Friday, January 18, 2019

"Beware the Ides of March"

The article below was posted on on January 18th.

Political strategist Roger Stone says the deep state is planning to remove both President Trump and VP Mike Pence from office so that they can install Nancy Pelosi as President as part of a coup that will eventually see Hillary Clinton return as President.

"The deep state seeks to fabricate some misdeed by the Trump campaign that is sold as Russian collusion" said Stone.

"That way they can remove both Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, paving the way for Nancy Pelosi to become president."

Pelosi will then appoint Hillary Clinton  to the vacant Vice-Presidency after which Pelosi would resign as president allowing Hillary to take the White House which alluded her grasp in 2016."

Trump and Pelosi are currently locked in a stand off over the government shut down.

Yesterday, Trump pulled a power move by blocking Pelosi's trip to Brussels and Afghanistan by halting her use of military aircraft.

This followed Pelosi's demand that Trump postpone his State of the Union address--scheduled for January 29th--or simply put it in writing.

Posted by Al Benson Jr.
Comment--If they are able to pull this off and Mr. Trump fails to aggressively respond then they will have, to all intents and purposes, rendered the 2016 election null and void and if that happens then it remains to be seen what Mr. Trump's supporters across the country will do and how they will respond to having the deep state and its slimy operatives steal the last presidential election. If such does occur we will know for sure that the rule of law in this country is a cruel charade and that might makes right--no matter how totally corrupt and sleazy that "might" is. We need to really pray that the Lord will put a stop to this travesty, and, if for some reason He does not, then we will know that judgment has seriously begun and it will have begun at the House of God.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Why Do I Get The Feeling We're Getting Screwed Again?

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

When Donald Trump got elected many of us felt it was possible, just possible, that the Deep State might have been on the way out. In retrospect I think we should have known better. The Deep State, in one form or another, has been around since the Lincoln administration and we should have realized that it ain't going away anytime soon. That doesn't mean we should quit fighting and just go fishin' rather it means that the struggle will be longer than we thought it would and, therefore, our perseverance needs to be greater. The Deep State is evil and needs to be resisted.

When Trump got to Washington he was surrounded by Trotskyite Neo-cons and left-over Obama supporters who stayed around in the hope of sabotaging his efforts, and mostly they did a fair job of that. He's gotten rid of a few but he's got far, far to go in decimating their ranks while they continue to try to cut his political throat.

He's made a handful of good appointments and a whole batch of lousy ones and he's gotten lots of bad advice from people that, quite frankly, have a vested political interest in taking him down. We should pray for Trump, and for his political discernment because this is an area he struggles in.

I have watched as he appointed various people to different sensitive posts and watched as they worked to undermine his efforts and he eventually had to remove them--only to reach out and appoint another one just like the one he just got rid of and the process starts all over again. CFR member H. R. McMaster and some of the generals he appointed after McMaster come to mind.

I was thoroughly disgusted with Jeff Sessions who, when appointed Attorney General, basically abdicated his authority to the members of the Deep State in the Justice Department so they could go after Trump. Sessions sat it out. It was almost like the Deep State operatives said to him "Just stay out of our way and we won't bother you." He stayed out of their way and Deep Stater Rod Rosenberg ran the Justice Department until Trump appointed Whitaker as interim Attorney General. Whitaker seemed like a good choice, but he was only an interim appointment. Now Trump has finally nominated his replacement, William Barr.

Most folks probably don't know too much about Mr. Barr, I didn't. But a little browsing on the internet turned up the following on   It seems that, according to political analyst G. Edward Griffin: "Barr says he will not hinder or interfere with the Mueller investigation, despite the damage it has done to the President and despite its failure to produce proof of Russian collusion. Barr and Mueller--and their wives--are close friends.  Mueller attended the weddings  of Barr's children."

That briefly tells you pretty much what's going on. If confirmed as Attorney General, Mr. Barr is going to let Mueller continue with Deep State business as usual and nothing will change. Trump has nominated yet another probable Deep State operative that will do him and his agenda no good and possibly lots of harm. I'd be almost tempted to ask "Where does he get these people?" but unfortunately, I already know. You could almost wonder if Trump has a "death wish" because he keeps nominating or appointing people that will do him and his America First agenda no good whatever. And when one of them finally folds and shows his hand, he ends up appointing another one of the same stripe. So I ask the question that is the title of this article--why do I get the feeling we are about to be screwed again? Trump rails against the Deep State--but he appoints all their people to positions when they can work against his efforts. Folks, something is wrong here.

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

How About Repudiating Obama's National Emergency Decrees?

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

I watched President Trump's national address about the situation on our Southern border this evening (January 8, 2019) and I must admit I was somewhat disappointed. Obama had this country under national emergency from 2012-2016 and unless Mr. Trump declares a new national emergency over our border situation that will super-cede and therefore replace Obama's national emergency decrees then we will continue to be under a national emergency decree handed to us by Comrade Obama.

I had hoped Mr. Trump would do this in this evening's speech but he did not. He is going to give Congress yet one more golden opportunity to vote money for his border wall. I think he's kidding himself. This current socialist-dominated House of Representatives has already told him to go fish as far as funding his border wall and yet here he comes, back to them with the same identical request and he hopes that, somehow, this time their reaction will be different.

You've all seen the comment about the man who keeps doing the same failed thing over and over and over and yet each time he redoes it he thinks the result will be somehow different than it was the last time--and it never is--and he can't quite figure out why. I don't know if that's where Mr. Trump is or not, but you have to wonder.

I tried to update this once and it wouldn't take it so lets try again. Check out for 1/9 and see the article about Trump no longer effectively being the President because  the Deep State flunkies in Washington are countermanding all the directives he puts out there. Soft coup???

Update:  Check out for 1/9,  specifically the article on Trump no longer being effectively the President because the Deep State flunkies in the Swamp are countermanding every order he puts out there.        #Alex Jones

It has taken him two years to get some of the Deep State operatives out of his administration and he has by no means gotten rid of all of them. They infest his administration and they pass up no chance whatever to countermand his agenda on important issues. He decides to pull troops out of Syria and Afghanistan and bring them home and almost the very next day someone in the Pentagon decides he can't do that and so they walk back his directives.  We can only wait and see what he does with that situation. I hope he doesn't just ignore it and hope it goes away--because it won't.

If too much of this sort of thing continues then the electorate that voted for Trump will begin to wonder just what is going on and why and that will make it more difficult for him in 2020. If Mr. Trump thinks he is going to placate his adversaries by "being nice" then he is dreaming. That will never happen. When he defeated Saint Hillary in 2016 he erased all possibilities of that for ever. If he got down on his knees before them and groveled they would still spit in his  eye. Those people don't know how to forgive and the word "charity" was never in their vocabulary. They have one agenda--to turn this country into a third world socialist paradise and if they have to shaft the American people to do that, why that's just great by them. Seeing that so many of us failed to vote for "Madame President" it's only what we deserve, right? Of course if we had voted for her we'd have gotten the same thing!

Obama worked mightily at that but couldn't quite bring it off and so he was forced to pass the baton along to Madame President, except she wasn't quite up to the task of catching it so Trump got it instead. He has done some good things, but I get the feeling that when it comes to indicting Hillary and Company for the whole Uranium One scam he just doesn't have the heart for it. In fact, I get the impression that Hillary and Company are going to end up walking and never have to pay for their crimes in this life. Her  payment for her political "indiscretions" will come in the next life, after she departs from this life and her final Judge will be one she cannot bribe or scare--and then she will pay the full price.

In the meantime I am not sure what Mr. Trump will do about his border wall and our national security, but whatever it is, it would appear he is not quite ready to do it yet.