A Bottle of Gasoline!
(with a "wick")
Guess What?
are SERVING Trump a "Meuller-Toff-Cocktail."
You mean
you don't believe it! ? ! ? ! Well, it
fits the Russian collusion FACTor.
Or, is it more of a F_ _ _ -Him?
With all
of the Russian "Cow Dung" being throw around in the SWAMP, what else
could you "fairly" call it?
me, folks, the number of individuals having met their demise via trails traced
back to the Clinton "cartel" machine, do you have any reason to think
"The Donald" isn't intended for the same route?
clear to me!
With all
the "crap" that the Clintons have done "to destroy"
civility, and THEY (i.e. their vile democratic machine) have
indicted our duly-elected and legitimate
U.S. President. And, undoubtedly, The Republican
Party, as a whole, is "a party to" the whole issue,
allowing it to go on, as far as it has, already.
Where are the opponents of this charade? Sitting on their hands? Or, are they just as
much in collusion, in the SWAMP?
It seems
the latter is a fact - purposely ignored by the whole damn bunch of
"sit-on-their-hands, weak-kneed" and "ball-less
bastards"…just like the former president.
NO MORE EXCUSES! ALL Republicans are
allowing this "un-called-for" & REAL Collusion to take place!!
Sammy Schwartz, esq.
The above commentary has been posted by one of our political commentators who knows what is going on in the Swamp and calls it the way he sees it. He is obviously fed up with the Establishment's war on Trump as all honorable Americans should be.