Monday, September 18, 2017

Real Life Slavery Today Not Nearly As Important As Taking Down Confederate Monuments

by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Many of us have observed, with growing indignation, as the seemingly insane (but actually well-planned and coordinated) campaign to tear down Confederate monuments here in the South proceeds. In fact, it is proceeding so smoothly that you have to recognize none of this is "spontaneous" and it is working like a well-oiled machine--paid for by whose money? Anyone need three guesses? Didn't think so. This has now expanded to where the Hard Left wants to remove all manner of monuments to people, either because they were slave owners or because they were white, or because they treated  "indigenous" peoples badly, or for whatever cockamamie reason they can come up with. I wonder, through this planned insanity, how many statues of Ulysses S. Grant will come down, or maybe there's a monument somewhere to some black person that was a slave owner, and there were blacks that were slave owners you know.

These Hard-core Leftists profess a growing concern for a slavery that ended in this country 150 years ago.  And they want to display their growing concern over this slavery that ended a century and a half ago here by trashing our society, our history, and our culture. Actually what they are really doing is using this now extinct slavery issue as an excuse to practice their favorite form of cultural genocide against white Southerners, because the managed "news" media has let it be known that it's open season on white Southern folks, and you can do whatever you want to them and get by with it. Do this stuff to anyone else and you might wind up with jail time for a "hate" crime, but, hey, these are only white crackers, so you can do what you want to them--and then, if they fight back to defend themselves, they are committing a hate crime.

Those that know me know that I do more than a bit of scrounging around on the internet in search of historical material that the Establishment would just as soon not see spread too far and wide. They feel the less known the better--nothing to see here folks, just move along--while we enact our plans to cut your cultural throats!

Just a few days ago I found an interesting article from the LA Times, by a Robyn Dixon, originally printed back in October of 2013. The title of her article was Slavery Still Haunts Africa, where millions remain captive."  I'm surprised this got printed. Dixon noted that "African countries dominate a new global index on slavery, with 38 of the 50 nations where the scourge is at its worst found on the continent.  The Global Slavery Index, released Thursday, estimated that nearly 30 million people remain enslaved globally, millions of whom are in Africa. Mauritania has the poorest record, with some 150,000 in a population of 3.8 million held captive...Other African countries with particularly high prevalence of slavery are located in West Africa: Benin, Ivory Coast, Gambia and Senegal."

Dixon noted the several different categories that constitute some form of slavery, all the way from debt bondage to forced labor, to the sale or exploitation of children for "profit, sex, or the thrill of domination." An anti-slavery organization called the Walk Free Foundation provided some of this information. Dixon noted that "In Mauritania, as many as 20% of the population is enslaved...Slavery in Mauritania goes back generations and is deeply entrenched..." even though the country has banned it. Obviously there was lots more to Dixon's article, but you get the idea.

So my question is: if the Leftist crowd in this country is so very concerned about the slavery issue, why don't some of their groups get together and see what they can do to alleviate the current situation in Africa, where slavery is a real-life, everyday situation even today? Seems to me that if they were truly concerned they would act to deal with something still going on today and do what they could to alleviate the slavery situation that exists in their own lifetime. Surely they could find some way to help out couldn't they???

Well, if they bothered to check it out they probably could, but you see, the truth is, that in spite of all their pious rhetoric, the Leftists don't really give a tinker's damn about slavery in the world today. That issue is not part of their agenda. Trashing Southern culture and moaning about a slavery in this country that has been non-existent for the last 150 years, and which they can do nothing about, is their real agenda. 

How can I state this nicely?  These Leftist types are not even hypocrites--they are out and out frauds! Cultural Marxist frauds!  They are as phony as the Obama three dollar bill! And anyone that listens to them and is foolish enough to take them seriously is, at best, a "useful idiot" for the Marxists and for those that finance their cultural Marxism.  These "useful idiots" need to wake up and smell the coffee. But then, if they did that, they wouldn't be "useful idiots" anymore, would they?

And--If you have not read in your "history" books about the Marxists and socialists who fought on the side of the Union during the War for Southern Independence you can get some basic information about them that Establishment "historians" would rather that you did not have.

There is a new CD available called Lincoln's Marxists, a 37 minute lecture by Al Benson Jr. that tells you about these Marxists and socialists and their objectives for our country, and why they supported Lincoln and the Northern cause.

If you would like more information about this please contact Al Benson Jr. at   If you would like to purchase this CD, the cost is $8.00, which includes the cost of shipping. Please send your check or money order to: 
Lincoln CD c/o The Copperhead Chronicle   P O Box 55   Sterlington, Louisiana 71280

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