by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
An article by Michael Snyder on for July 13, 2017 pretty much summed up where many so-called "conservative" Republicans are really coming from--and it's the same slimy Swamp that most Democrats slither out of. Some of these Swamp denizens are so low they could "crawl under a snake's belly with a top hat on."
Years ago (and I have quoted this numerous times) George Wallace said, regarding the two major political parties, "Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee--there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two." Lots of folks have problems with Wallace, but he was right on the money more often than not. Many in both political parties are little more than paid political prostitutes in the employ of the Deep State that is seeking to destroy whatever Donald Trump accomplishes that will help real Americans. Trump wants "America first." These people, in both parties, want "America last" because they don't give a tinker's damn about ordinary Americans. All we are there for is to pay their fat salaries as they continue to run for office, election after election after election--doing nothing for us and everything for their corporate fascist fat cat buddies, many of who are really on the Left, not the Right.
A prime example of this is the current "Obamacare repeal" effort supposedly going on now in Congress. For years the Republicans (Republic-rats) dutifully informed us that if we'd just give them the White House and Congress, why they'd repeal Obamacare so fast it would make your head spin! Guess what" They lied! Is anyone really surprised? I'm not. I figured that is exactly what we would get from the Deep State RINOs. When Trump took the White House their bluff was called and they've been waffling ever since--trying to find some way, any way, to keep Obamacare without appearing to do so.
So now we have a new "bill" in the Senate that doesn't really repeal Obamacare--it just sort of "fine tunes" it so the same people that have been getting bailed out with Obamacare can continue to get bailed out while the Republican Liar's Club in Congress blithely informs us they have made major changes for our benefit. Folks, it's all nothing more than Bovine Fertilizer.
The socialists in the Republican Party (and never forget that Lincoln was a Republican) love Obamacare, and don't think for a minute they don't, no matter what they tell you. They really want to keep and embrace it in some form and, if anything, make it even more burdensome than it already is--because that benefits their friends in the insurance industry. That's what all this smoke and mirrors is really all about.
Mr. Snyder, in his article, made this statement: "The bill being pushed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wouldn't actually fix much of anything, and it certainly cannot be called a 'repeal' of Obamacare. I have said this before and I will say it again. The Republicans got a bill to repeal Obamacare through the Congress and on to Barack Obama's desk in early 2016. Obama vetoed that bill, but now the Republicans should take that exact same bill and get it to Donald Trump's desk...So why won't the Republicans do it? Instead they are trying to 'fix' Obamacare, and that's about as futile as trying to 'fix' a steaming pile of garbage." The Republicans won't dare do what Mr. Snyder has suggested because they really don't want to repeal Obamacare!
This all shows you one thing. The Republican Establishment loves Obamacare just like the Democrat Establishment (is there really any difference?) and they really want to keep it and, if anything, find more efficient ways to promote its socialism. Maybe if they poke around long enough they can come up with something that Comrade Obama and his Regime missed and find a way to add that in. In the end what these political stooges (and that's all they really are) want is a single payer system where the federal government controls the whole enchilada from start to finish and decides who gets what--death panels and all! And if you think they are doing all this for your benefit, disabuse yourselves of that naive notion once and for all. You are the last one they care about. You are the sheep to be shorn and that's all you are to these parasites in the two-party duopoly.
There is a handful of senators, Rand Paul and some others, who are decidedly not in favor of this scam. Whether their influence will be enough to sink this albatross I don't know. I don't know about the rest of you all, but I am well past the point of being fed up with lying politicians. And unless more people start paying attention to what these liars are doing to us, they will end up sacrificing us all, and our children, bloodlessly--or otherwise, to the false gods of their New World Order. It's long past time to call them to account and time to start exposing what they are doing to shaft all of us and our families.
Well written, Al!
ReplyDeleteConservatives to the Republican Party are like battered women who keep coming back for a beating thinking it was an accident and the brute really loves them. The Gutless Old Party needs to be allowed to become a 2nd or 3rd level party, or more accurately admit it is a wing of the Demoncrats. Conservatives keep grabbing GOP crumbs when we should be growing our own wheat and baking our own bread. See
ReplyDeleteYou have them pegged correctly--a wing of the Democratic Party, but both parties are controlled by the Deep State--the Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission crowd who are all One World Government advocates. Whatever his faults, I think Trump is, at least at this point, trying to do the right thing and part of what makes me think that is the tremendous opposition he is getting from not only the Democrats but from his own party.
I applied the same principle here that I did when I found out about the book protest in West Virginia--if everybody on both sides hates what you are doing then you must be doing something right. That's where Trump is at. The fact that both sides of the aisle hate him means that he is, for all his New York mannerisms, which I don't particularly care for, not one of the boys, not part of the Ruling Establishment in spite of his wealth. As long as he stays in that position I can support his efforts, and he has done some good things, not that the media will ever mention it. If he abdicates that spot and goes over to the enemy then I will jump on him just as quick as I would on Hillary.
There is an article on for this morning 7/17/17 showing where Rand Paul was being interviewed on Face the Nation and he said some of the same things about the so-called Republican "repeal of Obamacare--which is not really a repeal as much as it is a reaffirmation of Obamacare. He noted that the Republicans promised us for four elections that they would repeal Obamacare and now that they have the chance, they are not doing it. His commentary shows what I said in this article--the Republicans lied to us!