by Al Benson Jr.
It seems that no matter what the average American wants, the hard Left is preparing for civil disruption and civil war. Sound far out to you? It really isn't. Just take a quick look back at Charlottesville and Ferguson. There were sneak previews of what is to come on a bigger scale.
The hard Left is funded by Obama's Organizing for Action group and by some Soros-funded NGO groups, and they are preparing for civil war. They are being trained by professional agitators on how to confront Trump supporters, how to confront conservative Christians, how to confront political conservatives and the police. One question we need to start asking ourselves is--who is in back of the screen funding all these groups that are planning to fund the revolution?
Some of these groups are Antifa, Black lives Matter, Obama's OFA group, and something new called the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement. What an appropriate name for this new group. The 19th century abolitionists would be proud!
According to "An armed Antifa group is fundraising to support the building of a new cell in Philadelphia. And the alt-left media is helping by publishing its press release calling for 'abolitionism and revolutionary anarchism' to 'decisively eradicate the abhorrence of 21st century slavery." The group considers our current prison system as 21st century slavery. And who knows where those funds came from--to create an "underground railroad" to enable people to "escape the state." And their rationale is interesting. They feel that "the Civil War was never resolved and the system of slavery transitioned into the prison industrial complex."
Some of these groups are going back and studying the tactics used by their spiritual predecessors, the Leftist radicals of the 1960s and 70s--classic guerilla military tactics. Leftist groups all the way from black activist groups to transgender groups are involved according to a report by political analyst Doug Hagmann, who authors the The Hagmann Report. He says some of these groups have been infiltrated and this is how he has been made aware of this.
This is a highly organized operation--it is not your typical Leftist "peacenicks" with Molotov cocktails and "peace" signs. These groups are building a coalition to take down Trump, and in the process, take down the Republic and replace it with--guess what? You get three guesses and the first two don't count! Subtle they aren't. They plan to kill those who will not agree to agree with them.
They are busy compiling a list of city and town mayors, city government people, etc. that agree with their agenda around the country. There are Leftist professionals who are teaching them how to use weapons against us, using Saul Alinksy's tactics among other things.
Suffice it to say, and by now some of you have already figured this out, this is a Deep State operation at the highest levels. It is the standard "pressure from above and pressure from below" operation that I have written about in the past, and, as typical cultural Marxists, they plan to fully implement all those things they vehemently claim to be against. Do I advocate that people be afraid of this? NO! I do advocate that people be aware, though. Learn that everyone that comes to you in sheep's clothing ain't a sheep and you need to be able to tell the sheep from the wolves--and learn to expose the wolves for what they are.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Here Are The Facts
by Sammy Schwartz
DO NOT clump me with those stupid, offensive idiots who did NOT have the slightest CLUE what they were supposed to protest (either for or against) when they chose to venture to the town of Charlottesville, Virginia.
NOW, let us "Set the record STRAIGHT." And this is for ALL media and commentators, as well as Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayor, etc., etc., etc.
1. It has to do with our Southern Cultural Heritage...
a) not the issue of slavery,
b) not white vs. black Americans
c) not the Confederate Flag, which
1. displays the St. Andrews Cross
2. has the sacred meaning that a man, many years ago was crucified sideways
by his own choice,
d) is an issue of "tearing down" our heritage (statutes, NOT statues). The statues of
NOT of people who hated; they were those who knew The Truth of the reason for the War.
It was NOT about keeping slaves in bondage; it was trying to keep what land they rightfully owned.
(Remember, the South was invaded).
e) Many blacks (knowing the real reason for the War) also, smartly fought for the South.
2. The UN-civil War was what "the Yankees"--promoters of "Federal Supremacy" fought for, and
it was here that the 1860s Media turned their attention. The War was truly about "money" the love of
which is the root of all evil. The South had become more wealthy than the North could tolerate, even
with the excessive tariffs, so they used any excuse to MAKE war. Actually, the NORTH was the
aggressor, regardless of what "The Media of 1860" said.
3. THEY LIED! Back then, there was NO alternative media, no live "talk radio." (To verify what I have been telling you) please read Lincoln's Marxists by Al Benson Jr. and Donnie Kennedy.
4. Heritage and culture are concerns noted in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. The Manifesto lists and recommends how to destroy any country they are mentally attacking. And, there are those in our own midst who intend to destroy what our founding fathers: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, along with many other patriots who wrote and endorsed our Great Constitution gave us.
5. Now, Saul Alinsky (Marxist and destroyer of freedom) has disciples who are trying to undermine that great document (Constitution) by staging all kinds of protests, often funding both sides of the issue. Specifically, they are intending to DESTROY our culture, with the SOLE intention: to undermine our wonderful heritage, and, in effect, Our Constitution.
6. For your information, both sides in the Charlottesville protest were funded by George Soros money, delivered by Robert Creamer, who is the husband of Leftist Congresswoman Jan Schaowsky.
7. These people are the REAL HATERS, and there is a clear and deliberate intent on their part to destroy our culture and our form of government--and our form of government IS a Republic, as stated in the Pledge of Allegiance. And we true Patriots want a "nation under God--with liberty and justice for all.
8. The Liberals (and the Marxists) redundancy here, sorry, are against us on every issue. And they can't handle what Trump stands for and stands up for: GOOD PEOPLE!
DO NOT clump me with those stupid, offensive idiots who did NOT have the slightest CLUE what they were supposed to protest (either for or against) when they chose to venture to the town of Charlottesville, Virginia.
NOW, let us "Set the record STRAIGHT." And this is for ALL media and commentators, as well as Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayor, etc., etc., etc.
1. It has to do with our Southern Cultural Heritage...
a) not the issue of slavery,
b) not white vs. black Americans
c) not the Confederate Flag, which
1. displays the St. Andrews Cross
2. has the sacred meaning that a man, many years ago was crucified sideways
by his own choice,
d) is an issue of "tearing down" our heritage (statutes, NOT statues). The statues of
NOT of people who hated; they were those who knew The Truth of the reason for the War.
It was NOT about keeping slaves in bondage; it was trying to keep what land they rightfully owned.
(Remember, the South was invaded).
e) Many blacks (knowing the real reason for the War) also, smartly fought for the South.
2. The UN-civil War was what "the Yankees"--promoters of "Federal Supremacy" fought for, and
it was here that the 1860s Media turned their attention. The War was truly about "money" the love of
which is the root of all evil. The South had become more wealthy than the North could tolerate, even
with the excessive tariffs, so they used any excuse to MAKE war. Actually, the NORTH was the
aggressor, regardless of what "The Media of 1860" said.
3. THEY LIED! Back then, there was NO alternative media, no live "talk radio." (To verify what I have been telling you) please read Lincoln's Marxists by Al Benson Jr. and Donnie Kennedy.
4. Heritage and culture are concerns noted in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. The Manifesto lists and recommends how to destroy any country they are mentally attacking. And, there are those in our own midst who intend to destroy what our founding fathers: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, along with many other patriots who wrote and endorsed our Great Constitution gave us.
5. Now, Saul Alinsky (Marxist and destroyer of freedom) has disciples who are trying to undermine that great document (Constitution) by staging all kinds of protests, often funding both sides of the issue. Specifically, they are intending to DESTROY our culture, with the SOLE intention: to undermine our wonderful heritage, and, in effect, Our Constitution.
6. For your information, both sides in the Charlottesville protest were funded by George Soros money, delivered by Robert Creamer, who is the husband of Leftist Congresswoman Jan Schaowsky.
7. These people are the REAL HATERS, and there is a clear and deliberate intent on their part to destroy our culture and our form of government--and our form of government IS a Republic, as stated in the Pledge of Allegiance. And we true Patriots want a "nation under God--with liberty and justice for all.
8. The Liberals (and the Marxists) redundancy here, sorry, are against us on every issue. And they can't handle what Trump stands for and stands up for: GOOD PEOPLE!
Friday, August 04, 2017
A Bottle of Gasoline!
A Bottle of Gasoline!
(with a "wick")
Guess What?
are SERVING Trump a "Meuller-Toff-Cocktail."
You mean
you don't believe it! ? ! ? ! Well, it
fits the Russian collusion FACTor.
Or, is it more of a F_ _ _ -Him?
With all
of the Russian "Cow Dung" being throw around in the SWAMP, what else
could you "fairly" call it?
me, folks, the number of individuals having met their demise via trails traced
back to the Clinton "cartel" machine, do you have any reason to think
"The Donald" isn't intended for the same route?
clear to me!
With all
the "crap" that the Clintons have done "to destroy"
civility, and THEY (i.e. their vile democratic machine) have
indicted our duly-elected and legitimate
U.S. President. And, undoubtedly, The Republican
Party, as a whole, is "a party to" the whole issue,
allowing it to go on, as far as it has, already.
Where are the opponents of this charade? Sitting on their hands? Or, are they just as
much in collusion, in the SWAMP?
It seems
the latter is a fact - purposely ignored by the whole damn bunch of
"sit-on-their-hands, weak-kneed" and "ball-less
bastards"…just like the former president.
NO MORE EXCUSES! ALL Republicans are
allowing this "un-called-for" & REAL Collusion to take place!!
Sammy Schwartz, esq.