Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Mass Murders Be Hanged--Gun Confiscation Is the Name of the Game

by Al Benson Jr.

Who would have thought that during the administration of Donald Trump we would have had to worry about gun control and/or gun confiscation? Just goes to show you that, in the political realm nothing happens by accident and you can trust almost no one.

You might say, in our present circumstances "The shootings will continue until the attitude toward gun control improves."  Many naïve people think that, once all the guns are confiscated from honest people then all the shootings will cease. I've got news for you "useful idiots" who think that. It won't happen that way. Once the criminal element figures out that no one our there can fight back their criminal excursions will markedly increase because they will know that no one will have the means to resist what they do.

And don't kid yourselves for even a little minute. The people in Washington WANT YOUR GUNS, all of your guns and they don't give a hoot about what the criminals can do to you. Their agenda is to disarm honest people. That's all they're concerned about.  They have been told to get  the guns, any way they have to and they don't look beyond that. Most of them live in gated communities or have  armed guards, so they couldn't care less what happens to you or your families. Their families will be secure--the hell with yours!

Trump now claims he is in favor of background checks for guns. Doesn't he realize that background checks are but the precursor to confiscation? He should have figured that out by now. And he wants Red Flag laws about guns, which means that some bureaucrat in Washington will get to decide who is a potential threat and the feds will just move in and take his guns, even though he has committed no crime. In other words, he's guilty until proven innocent!

Trump has got to realize that if he continues to go along with this insanity then he stands a good chance of alienating his base of voters. This is NOT what they elected him for. They elected him to prevent this sort of thing and now he is going along with it.

Everyone out there needs to contact their senators and tell them to vote against any new gun control measures, and let them  know that if they support any new gun control measures then you will work to expose and defeat them in 2020.

We didn't elect Trump so he could cave in to the gun grabbers. Hillary would have done that. I expected better than that from Trump. Maybe I was naïve. Maybe my confidence was misplaced?

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