Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Shootings Will Continue Until We Get Gun Confiscation

by Al Benson Jr.

Well,  wonder of wonders, we have yet another shooting in West Texas. Is anyone surprised? It seems as if we have a new  shooting somewhere about once every three weeks now.

And you know what all the politicians are going to say now--"Why doesn't Trump do something about all this?" There will be more howls for unconstitutional "Red Flag" laws and some of the more radical Demoncrats will be  hollering for total gun confiscation. Because, in the final analysis that is what all these shootings are really all about. They are geared to force Trump into doing something about gun control that will alienate his political base and these shootings will continue until he does just that. Once he does that, watch and see if the shootings don't ease off.

Am I suggesting there is some sort of anti-Second Amendment agenda at work here? Oh heavens no! Why I'd be the absolute last one to ever  suggest that! Let's just say that all these  shootings in the frequency  of their occurrence is simply an amazing coincidence. That's all, folks, just a series of coincidences. Nothing to see here so just move along.

We better come to grips with the fact that there is an anti-gun agenda at work here and the dissolution of our Second Amendment rights is the name of the game.  Contact your congress critters and tell them to vote NO on anymore gun control bills, otherwise you will work to defeat them in the next election.

The would-be Mexican Irish person, Beto O'Rourke says he will, if elected president, force people to sell their guns to the government. This is nothing other  than more gun control under a different name.


  1. It is Satanic.

    For a One World Government, America must fall. For America to fall, the people must be disarmed.

  2. Thanks Karl. You are right on the money here. They have to disarm us before they can do all that they want to do so the shootings will continue until they can get the American public into the right frame of mind to want to be disarmed.
