by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
Many who will read this are already aware of how our current crop of "historians"--so called, view the War of Northern Aggression. However, some who read it may not be all that aware, and so this is written for those unaware ones who still labor under the naive delusion that the War was fought over slavery and that communism did not rear its ugly head in America until at least the 1930s. Well, it did rear its ugly head in the 30s, but it was the 1830s, not the 1930s. By the 1930s communism was already well established here. It's just that no one bothered to inform the American public.
I spend considerable time on the internet scrounging around for information in those areas that concern me and one of those areas is the record of communist and socialist infiltration in this country, both in the 19th and 20 centuries.
I recently ran across an article by Andrew Zimmerman, a professor of history at George Washington University. The article was written back in July of 2013 and, at that time, Professor Zimmerman was working on an international history of the American War of Northern Aggression. Of course he didn't call it that.
For the remainder of this article please go to my other blogspot
The above link probably will not work for you so you will have to type it in to get it. I am having problems with my email server and so cannot connect with everyone on my email lists. Of late I have been going to the local library and using their computers but we had a little over an inch of snow here in North Louisiana yesterday morning and that was enough to shut everything down--schools, banks, the library, the whole nine yards--and the library is still not open today so I can't get in to send this to my list from my Revised History blog. There are a handful of folks following this blog that also follow my Revised History blog and I am asking them to please forward this or the link to my Revised History blog along to folks on their email lists so I can get it out there because, at this point, I do not know when my email server problems will be straightened out--or for that matter, when the local library will reopen. I hope it will be sometime in this decade but I have no guarantees. So if folks on this list who can will pass the link to my Revised History blog along to others I will be very grateful. Many thanks in advance.
Al Benson Jr.
My thanks and appreciation to all who have passed this along to their readers.