Wednesday, June 27, 2018

It's Always the Leftists That Promote Wars--Civil or Otherwise

It's Always the Leftists That Promote Wars--Civil or Otherwise. That seems to be what most of the current internet conversation is saying nowadays. In spite of all their blather about "peace and love" the Leftists are really nothing but cultural Marxist war mongers.

They seek to promote candidates and ideas that will absolutely devastate this country and then they threaten "civil war" if the rest of us refuse to go along with their damnfoolishness.

So now we have this "individual" Maxine Waters out there trying to encourage people to "push back" against all Trump supporters or those that hold office in  his administration. Have any of you all ever listened to one of Ms. Waters' rants? To say that she sounds a bit unhinged would be charitable. You have to wonder who wound her up and stuck her in the middle of the action. She is obviously a pawn  in someone's game.

The question maybe we should all be asking is---who's best interest in served  if the rabid Left winds up instigating a civil war? Someone's interests are being served if the Loony Left manages to do this. Is it the Deep State, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati or who? But then I repeat myself, because all of these groups are part of the "good ol' boy" network that has a vested interest in sucking the life blood out of this country.

If you look back at our first "Civil War"  you will find out that the minions of the Left were pushing all the hot buttons to get us into that. They didn't have smarts enough to do it on their own so you know someone had to be writing the script for them.

Read Donnie Kennedy's and my book Lincoln's Marxists and that will give you some idea of the part the Left, both political and theological, played in getting that going. The real war mongers in the North had to get the South to fire the first shot because that gave them a "moral" reason to invade the South.

For instance, the Illuminati has always felt that if you want to change the society and culture of a country one of the best ways to do that is to get them into a war--on their own soil. In the 1850s they used pawns like terrorist John Brown to work the country up to where we were ready for a war and in 1861 they made sure we got it. It was the perfect vehicle to destroy the society and culture of the Old South, which, due to its Christian base, was an impediment to their agenda for the whole country.

It seems that today we are about to get a repeat performance. Trump's agenda and worldview are diametrically opposed to the Illuminist/CFR agenda and so they again drag out the Sorry Left to try to work us all up into yet another war.

You all know that as long as the Left badgers the rest of us nothing will happen, but let someone somewhere on our side fight back and see how fast the Deep State will try to institute martial law and make a grab for all the guns. You can see this scenario coming. Only problem is, I don't think they are going to get all the guns and there's lots of really fed up and ticked off folks on our side. I don't think they realize just how many. They would do well to think about that. 

And take a look at this latest offering via the One World government United Nations on   

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