Sunday, February 18, 2018

Florida--Another False Flag? Probably!

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

During the reign of Comrade Obama there were several school shootings and others that were labeled by those who follow this kind of thing as "false flags." False Flag events are designed to elicit a certain response from the general public and are usually conducted with some help from some government agency or part of one.

For instance, one of the big agendas during the Obama Regime was the dismantling of the Second Amendment and our God-given right to defend ourselves and our families. This is definitely a no-no, because if some rogue group in the government, or the government itself, plans FEMA extended vacations for those who oppose it they can't have lots of folks out there with firearms, nor can they have a public atmosphere that is favorable to private ownership of firearms.

Therefore, those in government who want our guns have to create an environment amongst the public that will allow them to seize our weapons with little opposition, physical or otherwise from the general public. One way to create such an environment is to have a series of school shootings where children are either harmed or appear to be harmed and such an event is then heralded by the prostitute press and many in Congress as a reason to "regulate" (eventually confiscate) firearms. They will never admit this--that would give away their agenda.

Obama and his Marxist cronies in government (many of whom still remain in the new Trump administration) were especially good at acting out this scenario. If I recall, I can remember one congressman getting on television and weeping huge crocodile tears for "the children" as he worked tirelessly to eradicate our Second Amendment protection. This scenario has been repeated so often that after awhile you get so you recognize all the various parts of it as the Establishment weaves it all together into a package that it can sell the public to promote its gun control agenda.

There is usually (supposedly) only one shooter, and he ends up dead in most cases so we never get to hear anything he might have said about what really went down. In this most recent case in Florida they caught the patsy (supposed perpetrator) alive. I have heard, from some sources, that the Sheriff in Broward County is an honest man so that may be why the alleged shooter was taken alive. I also heard that the Sheriff, not the FBI, is handling this case, as of now. That may well have saved the alleged shooter's life. After noting such incidents as the Ruby Ridge killing of Randy Weaver's wife and the murder of Lavoy Finicum in Oregon a year ago, you can't blame most folks for figuring that the FBI's intended victims don't often get out alive, to testify or to do much else.

The school shootings during the Obama reign just about all followed the same pattern--a bunch of kids killed in gun free zones and the Obama and other Soros flunkies paraded before the public to plead for them to contact their congress critters and beg  them to enact "sensible" (eventual confiscation) gun control laws to prevent this from ever happening again. You've heard it all before. I call it "the shootings will continue until the public has the right attitude" scenario. Obama, the Marxist president who claimed he was not after our guns was one of the biggest anti-Second Amendment people around. He might only have been exceeded by "Madame President" had she managed to steal the election.

Thankfully, organizations like the Gun Owners of America (not the NRA) managed to put enough pressure on Congress that, while Obama was in office, they didn't dare vote to confiscate our guns. But, just think of the coup the political left could claim now if they managed to get a gun control (confiscation) bill enacted while Trump is in office.  Trump has been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Just think of the hay they could make if they managed to get a gun control bill enacted while Trump is in office and he ended up vetoing it. They could scream to the universe that Trump is a callous monster and that he doesn't care about "the children." You all know where that line of bull would go.

Mitt Romney, who is no doubt positioning himself with the Establishment for a presidential run in 2020, has started whimpering that "we have to do something." You're right, Mitt, we do. So how about we start by doing away with gun free zones and by allowing qualified teachers to start carrying during school hours? That would be a big step in the right direction, don't you think?

But that wouldn't fit the agenda of the gun grabbers because, at root, they don't give a tinker's damn about school safety. What they want is gun confiscation, maybe not all at once, but gradually. They will take the Fabian approach if it gives them what they want eventually. Just remember one thing "Gun Control is People Control" and once you surrender your Second Amendment rights you ain't about to get them back before the Second Coming. A  good reason to write your congress critters and tell them to vote NO for any new gun control bill, no matter how innocent it may sound.

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