Saturday, January 28, 2017

If You Are Still Here Maybe We Should Boycott You

Our two political commentators have been watching all these media people that have howled about leaving the country if Trump was elected president. They have a couple questions for the folks doing the howling which I think are fair questions. Just don't hold your breath waiting for answers.
Al Benson Jr.

If you are still here then maybe we should boycott you

by Schwartz & Viscount

One thing we have noticed since just before the recent presidential election is the amazing number of Hollywood  "personalities" that claimed that if Donald Trump was elected president they were moving to another country. It sounded so dramatic when you all said it that we have wondered, since the election is now over and Mr. Trump won, just how many of you have left? We have seen nothing in the "news" media anywhere about any of you having departed the scene, and our intrepid "news" media would definitely have taken note of any of you that left for parts unknown, just to give you credit for fulfilling your threat.

That being the case, the question arises--Why are you all still here? Why have you not booked passage for one of the socialist utopias you all profess to love so much and that you claim are so much better than this country with Trump as president?

We are left with the conclusion that you never really intended to leave to start with--that your braggadocio was just your painless way of expressing your contempt for Mr. Trump because, in your narrow perception, you viewed him as some sort of a "right-winger" and you wanted to issue a political statement that sounded good but really didn't cost you anything. In other words, to put it politely you are a bunch of frauds! But, then, from the political and cultural Left,  we would expect nothing else. Bombast and fraud! 

You have the good life here and don't really plan on giving it up and moving to someplace less comfortable no matter the pompous statements you issue to the contrary. No wonder some of you do so well in the movies. You are all just actors playing parts--on the screen or off.

So it seems that the vast majority of you, instead of buying plane tickets to Hanoi or Peking, have decided to stay here and content yourselves with issuing incendiary statements.

We have heard about comments from Gloria Steinham, the supposed Women's Rights advocate and Abortion Promoter, along with Exhibitionist   "Madonna" and so-called performer of  "Burlesque-like" performances, both of which have degraded decency in this country, all in the name of women's choice. Madonna uttered, among other remarks, some about "blowing up the White House. The comments of these people are among the more bizarre and ridiculous uncivil statements of many entertainers.

Well, here are our thoughts about such low class and Un-Christian  behavior. We think it's a good idea to Boycott them and all those with similar attitudes. Let's see what would happen if conservatives and Christians (and their friends) completely boycott all of their movies, videos, recordings and performances to the fullest extent. Actually these people and their lowbrow, nearly pornographic behaviors play right into the hands of those Muslims who are offended by their displays of indecency and may even contribute to the inexcusable and outright flagrant public group raping of women "in the name of Allah, and ridiculous Jihad and Sharia-like rights." 

And this is not just hearsay. It has been happening all over the world, due to basic indecency and immodesty, which is part of the reason Muslims claim to have no respect for Americans, especially women.

Furthermore, the utter stupidity of most American TV "sitcoms" make people all around the world think that ALL Americans are "stupid fools" just like those they see on American networkds. There is some programming out there that required intelligence, but such programs are few and far between.

There are rumors that a Trump administration might be considering slashing federal funding to entities like National Public Radio and others that take federal funds. That might not be a bad idea, because it is a known fact that "he who pays the piper calls the tune." That might be a big step in getting the federal government out of the propaganda business.

There is also information out there on several websites about the Chinese Communists buying up movie studios in Hollywood. One of the best articles was on   for November 3, 2016. There is another good one  on for the same date. And if you are interested in Leftist influence on television we would recommend a book that came out several years ago called The Left Leaning Antenna. You might check and see if you can still find it on Amazon.


  1. LOL!

    If ONLY Trump would defund NPR,

  2. Years ago I watched public television, when we lived in Illinois, and I can recall observing, at different times, their obvious sodomite promotion. I assume they are part of NPR.
