Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Reparations Game Resurfaces

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Most of us have read about the reparations scam over the years. It seems as though it resurfaces every three or four years and some socialist or group of socialists pushes it for awhile, but can't quite get enough traction for it and so it goes the way of the Dodo Bird for awhile and resides in political limbo until the next bunch of socialists comes along and tries again.

Let's be honest here, folks. This is one issue that will never completely go away, as the possibilities for redistributing the wealth with something like this are so strong that the socialists and other Marxists among us just can't bear to turn loose of it.

I noticed an article on LewRockwell.com for February 26th by Pat Buchanan about this. Pat observed: "Having embraced 'Medicare-for-all' free college tuition and a Green New Deal  that would mandate an early end of all oil, gas and coal-fired power plants, the Democratic Party's lurch to the left rolls on. Presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren both called last week for race-based reparations for slavery.

Should you wonder what "race-based" reparations for slavery means, it means that only white folks will get taken to the cleaners for this scam and no one else has to worry. This makes it a patently dishonest scheme right from the git-go as anyone with a brain should be able to figure out.

The slavery situation in this country has always been a complex issue. It was never a situation where all white folks held all black folks in perpetual bondage, regardless of what your "history" professors (what a laugh) have told you.

You had a situation in this country with slavery, which existed in all the original 13 colonies, both north and south and in states in both areas after the War for Independence was over. Slavery in the North didn't disappear until the early decades of the 19th century--1810-1840 and even later in some Northern states.

Then you had a problem with who owned the slaves, and all the slaveowners were not white folks.  Some were, but there were also blacks that owned slaves, and American Indians that owned slaves.

So the question arises, at least to me, and I hope to a  bunch of other folks too, as to just how these "race-based" reparations are supposed to be paid. Are descendants of  black slave owners going to be forced to pay reparations to the descendants of black slaves they owned? Will descendants of American Indian slave owners be forced to do the same? Or, as I suggested earlier, will this con game be only for fleecing white folks?

And what about all the  white folks that never owned any slaves? Do their descendants get to pay too? I'd be willing to bet they do.

I mentioned that Kamala Harris was one of those pushing this foolishness. I ran across a short article on https://ussanews.com that stated: "Presidential Candidate, Senator Kamala Harris claimed she supports Reparations for African-Americans but forgot to mention that her ancestors owned slaves...The thing is, Kamala's ancestors used to own slaves--according to her own father...According to Kamala Harris' father, the Democratic presidential hopeful's great-grandmom was a Jamaican slave plantation owner who founded the city of Brown's Town."

That raises some interesting questions. Would Harris, who is a least partly black, be entitled to reparations, or would she have to pay reparations, seeing that her ancestors owned a slave plantation? Of course that was in Jamaica, so it might not apply here, but there might be people here that would find themselves in that boat. So who would end up paying who?

I'd like to see someone address the issue of whether black descendants of black slave owners would have to pay reparations. And how do we go about determining which blacks were here since slave days as opposed to some that have come here from other places since slavery ended. What about all the blacks up in Minnesota from Somalia that have come here in the last three decades from Africa? Are you going to tell me they are entitled to reparations too, even though their ancestors were never slaves here? I surely hope not because if you do, you will not be enamored of my response.

I can't get over the sneaky feeling that this scam is directed at white folks to con them into feeling guilty enough over slavery that they'd be willing to fork over something to expiate their supposed guilt. Let me be blunt here. Since no one alive today has ever lived under slavery in this country and since there have not been any slave owners in this country since the passage of the second 13th Amendment, then no one owes anyone else a thin dime for "slavery reparations." It's that simple, and I honestly believe that all these Demoncrat political fakers who push this drivel fully realize that fact. I think they are trying to build themselves giant voting blocs for the upcoming 2020 elections.

They want to appear sympathetic to the great toiling masses in this country that are not white so they can howl about how they are trying to help out minority voters. It's all a croc, or as they say in West Texas, a pile of cow chips! They don't care about minorities anymore than they care about us deplorable white folks. What they care about are money and power and they are willing to prostitute themselves to those ends.

To say they are pathetic would be to pay them a complement.

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