Monday, December 24, 2018

Trump All Alone at Christmas

by Al Benson Jr.

Mr. Trump tweeted sometime today about being all alone on Christmas Eve tweeting messages to promote his America first agenda. He was being humorous when he did it, but as you watch the Swamp Creatures in that gigantic, corrupt ooze that we refer to as Washington, I really wonder if Mr. Trump realizes just how alone he really is in that bucket of political slime.

There is almost no one in Washington that wants to see his agenda, work out,  even though it will benefit the average American. Most of the Washington slime balls hate Trump so much they would gladly trash the country and its people just to take Trump down--and this includes lots of our "elected" representatives--which fact amply demonstrates that they don't really care about their constituents back home. We only exist to pay their fat salaries and make sure, with those fat-cat salaries, they have enough time to work at subverting the country.

The Demoncrats have already shown us that they will do anything to promote open borders and deep six  real border security. Their total allegiance is to the Deep State--the CFR/Trilateral/Bilderberg cabal and the military/industrial warmongers. These are their gods and these are who they serve and worship, along with lots of lying Republicans.

The real friends Trump has in Washington consist of a couple senators, a handful of House members and maybe some in the military that can't say or do much of anything without fear of being punished. Mr. Trump has  people in his own family circle that support the agenda of his adversaries--like the Bible says--"A man's foes shall be they of his own house."

I hope Mr. Trump, at this point, realizes just how alone with his agenda he really is. If he does, I pray that he will seriously ask for and seek Divine Guidance as to just what he needs to do to defeat those that are trying to take him down.

Mr. Trump, like all of us, is a flawed human being and needs the Lord's help to do what he needs to do. I can understand Rand Paul's statement, made several months ago, where he said he wakes up every morning and thanks God we got Trump instead of St. Hillary for president. Had we gotten her, the country, for all intents and purposes, would be gone by now.

Maybe we should all do the same--thank God we got Trump when we really, for our sins, deserved Hillary! And maybe we should start praying that the Lord will guide and help Mr. Trump to know how he ought to proceed and that the Lord will give him some patriotic people who will help him promote his agenda instead of these leftist neo-cons who get into important positions and then use them to destroy the country.

I just read an article on Breitbart this afternoon where James (the truthful one) Comey made the statement that "There's no deep state." Here's a worthy individual who has been caught lying under  oath how many times, and he sits there with a smug smirk on his puss and blithely informs us that the deep state does not exist! Does he really think we are all that stupid? Or is he so used to prevarication that he doesn't give a tinker's damn? Anyone believing this guy or any of his buddies that are all part of the Deep State, deserves to be fooled! He's about as honest as Honest Abe was.

Let's face it, the American people have been getting lied to for over 150 years now. Maybe its time we woke up, got our kids out of those brain laundries we call public schools and quit believing the fake news media and started finding our for ourselves what's really going on. I guarantee, if you are willing to do that you won't like what you find.

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