Sunday, September 30, 2018

Immigration and Culture

by Daniel Benson

Immigration was once a wonderful thing. Nowadays, though, to come to America has become a tool to downgrade our culture and lifestyle and to make us the minority. Immigration was how we all got to America in the first place and I have no issues with legal immigration. It's the illegals that bother me because rules don't mean anything to them. When legal immigrants come here they come for a safer lifestyle and a better chance to work to feed their families, and a better chance to be free. But illegal immigrants today account for more violent crimes than legal ones ever will.

Legal immigration can be done in two ways. They come here looking for a new chance, or the federal government brings them in here to place somewhere. That's not the most ideal situation. Take a good long look at Minnesota, where the government placed 10,000 Muslin (supposed) refugees and then gave them money (ours) to start a life over. Well, they've multiplied, and now they want Sharia law in Minnesota, the very thing they were running from, supposedly. Guessing you didn't see that coming with the forced immigration of these wonderful new "American citizens." Did other states get that many of them? I'm guessing 4-5 other states got clobbered like that, but don't know for sure.

Most of the Mexicans I know are friendly and family-oriented. I have no issues with these people. It's the drug cartel people we could all do without. They are the violent ones who don't care about our laws. They come here and infiltrate our society how often? If we don't uphold our values and traditions they will happily trod all over you and me. They don't believe in our way of life, so  if they trample it, does it matter to them? Not really.

Slowly the American dream is slipping away. Big government has its fingers into so many countries that don't agree with us and our way of thought that they can bring lots of them over here from there and our understanding of America will be gone forever. 

Central American countries send people here constantly. They have what for governments in most of these places? Your first guess doesn't count. So between the Middle East and Central America, how many have come here--legally or otherwise? No wall keeps people out forever. But a wall keeps us in. Immigration laws will have to change or Mexico will slowly move back into our territory and what will a war of attrition like that do to us?

In closing, I'm guessing that a fair number reading this might really have some small inkling as to what's going on. But it's the ones that won't bother reading this that need to. Will you share it with those you know or will you "hide it beneath a bushel?" I'm guessing too many will hide it. If so, then too bad America won't be a free country long enough for your grandkids to taste the freedom you had--and wouldn't defend.

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