we are better off not knowing about. So we are informed. But, we (the vast majority of us) are allowing this charade to continue. People are being hurt in so many ways because NO leader (but Trump) is stepping up and Stopping the Out of control Left. Leaders, where are you???
Political commentary by Sam Schwartz
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
It's Always the Leftists That Promote Wars--Civil or Otherwise
It's Always the Leftists That Promote Wars--Civil or Otherwise. That seems to be what most of the current internet conversation is saying nowadays. In spite of all their blather about "peace and love" the Leftists are really nothing but cultural Marxist war mongers.
They seek to promote candidates and ideas that will absolutely devastate this country and then they threaten "civil war" if the rest of us refuse to go along with their damnfoolishness.
So now we have this "individual" Maxine Waters out there trying to encourage people to "push back" against all Trump supporters or those that hold office in his administration. Have any of you all ever listened to one of Ms. Waters' rants? To say that she sounds a bit unhinged would be charitable. You have to wonder who wound her up and stuck her in the middle of the action. She is obviously a pawn in someone's game.
The question maybe we should all be asking is---who's best interest in served if the rabid Left winds up instigating a civil war? Someone's interests are being served if the Loony Left manages to do this. Is it the Deep State, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati or who? But then I repeat myself, because all of these groups are part of the "good ol' boy" network that has a vested interest in sucking the life blood out of this country.
If you look back at our first "Civil War" you will find out that the minions of the Left were pushing all the hot buttons to get us into that. They didn't have smarts enough to do it on their own so you know someone had to be writing the script for them.
Read Donnie Kennedy's and my book Lincoln's Marxists and that will give you some idea of the part the Left, both political and theological, played in getting that going. The real war mongers in the North had to get the South to fire the first shot because that gave them a "moral" reason to invade the South.
For instance, the Illuminati has always felt that if you want to change the society and culture of a country one of the best ways to do that is to get them into a war--on their own soil. In the 1850s they used pawns like terrorist John Brown to work the country up to where we were ready for a war and in 1861 they made sure we got it. It was the perfect vehicle to destroy the society and culture of the Old South, which, due to its Christian base, was an impediment to their agenda for the whole country.
It seems that today we are about to get a repeat performance. Trump's agenda and worldview are diametrically opposed to the Illuminist/CFR agenda and so they again drag out the Sorry Left to try to work us all up into yet another war.
You all know that as long as the Left badgers the rest of us nothing will happen, but let someone somewhere on our side fight back and see how fast the Deep State will try to institute martial law and make a grab for all the guns. You can see this scenario coming. Only problem is, I don't think they are going to get all the guns and there's lots of really fed up and ticked off folks on our side. I don't think they realize just how many. They would do well to think about that.
And take a look at this latest offering via the One World government United Nations on
They seek to promote candidates and ideas that will absolutely devastate this country and then they threaten "civil war" if the rest of us refuse to go along with their damnfoolishness.
So now we have this "individual" Maxine Waters out there trying to encourage people to "push back" against all Trump supporters or those that hold office in his administration. Have any of you all ever listened to one of Ms. Waters' rants? To say that she sounds a bit unhinged would be charitable. You have to wonder who wound her up and stuck her in the middle of the action. She is obviously a pawn in someone's game.
The question maybe we should all be asking is---who's best interest in served if the rabid Left winds up instigating a civil war? Someone's interests are being served if the Loony Left manages to do this. Is it the Deep State, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati or who? But then I repeat myself, because all of these groups are part of the "good ol' boy" network that has a vested interest in sucking the life blood out of this country.
If you look back at our first "Civil War" you will find out that the minions of the Left were pushing all the hot buttons to get us into that. They didn't have smarts enough to do it on their own so you know someone had to be writing the script for them.
Read Donnie Kennedy's and my book Lincoln's Marxists and that will give you some idea of the part the Left, both political and theological, played in getting that going. The real war mongers in the North had to get the South to fire the first shot because that gave them a "moral" reason to invade the South.
For instance, the Illuminati has always felt that if you want to change the society and culture of a country one of the best ways to do that is to get them into a war--on their own soil. In the 1850s they used pawns like terrorist John Brown to work the country up to where we were ready for a war and in 1861 they made sure we got it. It was the perfect vehicle to destroy the society and culture of the Old South, which, due to its Christian base, was an impediment to their agenda for the whole country.
It seems that today we are about to get a repeat performance. Trump's agenda and worldview are diametrically opposed to the Illuminist/CFR agenda and so they again drag out the Sorry Left to try to work us all up into yet another war.
You all know that as long as the Left badgers the rest of us nothing will happen, but let someone somewhere on our side fight back and see how fast the Deep State will try to institute martial law and make a grab for all the guns. You can see this scenario coming. Only problem is, I don't think they are going to get all the guns and there's lots of really fed up and ticked off folks on our side. I don't think they realize just how many. They would do well to think about that.
And take a look at this latest offering via the One World government United Nations on
Friday, June 01, 2018
Obama White House Tried To Make Hay Before the Sun Shined
by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
There was an interesting article on for June 1st about how the Obama White House sought to take over the "Spygate" investigation. The information came from John Solomon, who writes for The Hill. I will give you Mr. Solomon's quote below.
John Solomon: I'm putting finishing touches on a column that I think will come out tomorrow...The effort to begin targeting and reaching out to Trump campaign officials to gain intelligence on Russia that would ultimately justify the investigation began weeks and maybe months before the FBI had a formal predicate.And that's very important. The rules say you can't use sources until you have a predicated investigation. The investigation is July 31, 2016. My sources and documents that I will be able to make public tomorrow will show that there were contacts going on by people identified as informers, informants, people who provided information began much earlier than July 31st...The second part is that the investigation was just starting to ramp up There are internal FBI documents showing FBI agents talking about the White House trying to take over the investigation. Fears that the Justice Department were going to leak for political reasons and their own political fear... And Mr. Solomon stressed that, here, he was talking about the Obama White House.
Mr. Solomon did not know how far up in the Obama White House some of this originated. The messages he had were not clear on that.
You can tell, however, that the Obama Regime was planning on doing something with this Spygate operation well before there was any official investigation, so this was not something they just "happened" to discover by accident and decided to pursue for "the good of the country." They were going to use this in an attempted derailment of Trump's presidency.
Unfortunately, the Obama Regime, Hillary, and all the rest of the Deep State apparatus are still trying. Trump has been their target since way before he became president because the Deep State had as part of its agenda the gradual enslavement of the American populace via Fabian socialist principles--and that is still the agenda of the shadow government Obama Regime who still seek to overthrow a legitimately elected president.
Don't be naive enough to think all that ended when Trump was sworn in. It continues to this day.
You have, in effect, two different governments trying to run this country--the duly elected Trump administration and the shadow government Obama Regime who tries to govern via their many holdovers in the Trump administration that Trump really needs to work at getting rid of. Until he gets rid of Obama's toadies from within his camp, it will always be a tossup as to who is really running the government.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
There was an interesting article on for June 1st about how the Obama White House sought to take over the "Spygate" investigation. The information came from John Solomon, who writes for The Hill. I will give you Mr. Solomon's quote below.
John Solomon: I'm putting finishing touches on a column that I think will come out tomorrow...The effort to begin targeting and reaching out to Trump campaign officials to gain intelligence on Russia that would ultimately justify the investigation began weeks and maybe months before the FBI had a formal predicate.And that's very important. The rules say you can't use sources until you have a predicated investigation. The investigation is July 31, 2016. My sources and documents that I will be able to make public tomorrow will show that there were contacts going on by people identified as informers, informants, people who provided information began much earlier than July 31st...The second part is that the investigation was just starting to ramp up There are internal FBI documents showing FBI agents talking about the White House trying to take over the investigation. Fears that the Justice Department were going to leak for political reasons and their own political fear... And Mr. Solomon stressed that, here, he was talking about the Obama White House.
Mr. Solomon did not know how far up in the Obama White House some of this originated. The messages he had were not clear on that.
You can tell, however, that the Obama Regime was planning on doing something with this Spygate operation well before there was any official investigation, so this was not something they just "happened" to discover by accident and decided to pursue for "the good of the country." They were going to use this in an attempted derailment of Trump's presidency.
Unfortunately, the Obama Regime, Hillary, and all the rest of the Deep State apparatus are still trying. Trump has been their target since way before he became president because the Deep State had as part of its agenda the gradual enslavement of the American populace via Fabian socialist principles--and that is still the agenda of the shadow government Obama Regime who still seek to overthrow a legitimately elected president.
Don't be naive enough to think all that ended when Trump was sworn in. It continues to this day.
You have, in effect, two different governments trying to run this country--the duly elected Trump administration and the shadow government Obama Regime who tries to govern via their many holdovers in the Trump administration that Trump really needs to work at getting rid of. Until he gets rid of Obama's toadies from within his camp, it will always be a tossup as to who is really running the government.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Life Among the “Russian Agents” or Mueller’s Revenge
By Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society
of America
It seems as though, in one final, desperate
attempt to keep his foundering “Russian Collusion” investigation alive, Robert
Mueller wants to investigate Alex Jones and Infowars, Breitbart, Roger Stone
and a whole batch of those who have had the temerity to dare to disagree with
what he is doing.
If he is not able to come up with more on them
than he has on all the other potential Russian colluders then they don’t have
much to worry about. However, Mueller seems to be one of those “you can indict
a ham sandwich if you want” types, which means he will try to find something,
no matter how inconsequential or trivial, to try to sink his opponents with.
Mueller doesn’t like opposition. He doesn’t like those who point out where he
has slipped the traces and gone and done his own thing. He needs to silence
those folks, lest too many start to listen to them and doubt his
omnipotence—and after all—he has a Deep State agenda to fulfill—the de-
legitimization of Donald Trump’s presidency—by any means necessary, fair or
Mr. Mueller is an interesting personality with
an interesting background. According to for May 18th 2017: “It is a huge surprise that
former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III has been chosen to lead the FBI
Russia investigation, because there seem to be direct ties between him and the
Deep State.” The writer may not realize it, but that’s exactly why Mueller was chosen. The writer continues “This
is a remarkable decision since Mueller holds financial investments in twelve (12) investors/donors to Bill & Hillary Clinton and eight (8)
members of Barack Obama’s technology inner circle who supported Hillary for
The writer
then notes a bit about Rod Rosenstein. Among other things he says: “Rosenstein
has worked closely with Mueller at the Justice Department since 1990. Both
Rosenstein and Mueller worked with then Assistant Attorney General Eric H.
Holder, Jr. during the Bush presidency.” Now there is an unholy trinity of
radicals if ever I saw one!
The writer
observes:”Given Rosenstein’s decades of ties to the Deep State, one wonders why
President Donald Trump appointed him. The Deep State is now engaged in brazen
acts of treason apparently to bring down Donald Trump’s duly-elected
administration. For example, GQ news
commentator Keith Olbermann just called for foreign intelligence agencies to help the Deep State bring down Mr. Trump’s
administration—the definition of sedition…How can Mueller be impartial? In
conclusion, the facts are unavoidable. Robert S. Mueller has substantial
conflicts of interest and should recuse himself as Special Counsel before the
public demands he be fired.” Problem is, Mueller is where he is because of those
“conflicts of interest.” His first loyalty is to the Deep State that has made
him one of its bastard sons and he has no intention of doing anything except
participating in the deep sixing of the Trump Administration. That’s his
And in conclusion,
the writer asks: “Why is the President of the United States being investigated
when the Clintons, Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner are still at large and most
certainly should have had a special prosecutor investigating them?” The
President is being investigated so Clinton and the rest won’t have to be and
can be ignored in favor of dealing with Trump’s ludicrous “Russian collusion.”
The Deep State never, and I repeat, never
intends to prosecute Hillary
and Company. They are too big to pay for
their crimes in our current two-tiered justice system, so they will be allowed
to go free while Trump is prosecuted for nonentities. That’s the way the Deep
State plays the game and shafts the American people. “Justice” (really, Just Us), is what we say
it is. Besides, if Hillary had just been allowed to steal the election as
planned, we wouldn’t have to be messing around with all this anyway!
Mr. Trump has
been a mighty big inconvenience to the Deep State on their march toward
anti-Christian One World Government and they aim to make sure he (and us) pay
the price for that—and don’t you forget it!!!
Monday, May 07, 2018
Monopoly Capitalists & Communists Are Second Cousins
By Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society
of America
The prevailing (and partly false) theory is
that capitalism and communism are totally adverse one to another and that
capitalists will always be opposed to communists and vice versa.
In most cases you will find that most free
enterprise capitalists are opposed to communism and leftism in general.
However, monopoly capitalists are a different animal and their worldview is
much closer to that of communism than it is to true free enterprise. Your
“history” books don’t much deal with this because you are not supposed to be
aware of it and many of your teachers and professors will take great pains to
make sure you do not become aware of it. It’s what they get paid for.
I don’t know if you can still get this book or
not—the copy I have was printed in 1974.
It is by Antony C. Sutton (now deceased) who was a research fellow at the
Hoover Institution at Stanford University from
1968-73. The book is Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Sutton noted, on page 17, that:”Consequently,
one barrier to mature understanding of recent history is the notion that all capitalists are the
bitter and unswerving enemies of all Marxists and socialists. This erroneous
idea originated with Karl Marx and was undoubtedly useful to his purposes. In
fact, the idea is nonsense. There has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and
international revolutionary socialists—to their mutual benefit. This alliance
has gone unobserved largely because historians—with a few notable exceptions—have
an unconscious Marxian bias and are thus locked into the impossibility of any
such alliance existing. The open-minded
reader should bear two clues in mind: monopoly capitalists are the bitter
enemies of laissez-faire entrepreneurs; and, given the weakness of socialist
central planning, the totalitarian socialist state is a perfect captive market
for monopoly capitalists., if an alliance can be made with the socialist powerbrokers.”
Quoted by Sutton is oil magnate E. H. Doheny,
in 1919, where he talks about what went on at college campuses, and mind you,
this was in 1919, not during the Viet Nam War.
Doheny said, in part, “…you will see that a
majority of the college professors in the United States are teaching socialism
and Bolshevism…The worst Bolshevists in the United States are not only college
professors, of whom President Wilson is one,
but capitalists and the wives of capitalists and neither seem to know
what they are talking about.
Sutton sums all this up on page 19 where he
says: “Our story postulates a partnership
between international monopoly capitalism and international
revolutionary socialism for their mutual benefit. And on page 21 Sutton gives
us a key quote from Leon Trotsky where Trotsky says, in 1938: “You will have a
revolution, a terrible revolution. What course it takes will depend much on
what Mr. Rockefeller tells Mr. Hague to do. Mr. Rockefeller is a symbol of the
American Ruling class and Mr. Hague is a symbol of its political tools.” Sounds
just like today, doesn’t it? You will discover, as you go along, that certain
capitalists in this country continually fund and finance Leftist causes.
In his book The Naked Capitalist W. Cleon Skousen noted a comment made by Dr.
Bella Dodd, a former member of the National Committee of the U. S. Communist
Party where Dodd said: “I think the Communist conspiracy is merely a branch of
a much bigger conspiracy.” Dodd, as a Communist, had wondered where her orders
came from. After World War 2 she had contacts that, basically, gave her
marching orders. And Skousen noted that: “What
puzzled Dr. Dodd was the fact that not one of these three contacts was a
Russian. Nor were any of them Communists. In fact, all three were extremely
wealthy American capitalists!” Skousen’s book was privately printed in 1970.
See if you can find it on Amazon. Skousen goes into an organization called The
Council on Foreign Relations. Some of you have no doubt heard of this. Others may
not have. You need to be aware of this group because they affect how this
country is governed and who gets appointed or chosen to specific positions that will, whether you
believe it or not, will affect all of our lives.
Another one you should check out, and I believe
it has been posted on the internet,
is The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen.
If you want to know how the Deep State operated in the late 1970s you need to
read this one. Some things haven’t changed much.
More as the Lord allows, but this will give you
a start. Check out The Rockefeller File and an earlier one by Gary Allen, None
Dare Call It Conspiracy on the
internet. That way you can read them for nothing and begin to learn about what
you have been taught to believe doesn’t exist. It does exist and you need to
wake up to it, for your childrens’ sake.
Also of interest---Check out the latest article on Marx--Deadbeat Daddy. It noted that Marx was so busy fomenting revolution he couldn't even be bothered trying to support his own family.
Also of interest---Check out the latest article on Marx--Deadbeat Daddy. It noted that Marx was so busy fomenting revolution he couldn't even be bothered trying to support his own family.