by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
For weeks now many have been watching these so-called "caravans" working their way up to our Southern border from Central America, across Mexico, and now many of them are at our Southern border, holding up a handful of children in front of them while they throw rocks and other things at our Border Patrol people. Let's be honest here. These people are not oppressed aliens looking for a better life--They are an invasion force. They forced their way into Mexico and they plan on forcing their way into the United States. They are part of the United Nations scheme to inundate us with third world immigrants and water down our cultural distinctives until we are nothing more than a bigger edition of a third world country.
It's all part of the United Nations "Open Borders" agenda and they are doing the same thing in Europe as well.
There is a very informative article on which explains all this, but it is 12 pages long and I cannot reproduce it all here. All I can do is give some of the high spots and hope people will be concerned enough to check it out on their own. If you are not willing to do a little something then you might not like the version of 1984 we end up with. The article was written by Baxter Dmitry on November 19th.
The article states, in part: "A new UN agreement, which almost all member states plan to sign in December, propagates the radical idea that borders must be opened and a 'new world' created, where mass migration--for any reason-is something that must be promoted, enabled and enshrined as a 'human right.' The agreement also directs national governments to defund and suppress all forms of counter-expression to mass migration within their countries. Critics who oppose open borders should undergo 'sensitization training' according to the text of the agreement. Free speech will die." That's the idea! No free speech allowed so that no one can criticize the United Nations agenda.
Naturally enough, none of the countries that are on board with this UN scheme have bothered to check in to see what their citizens think about all this. Why should they bother? The citizens are only sheep to be shorn by the Grand UN Deity so why should they be consulted about anything? The countries that are signing onto this Orwellian nightmare are doing it without any public debate because they realize that public debate and any sort of public forum will seriously jeopardize this scheme.
The technical name for this monstrosity is the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Doesn't that sound cozy? This is not about refugees running from persecution, religious or political. It is all about the radical Leftist idea that migration, for whatever reason, needs to be promoted and protected. After all, says the UN, migration is an enshrined "right." And you should be able to migrate wherever you want, whenever you want, and no country should have the right or ability to refuse you and millions of your brethren entrance. You should be able to go where you want when you want, as many of you as want and to be able to adulterate any culture you disagree with and the people of that culture should not be able to prevent your efforts at cultural genocide. Thus saith the mighty UN.
So far, most member countries are expected to sign up for this, with, so far, the exception of the United States, Australia, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland. Seems like some of the former Iron Curtain countries have more common sense than some of the so-called Western European countries.
Anyway, this is the One World game that is currently under way and I have no doubt whatever that all this foolishness with these "caravans" may be an integral part of it. Our leadership, from Trump on down needs to realize that we don't want any part of this internationalist insanity. The idea the John Birch Society had years ago about getting the US out of the UN is looking better with each passing week.
There is a bill in the House now, HR 193 to get the US out of the UN. Why not contact your congress critters and tell them to support this bill and they need to do it now because once the demoncrats take over the House in January it will get buried forever.
Update: This morning 12/1/18 on the Zero Hedge website there was an article noting that, in Europe "criticism of migration" is set to become a criminal offense.
The article noted: "Europeans concerned about borders, language and culture may soon find themselves in the hot seat after Dutch politician and European Parliament member Marcel de Graaff issued a dire warning over the 'definition of hate speech' which will criminalize speech opposing mass migration, as was first reported by Joe Schaeffer of LibertyNation.
So there you have it, folks, to be critical of any mass migration, if you live in Europe may soon be characterized as "hate speech." We can only wonder how long it will be before some "useful idiot" Congress critter in this country will introduce a similar bill in Congress, especially with the Demoncrats having "influenced" the House in the recent elections. Keep your eyes peeled because you have not seen the last of this.
Al, you had written an article years ago concerning Taiwan and it's fight for freedom, how a certain general considered the importance and how the USA failed them. Would really like to be pointed to that article or possibly mailed a copy.
ReplyDeleteDo you remember about when I had it up? I don't recall the article.