Thursday, September 19, 2019

Democrats Really Don't Want Info On Gang Members With Illegal Guns

by Al Benson Jr.

Do you think Democrats are really concerned about gun violence in this country? If you do then you have to be kidding, right? If the truth be known, Democrats couldn't care less about national gun violence but they care everything about confiscating guns from law abiding citizens. Their true concern is that honest folks be disarmed so they are defenseless. As for disarming the gang-bangers, they have no interest whatever in doing that. What does that tell you? It tells me that the Democrats have more in common with the gangbangers than they do with honest people.

But, then, that should come as no surprise.

I just this week read an article on G. Edward Griffin's Need To Know website that dealt with this subject. The article stated: "Democrats advanced a new measure this week to encourage states to pass "red flag" laws authorizing the removal of guns and ammunition from individuals deemed as dangerous by any anonymous, unaccountable person, but it would not include the already existing lists of violent gang members. Republicans tried to add an amendment to include known gang members, but the Democrats will not permit it, despite the fact that gangs are causing most of the gun violence. The amendment failed. (This is further evidence that Congress has no interest in reducing violence in America but, instead, wants law-abiding citizens disarmed.)

I couldn't agree with Mr. Griffin more. Gun confiscation of the weapons of honest citizens is really what it is all about.

The gun-owning American public had better start waking up and realizing that the feds are really after your guns, Trump's support for the Second Amendment notwithstanding.

You watch, if push really comes to shove, Trump will probably cave and give the gun grabbers at least some of what they want--the camel's nose inside the gun owners' tent! I think Trump has, whether he even realizes it or not, some sort of desire to be loved by even his enemies and he seems to think that caving in to them will, somehow, make them "like" him more. If that is how he really feels then he does not begin to understand his cultural Marxist adversaries.

After all, he defeated their candidate in 2016. They will never forget that and they will never forgive Trump for that. Not if he lived to be a  thousand would they forget!

There is no forgiveness among the cultural Marxists, ever, there is only an insatiable desire to get even with their enemies, to stomp, crush, and tear down anyone that dares to see the world in a different light than they do. Their penchant for cultural destruction is never ending. And if they ever, God forbid, get to where they have rubbed out all their enemies then they will turn on each other. The Revolution truly eats its own if given long enough.

So, when it comes to protecting your Second Amendment rights, I would not put much faith in Congress, because most of "those people" seek to remove your God-given rights. Oh, there are a handful of good folks in Washington, but I am afraid just not enough.

Organizations like the Gun Owners of America have done yeoman duty in working to protect our Second Amendment rights, and they can use all the help and support you can give them. But unless more gun owners wake up and realize that, in the long run, Trump is not going to help them, then we are going to have a real confiscation problem.

I don't know how I can say it any plainer than that!

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