Friday, August 03, 2018

Ongoing "Reconstruction"

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I have an email friend who is a fellow Copperhead. Like me, he was born in the bleak atmosphere of a New England that was affected by the cold chill of Unitarianism. It affected where he lived as it affected where I lived. Probably neither of us recognized that at the time, but we both realized in our innermost beings that something there wasn't quite right.

He moved from Northern New England down to West Virginia, where he seems quite content. We moved all over the place, depending on circumstances, ending up in Illinois several years ago, and from there we came to North Louisiana. Knowing our concern for their heritage and history, the good Southern folks accepted us and we have been more comfortable in the South than we had been anywhere else (except when I lived in Oklahoma briefly during the late 1960s).

Anyway, this friend, like me, studies history and keeps a weather eye on the political scene. Just recently he emailed me with some observations. He noted that, after looking at history, he had concluded that the "Civil War" never really ended--and it sure didn't end when Lee walked out of the courthouse at Appomattox. Technically it didn't end then--it limped along for a little more than  another two months. But even for that, it didn't really "end." You see, the War of Northern Aggression (which it what it really was), was a culture war. It's main agenda was the total destruction of Southern culture, history, and heritage, and that all didn't end when the fighting ceased and so the War had to continue But they had to cover that fact up and so they ceased to call it a war and they renamed it--they started calling it Reconstruction. This was his take on it and I have to admit, I can't really disagree with him. I'd figured out the same thing awhile back. 

It had always amazed me that "reconstruction" was Karl Marx's term. He had called for "the reconstruction of s social world" in regard to changing the worldview of the South. His Radical Abolitionist friends in the North seized on his terminology (as a possible hidden tribute to him) when they gave a name to what they planned to do to the South.

Over the years, I have contended that "reconstruction" never really ended and instead  the Establishment, Shadow Government, or whatever you want to call them, has just continued it under a varied collage of different titles--affirmative action, global warming, no child left behind, or whatever other noble-sounding fiction they thought would befuddle the public at large. My Copperhead friend had concluded the same thing. Interestingly enough, he and I had come up with our conclusions totally independently of one another. Each of us looked at the evidence we had been able to amass--and we came up with the same conclusion as the other.

Reminds me of a situation several years ago now, back when I started digging up evidence for Lincoln being in love with the Marxists and socialists. I had put together quite a bit of evidence on Lincoln's affinity for the Left and published some of it in a couple articles when I got an email from a man in North Carolina indicating that he had found the same thing. He shared his sources with me and it turned out a lot of them were not the same sources I had used, but they were just as authoritative.

This goes to show you that there are a lot of people out there quietly doing the homework and connecting the dots and much of what they find ends up on blog spots and websites. I don't think most people realize how many blog spots there are out there, but there are thousands of them and lots and lots of them come from a patriotic, American perspective. The Deep State may be trying to censor conservative viewpoints and they may be trying to shut down some of the bigger patriotic websites and they may succeed to a degree. If such does happen, then many  people who are aware of some of these more obscure sites will start checking out the "second string" of sites where they can get their news. The days of the  "big 3" in the prostitute press controlling all the news are over. Millions of people nowadays realize the Main Stream Media is pure hogwash and they constantly search out the alternate media for their news--and part of the alternate media is these thousands upon thousands of blog spots--and I don't think the Deep State can shut them all down no matter how much they'd love to.

There are lots of us out here digging up the stuff the establishment media would rather have buried and the Marxist "historians" have kept under wraps for years. They can't hide it all anymore, and that fact will eventually be their undoing.

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