Our two political commentators have been watching all these media people that have howled about leaving the country if Trump was elected president. They have a couple questions for the folks doing the howling which I think are fair questions. Just don't hold your breath waiting for answers.
Al Benson Jr.
If you are still here then maybe we should boycott you
by Schwartz & Viscount
One thing we have noticed since just before the recent presidential election is the amazing number of Hollywood "personalities" that claimed that if Donald Trump was elected president they were moving to another country. It sounded so dramatic when you all said it that we have wondered, since the election is now over and Mr. Trump won, just how many of you have left? We have seen nothing in the "news" media anywhere about any of you having departed the scene, and our intrepid "news" media would definitely have taken note of any of you that left for parts unknown, just to give you credit for fulfilling your threat.
That being the case, the question arises--Why are you all still here? Why have you not booked passage for one of the socialist utopias you all profess to love so much and that you claim are so much better than this country with Trump as president?
We are left with the conclusion that you never really intended to leave to start with--that your braggadocio was just your painless way of expressing your contempt for Mr. Trump because, in your narrow perception, you viewed him as some sort of a "right-winger" and you wanted to issue a political statement that sounded good but really didn't cost you anything. In other words, to put it politely you are a bunch of frauds! But, then, from the political and cultural Left, we would expect nothing else. Bombast and fraud!
You have the good life here and don't really plan on giving it up and moving to someplace less comfortable no matter the pompous statements you issue to the contrary. No wonder some of you do so well in the movies. You are all just actors playing parts--on the screen or off.
So it seems that the vast majority of you, instead of buying plane tickets to Hanoi or Peking, have decided to stay here and content yourselves with issuing incendiary statements.
We have heard about comments from Gloria Steinham, the supposed Women's Rights advocate and Abortion Promoter, along with Exhibitionist "Madonna" and so-called performer of "Burlesque-like" performances, both of which have degraded decency in this country, all in the name of women's choice. Madonna uttered, among other remarks, some about "blowing up the White House. The comments of these people are among the more bizarre and ridiculous uncivil statements of many entertainers.
Well, here are our thoughts about such low class and Un-Christian behavior. We think it's a good idea to Boycott them and all those with similar attitudes. Let's see what would happen if conservatives and Christians (and their friends) completely boycott all of their movies, videos, recordings and performances to the fullest extent. Actually these people and their lowbrow, nearly pornographic behaviors play right into the hands of those Muslims who are offended by their displays of indecency and may even contribute to the inexcusable and outright flagrant public group raping of women "in the name of Allah, and ridiculous Jihad and Sharia-like rights."
And this is not just hearsay. It has been happening all over the world, due to basic indecency and immodesty, which is part of the reason Muslims claim to have no respect for Americans, especially women.
Furthermore, the utter stupidity of most American TV "sitcoms" make people all around the world think that ALL Americans are "stupid fools" just like those they see on American networkds. There is some programming out there that required intelligence, but such programs are few and far between.
There are rumors that a Trump administration might be considering slashing federal funding to entities like National Public Radio and others that take federal funds. That might not be a bad idea, because it is a known fact that "he who pays the piper calls the tune." That might be a big step in getting the federal government out of the propaganda business.
There is also information out there on several websites about the Chinese Communists buying up movie studios in Hollywood. One of the best articles was on http://www.thenewamerican.com for November 3, 2016. There is another good one on http://www.judicialwatch.org for the same date. And if you are interested in Leftist influence on television we would recommend a book that came out several years ago called The Left Leaning Antenna. You might check and see if you can still find it on Amazon.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Our Un-elected Rulers Don't Plan on Letting Trump Be President
by Al Benson Jr.
You can check out the Internet today, January 19, 2017, and pretty well figure that our un-elected rulers, the people who really run things in this country are not about to let Donald Trump become president. Whatever can be done to stop the inauguration and his swearing in will be done and then some flunky from the Obama Regime will be chosen to "fill in" until the Deep State can select a ruler for us that meets their desires (not ours) for us. Their flunkies have been sitting in the White House for decades now and they are not about to surrender that lucrative post to someone who is not one of the boys!
I saw an interesting article on http://www.dailymail.co.uk for today. The article started off with this: The man arrested by Miami Beach police Tuesday for allegedly threatening President-elect Donald Trump online is a member of a prominent northeast family close to Bill and Hillary Clinton. He once gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee DailyMail.com has learned...
This man, Dominic Puopolo is being held without bail and is supposedly a computer wizard. According to the Daily Mail article: Puopolo reportedly admitted to posting a video to Twitter, saying: This is the 16th of January 2017, I will be at the review/inauguration and I will kill President Trump, President-elect Trump today... This sterling individual, on various media platforms has posted as JesusChrist1701. That may be a good example of someone taking the Lord's name in vain. Jesus Christ is hardly a potential assassin as this man seems to be claiming he was. Shows you the sort of friends that Bill and Hillary have doesn't it?
Then we have had all manner of veiled warnings/threats from various individuals from professional politician Chuck Schumer on down to some people on CNN (Communist News Network) making statements that, should something happen to Trump during the inauguration ceremony that someone from the Obama Regime will have to be appointed to fill in until they can decide what they will do. So, if something happens then you will, in effect, have dictatorship by fiat, or maybe we should just call it a coup d' etat and be done with it.
Then you have a whole batch of Democratic "congresspersons" to use the term charitably that plan not to show up for the inauguration because they claim Trump is not a "legitimate" president. I guess for them the only "legitimate " president would have been some socialist. This guy, John Lewis, from Georgia is one of them and he is beyond laughable--maybe pitiable would be a better word. But then you have to wonder, with all the Democrats planning on not showing up--do they know something other folks don't? Do some of them think the inauguration will be a good place not to be for "other reasons?"
Then you have the head of the CIA, a Muslim named John Brennan, who has also warned Trump about what he can and cannot say. There are lots of folks around that feel that the CIA had more than a little to do with JFK's death in Dallas in 1963. How big a leap is it from that to something that might happen during Trump's inauguration? Hint: it doesn't take a "leap of faith" to get there.
Ever since the election that have been all manner of obstacles put in Trump's way as he moves toward the White House; vote recounts, threats, fake computer hacks (all by Russia, naturally) and other things. The Ruling Establishment is telling Trump, in ways the public is not supposed to surmise, that they don't want him there and, what's more, they plan to make sure he doesn't get there. If he continues to ignore their "charitable advice" then that leaves them two options--work to co-opt his administration and make it ineffective, but that might take awhile and as time passes, the public is beginning to wake up to what goes on. Their journalistic organ, the mainstream media, has already lost almost total credibility. I mean, who really believe the "news" media anymore? Some of what they have put out there for public consumption of late has been ludicrous. The evening "newspaper" might be good for the sports scores and to put in your kitty litter box as liner but its usefulness beyond that is severally limited.
Their other option is one they'd rather not discuss publicly but is one they have used before. I will give you three guesses as to what that is and the first two don't count.
For a little update on this article please check out the article on http://revisedhistory.wordpress.com for January 23, 2017.
You can check out the Internet today, January 19, 2017, and pretty well figure that our un-elected rulers, the people who really run things in this country are not about to let Donald Trump become president. Whatever can be done to stop the inauguration and his swearing in will be done and then some flunky from the Obama Regime will be chosen to "fill in" until the Deep State can select a ruler for us that meets their desires (not ours) for us. Their flunkies have been sitting in the White House for decades now and they are not about to surrender that lucrative post to someone who is not one of the boys!
I saw an interesting article on http://www.dailymail.co.uk for today. The article started off with this: The man arrested by Miami Beach police Tuesday for allegedly threatening President-elect Donald Trump online is a member of a prominent northeast family close to Bill and Hillary Clinton. He once gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee DailyMail.com has learned...
This man, Dominic Puopolo is being held without bail and is supposedly a computer wizard. According to the Daily Mail article: Puopolo reportedly admitted to posting a video to Twitter, saying: This is the 16th of January 2017, I will be at the review/inauguration and I will kill President Trump, President-elect Trump today... This sterling individual, on various media platforms has posted as JesusChrist1701. That may be a good example of someone taking the Lord's name in vain. Jesus Christ is hardly a potential assassin as this man seems to be claiming he was. Shows you the sort of friends that Bill and Hillary have doesn't it?
Then we have had all manner of veiled warnings/threats from various individuals from professional politician Chuck Schumer on down to some people on CNN (Communist News Network) making statements that, should something happen to Trump during the inauguration ceremony that someone from the Obama Regime will have to be appointed to fill in until they can decide what they will do. So, if something happens then you will, in effect, have dictatorship by fiat, or maybe we should just call it a coup d' etat and be done with it.
Then you have a whole batch of Democratic "congresspersons" to use the term charitably that plan not to show up for the inauguration because they claim Trump is not a "legitimate" president. I guess for them the only "legitimate " president would have been some socialist. This guy, John Lewis, from Georgia is one of them and he is beyond laughable--maybe pitiable would be a better word. But then you have to wonder, with all the Democrats planning on not showing up--do they know something other folks don't? Do some of them think the inauguration will be a good place not to be for "other reasons?"
Then you have the head of the CIA, a Muslim named John Brennan, who has also warned Trump about what he can and cannot say. There are lots of folks around that feel that the CIA had more than a little to do with JFK's death in Dallas in 1963. How big a leap is it from that to something that might happen during Trump's inauguration? Hint: it doesn't take a "leap of faith" to get there.
Ever since the election that have been all manner of obstacles put in Trump's way as he moves toward the White House; vote recounts, threats, fake computer hacks (all by Russia, naturally) and other things. The Ruling Establishment is telling Trump, in ways the public is not supposed to surmise, that they don't want him there and, what's more, they plan to make sure he doesn't get there. If he continues to ignore their "charitable advice" then that leaves them two options--work to co-opt his administration and make it ineffective, but that might take awhile and as time passes, the public is beginning to wake up to what goes on. Their journalistic organ, the mainstream media, has already lost almost total credibility. I mean, who really believe the "news" media anymore? Some of what they have put out there for public consumption of late has been ludicrous. The evening "newspaper" might be good for the sports scores and to put in your kitty litter box as liner but its usefulness beyond that is severally limited.
Their other option is one they'd rather not discuss publicly but is one they have used before. I will give you three guesses as to what that is and the first two don't count.
For a little update on this article please check out the article on http://revisedhistory.wordpress.com for January 23, 2017.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
The Deadly (for the country) Art of Compromise
Our two observers of the political scene give us a little more of what they have seen in action for decades--especially in the vaunted "Halls of Congress." Read their biting commentary and see if you have noted the same things they have.
Al Benson Jr.
The Deadly (for the country) Art of Compromise
By Schwartz and Viscount
How often have we heard the familiar dictum in regard to Congress about "reaching across the isle?" Or the one about "working together in the spirit of compromise?" This all sounds so good to people who fail to understand what it really means. Well, we are here to tell you what it means in this country, and in "our" Congress; and it behooves us to say that it doesn't work they way you think it does, or that you have been told it does.
According to our Mainstream Media, (those professional prevaricators who still insist that we call them journalists), it is those conservative and patriotic legislators on the right that need to do the reaching across the isle. Should they fail to do that, then the media will label them as racists, homophobes, Islamaphonbes, chauvinists, or whatever other libelous label comes into their febrile brains.
The legislators over on the left do precious little reaching across, as their expectation is that those nasty people over on the right should do all the reaching--in the name of bipartisanship and compromise. If those on the right display a willingness to compromise, then they will end up compromising whatever truth they have with the leftist lies on the other side of the isle, and thereby create a "synthesis" of truth and lies, which amounts to watered-down truth at best. No matter what you have been told, that's the way it works in Washington these days.
In other words the "spirit of compromise" has become a One Way, Dead End Street for naive conservatives who fail to recognize that they must sacrifice their truth to accept leftist lies. The leftist motto in Congress, as in most other places is "Be reasonable and do it MY way." Those on the left with a socialist worldview, do not compromise their agendas or beliefs in order to get along with others. Rather they expect those others to compromise their beliefs in order to get along with the leftists. And, although the leftists may appear to take a step back, in the "spirit of compromise" it is always so they can arrange to take TWO steps forward. Liberal and leftist policies always promote their adversaries giving in at some crucial point(s) and if their adversaries do not realize that they will, inevitably, come out on the short end of the stick. This has been happening for decades.
The left gets what it wants, or almost all of it, while the right compromises its standards and principles, in the name of "reaching across the isle." And while the right reaches across the isle, the left laughs all the way to the bank. And the left has learned how to do this as a psychological operation. It usually works because their opposition has no concept of what is really going on or how they are being "played for suckers."
Or, as Saul Alinsky said in his Twelve Rules for Radicals in Rule 8 "Keep the pressure on, Never let up. Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. *Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never give the reeling organization (or opposition Congressmen) (emphasis ours) a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize)." And don't think there are not people in Congress that are not familiar with and use this strategy.
Ephesians 2:10 in the Holy Scriptures says: "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do Good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Reaching "across the isle" and compromising the truth is not a "good work." Truth should not be compromised with those who serve Satan, the Father of Lies. This applies not only in Congress, but everywhere else also.
Reaching "across the Isle"almost never involves two sincere people or groups coming together to honestly try to work out their differences. It almost always involves the sacrificing of truth, and the acceptance of untruth, in the Halls of Congress every bit as much as anywhere else. Something to think about.
Al Benson Jr.
The Deadly (for the country) Art of Compromise
By Schwartz and Viscount
How often have we heard the familiar dictum in regard to Congress about "reaching across the isle?" Or the one about "working together in the spirit of compromise?" This all sounds so good to people who fail to understand what it really means. Well, we are here to tell you what it means in this country, and in "our" Congress; and it behooves us to say that it doesn't work they way you think it does, or that you have been told it does.
According to our Mainstream Media, (those professional prevaricators who still insist that we call them journalists), it is those conservative and patriotic legislators on the right that need to do the reaching across the isle. Should they fail to do that, then the media will label them as racists, homophobes, Islamaphonbes, chauvinists, or whatever other libelous label comes into their febrile brains.
The legislators over on the left do precious little reaching across, as their expectation is that those nasty people over on the right should do all the reaching--in the name of bipartisanship and compromise. If those on the right display a willingness to compromise, then they will end up compromising whatever truth they have with the leftist lies on the other side of the isle, and thereby create a "synthesis" of truth and lies, which amounts to watered-down truth at best. No matter what you have been told, that's the way it works in Washington these days.
In other words the "spirit of compromise" has become a One Way, Dead End Street for naive conservatives who fail to recognize that they must sacrifice their truth to accept leftist lies. The leftist motto in Congress, as in most other places is "Be reasonable and do it MY way." Those on the left with a socialist worldview, do not compromise their agendas or beliefs in order to get along with others. Rather they expect those others to compromise their beliefs in order to get along with the leftists. And, although the leftists may appear to take a step back, in the "spirit of compromise" it is always so they can arrange to take TWO steps forward. Liberal and leftist policies always promote their adversaries giving in at some crucial point(s) and if their adversaries do not realize that they will, inevitably, come out on the short end of the stick. This has been happening for decades.
The left gets what it wants, or almost all of it, while the right compromises its standards and principles, in the name of "reaching across the isle." And while the right reaches across the isle, the left laughs all the way to the bank. And the left has learned how to do this as a psychological operation. It usually works because their opposition has no concept of what is really going on or how they are being "played for suckers."
Or, as Saul Alinsky said in his Twelve Rules for Radicals in Rule 8 "Keep the pressure on, Never let up. Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. *Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never give the reeling organization (or opposition Congressmen) (emphasis ours) a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize)." And don't think there are not people in Congress that are not familiar with and use this strategy.
Ephesians 2:10 in the Holy Scriptures says: "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do Good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Reaching "across the isle" and compromising the truth is not a "good work." Truth should not be compromised with those who serve Satan, the Father of Lies. This applies not only in Congress, but everywhere else also.
Reaching "across the Isle"almost never involves two sincere people or groups coming together to honestly try to work out their differences. It almost always involves the sacrificing of truth, and the acceptance of untruth, in the Halls of Congress every bit as much as anywhere else. Something to think about.
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Obama May Be the Last President You Ever Have Unless They Give You Hillary
by Al Benson Jr.
If you thought Donald Trump would be the next president you might be in for a surprise. You might just end up with Obama as perpetual ruler and potentate--or they might give us a little change from Obama and decide to install Hillary instead--and if her health is just not up to it, we may get whatever Left-wing comrade they think we deserve, thanks to Homeland Security and the people that really direct its agenda.
An article on http://www.zerohedge.com by Tyler Durden for January 6th, 2017 states the following: "In a stunning last-minute power grab by the Obama administration with just 14 days left in his Presidency, the Department of Homeland Security released a statement this evening officially declaring state election systems to be "critical infrastructure." The statement from DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson defines 'election infrastructure' as storage facilities, polling places, centralized vote tabulations, voter registration databases, voting machines and all other systems to manage the election process...so pretty much everything."
An article on http://www.infowars.com for January 6th also noted the same thing. It said: "In a letter to the Associated Press, Johnson revealed the US government would monitor and intervene in future elections, a process previously handled on a state-by-state basis." Johnson continued in his justification for this federal over-reach when he said: "Particularly in these times, this designation is simply the right and obvious thing to do.' The designation 'allows for information to be withheld from the public when state, local and private partners meet to discuss election infrastructure security--potentially injecting secrecy into an election process that's traditionally and expressly a transparent process, according to the AP."
So the feds have taken over the election process. And if that means they now control it for all future elections what do you think they might have in mind for this recent election? There have been lots of reports about Russian hacking in this last election and lots of claims from Washington that say that the Russians helped Trump into office. You don't just suppose they might have in mind rescinding the results of this last election due to all this "Russian hacking" do you? In spite of all the twaddle in the mainstream media about how severe this Russian hacking was, we have yet to see any real evidence concerning it. Lots of allegations and "such and such a source said so and so" but no concrete evidence. But, hey, this is the federal government we are talking about here--they don't need evidence--all they need is cleverly framed allegations and they figure that's enough to fool all us deplorables out here in flyover country.
Why are they suddenly deciding to do this right now unless they are planning to change the results of the last election and give us either more unlimited Obama or a golden chance to embrace Hillary when we were just too stupid to appreciate the tremendous opportunity we had to vote for here the first time around. Or maybe they will do what Obama's Muslim buddies do in their countries--proclaim either Obama or Hillary to assume the role of First Dictator for Life (oh excuse me, I really meant to say President and that other accurate term just slipped out by mistake).
It's painfully obvious that our Ruling (Deep State) Establishment has tried literally to move heaven and earth to deny Trump the presidency. I mean, have you ever seen an election like this one before, or its aftermath? The Establishment cannot let Trump assume the presidency unless they can manage to thoroughly co-opt his administration and render him as useless as the sixteen characters he defeated in the primaries. They would have settled for any of them with the possible exception of Rand Paul and he doesn't seem to have presented them with much of a problem on this go-round. Trump ain't "one of the good ol' boys" and so they can't have him in there. What does that possibility tell you about our presidents for the last 75 years or so? Think about it while you are wondering what creative plan Obama and Homeland Security are devising to make sure Trump is denied the office he legitimately won.
This is one where we will literally need to depend on Divine Guidance to prevent these evil people from doing what they plan to do. So, folks, we need to get on our knees and pray and ask the Lord to prevent all this because only He can. And then we need to ask Him what He wants us to do about all this.
Make sure you check out the latest article on http://revisedhistory.wordpress.com for January 10, 2017 --"Getting Tired of the "fake news" scenario Yet?"
If you thought Donald Trump would be the next president you might be in for a surprise. You might just end up with Obama as perpetual ruler and potentate--or they might give us a little change from Obama and decide to install Hillary instead--and if her health is just not up to it, we may get whatever Left-wing comrade they think we deserve, thanks to Homeland Security and the people that really direct its agenda.
An article on http://www.zerohedge.com by Tyler Durden for January 6th, 2017 states the following: "In a stunning last-minute power grab by the Obama administration with just 14 days left in his Presidency, the Department of Homeland Security released a statement this evening officially declaring state election systems to be "critical infrastructure." The statement from DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson defines 'election infrastructure' as storage facilities, polling places, centralized vote tabulations, voter registration databases, voting machines and all other systems to manage the election process...so pretty much everything."
An article on http://www.infowars.com for January 6th also noted the same thing. It said: "In a letter to the Associated Press, Johnson revealed the US government would monitor and intervene in future elections, a process previously handled on a state-by-state basis." Johnson continued in his justification for this federal over-reach when he said: "Particularly in these times, this designation is simply the right and obvious thing to do.' The designation 'allows for information to be withheld from the public when state, local and private partners meet to discuss election infrastructure security--potentially injecting secrecy into an election process that's traditionally and expressly a transparent process, according to the AP."
So the feds have taken over the election process. And if that means they now control it for all future elections what do you think they might have in mind for this recent election? There have been lots of reports about Russian hacking in this last election and lots of claims from Washington that say that the Russians helped Trump into office. You don't just suppose they might have in mind rescinding the results of this last election due to all this "Russian hacking" do you? In spite of all the twaddle in the mainstream media about how severe this Russian hacking was, we have yet to see any real evidence concerning it. Lots of allegations and "such and such a source said so and so" but no concrete evidence. But, hey, this is the federal government we are talking about here--they don't need evidence--all they need is cleverly framed allegations and they figure that's enough to fool all us deplorables out here in flyover country.
Why are they suddenly deciding to do this right now unless they are planning to change the results of the last election and give us either more unlimited Obama or a golden chance to embrace Hillary when we were just too stupid to appreciate the tremendous opportunity we had to vote for here the first time around. Or maybe they will do what Obama's Muslim buddies do in their countries--proclaim either Obama or Hillary to assume the role of First Dictator for Life (oh excuse me, I really meant to say President and that other accurate term just slipped out by mistake).
It's painfully obvious that our Ruling (Deep State) Establishment has tried literally to move heaven and earth to deny Trump the presidency. I mean, have you ever seen an election like this one before, or its aftermath? The Establishment cannot let Trump assume the presidency unless they can manage to thoroughly co-opt his administration and render him as useless as the sixteen characters he defeated in the primaries. They would have settled for any of them with the possible exception of Rand Paul and he doesn't seem to have presented them with much of a problem on this go-round. Trump ain't "one of the good ol' boys" and so they can't have him in there. What does that possibility tell you about our presidents for the last 75 years or so? Think about it while you are wondering what creative plan Obama and Homeland Security are devising to make sure Trump is denied the office he legitimately won.
This is one where we will literally need to depend on Divine Guidance to prevent these evil people from doing what they plan to do. So, folks, we need to get on our knees and pray and ask the Lord to prevent all this because only He can. And then we need to ask Him what He wants us to do about all this.
Make sure you check out the latest article on http://revisedhistory.wordpress.com for January 10, 2017 --"Getting Tired of the "fake news" scenario Yet?"
Friday, January 06, 2017
"Give Me Land, Lotsa Land"
by Al Benson Jr.
When I was a kid around eight or nine years old, there was a popular song out called "Don't fence me in." The first line of that, or the chorus, I can't recall which, said "Give me land, lotsa land under starry skies above. Don't fence me in." At that point in my life I hadn't traveled all that much and so the idea of the song appealed to me. It still does except that, at my age, I've done most of the traveling I'm likely to do, but I still have the memories and a batch of old photos and I do enjoy both. As a kid I always wanted to go west. When I was 21 years old I finally got to go and once I started I kept going until I couldn't go anymore.
It's a good thing I got to go when I did, in those pre-Obama years when the West was still relatively open, because our soon-to-be-f0rmer Marxist president seems hell bent on shutting down as much Western land as he can so ordinary folks can't get to use it or even see it except from a distance.
It would seem that he has eagerly embraced the old Marxist concept of private property being some sort of sin and he'd like to redistribute as much of the property in the West to "the people" (meaning his kind of people and no one else) as he can before he is forced to leave the White House, even though his bosses will force him to remain in Washington as part of their agenda to destabilize a Trump presidency.
Earlier this week I read an article on http://www.mrctv.org written by Brittany M. Hughes and entitled: Obama Seized Enough Land and Water in 8 Years to Cover Texas Three Times. That headline caught my attention. Having been in Texas several times over the years I have come to realize just how big Texas really is and if Obama has taken all that much land in eight years then he has to be one of the greatest land confiscators this country has ever witnessed.
Hughes' article noted: "Last week, in one of his final moves out of the Oval Office, Obama executively designated more than 1.5 million acres of land as national monuments, preserving their untouched facade while closing them to human expansion, development, energy use, ranching or state or local jurisdiction." And Hughes continued: "In a move ignored by the liberal media...last week, Obama unilaterally seized more than 1.3 million acres from Utah to establish the Bears Ears Monument, preserving it at the behest of conservationist groups and Native American tribes who claimed the land was sacred." Utah's state legislature was not overjoyed with this and they opposed it. Some have speculated this is One of Obama's moves to try to limit Trump's efforts to increase domestic energy production, which would not surprise me in the least. But like all good Marxists with an agenda, Obama kills two birds with one stone here. He not only limits a new administration's attempts at new energy production but he also locks up the property to keep ordinary folks off much of it.
He did the same thing in Clark County, Nevada when he took land for the Gold Butte National Monument. This just about shut the whole area down to any uranium mining, and oil drilling, as well as any future natural gas production. Can't have Obama's Muslim buddies in the Middle East losing out on their profits because the United States can take steps to be more energy independent now, can we. The utmost last thing Obama wants is any kind of independence for this country. He has spent two terms in office trying to shut down that kind of thing, whether it's offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico or trying to stop that pipeline that's supposed to cross the country for north to south and provide lots of new jobs in the process. He has to stop that kind of stuff and he works mightily at it. Those that voted this person into office so he could spend eight years trashing our economy while crying alligator tears for the middle class (who he really hates) will at some point, have to answer for their votes--and I'm glad it's them and not me!
Interesting to note is the land he took in Nevada is in Clark County where the big fuss over the Bundy Ranch situation happened. Looks like the feds won't have any opposition in Clark County now--most of it is in jail. Protecting your God-given rights anymore can be costly.
In Nevada the feds already control over 80% of the land, leaving only 20% for private interests and the folks in the state. So what do they need another 300,000 acres on top of all that for? So private citizens can't use it to make a living that might render them somewhat independent that's why. The Ruling Elite wants no independent citizens, only subservient slaves, so any attempts at liberty have to be suppressed--any way they can, any way they have to because, after all, the end (total slavery) justifies the means according to Marxist dogma.
This is the sort of thing Trump was elected to prevent. Let's hope he gets the chance and that Comrade Obama doesn't end up confiscating it all (in the name of the people) before Trump even gets in office.
I've said it before and I will say it again, the folks in the South with their unique heritage and the folks in the West with their unique heritage (both of which are connected) have the same enemies--liberals, socialists, communists, and the ruling CFR/Trilateral Establishment. Both Southerners and Westerners need to realize this and try to help one another out wherever they can. The Ruling Elite, if it can, will willingly destroy both of our cultures.
For another article along these same lines please check out http://revisedhistory.wordpress.com
for January 6, 2017. The article is entitled The Establishment Declares Guerilla Warfare Against Trump Administration.
When I was a kid around eight or nine years old, there was a popular song out called "Don't fence me in." The first line of that, or the chorus, I can't recall which, said "Give me land, lotsa land under starry skies above. Don't fence me in." At that point in my life I hadn't traveled all that much and so the idea of the song appealed to me. It still does except that, at my age, I've done most of the traveling I'm likely to do, but I still have the memories and a batch of old photos and I do enjoy both. As a kid I always wanted to go west. When I was 21 years old I finally got to go and once I started I kept going until I couldn't go anymore.
It's a good thing I got to go when I did, in those pre-Obama years when the West was still relatively open, because our soon-to-be-f0rmer Marxist president seems hell bent on shutting down as much Western land as he can so ordinary folks can't get to use it or even see it except from a distance.
It would seem that he has eagerly embraced the old Marxist concept of private property being some sort of sin and he'd like to redistribute as much of the property in the West to "the people" (meaning his kind of people and no one else) as he can before he is forced to leave the White House, even though his bosses will force him to remain in Washington as part of their agenda to destabilize a Trump presidency.
Earlier this week I read an article on http://www.mrctv.org written by Brittany M. Hughes and entitled: Obama Seized Enough Land and Water in 8 Years to Cover Texas Three Times. That headline caught my attention. Having been in Texas several times over the years I have come to realize just how big Texas really is and if Obama has taken all that much land in eight years then he has to be one of the greatest land confiscators this country has ever witnessed.
Hughes' article noted: "Last week, in one of his final moves out of the Oval Office, Obama executively designated more than 1.5 million acres of land as national monuments, preserving their untouched facade while closing them to human expansion, development, energy use, ranching or state or local jurisdiction." And Hughes continued: "In a move ignored by the liberal media...last week, Obama unilaterally seized more than 1.3 million acres from Utah to establish the Bears Ears Monument, preserving it at the behest of conservationist groups and Native American tribes who claimed the land was sacred." Utah's state legislature was not overjoyed with this and they opposed it. Some have speculated this is One of Obama's moves to try to limit Trump's efforts to increase domestic energy production, which would not surprise me in the least. But like all good Marxists with an agenda, Obama kills two birds with one stone here. He not only limits a new administration's attempts at new energy production but he also locks up the property to keep ordinary folks off much of it.
He did the same thing in Clark County, Nevada when he took land for the Gold Butte National Monument. This just about shut the whole area down to any uranium mining, and oil drilling, as well as any future natural gas production. Can't have Obama's Muslim buddies in the Middle East losing out on their profits because the United States can take steps to be more energy independent now, can we. The utmost last thing Obama wants is any kind of independence for this country. He has spent two terms in office trying to shut down that kind of thing, whether it's offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico or trying to stop that pipeline that's supposed to cross the country for north to south and provide lots of new jobs in the process. He has to stop that kind of stuff and he works mightily at it. Those that voted this person into office so he could spend eight years trashing our economy while crying alligator tears for the middle class (who he really hates) will at some point, have to answer for their votes--and I'm glad it's them and not me!
Interesting to note is the land he took in Nevada is in Clark County where the big fuss over the Bundy Ranch situation happened. Looks like the feds won't have any opposition in Clark County now--most of it is in jail. Protecting your God-given rights anymore can be costly.
In Nevada the feds already control over 80% of the land, leaving only 20% for private interests and the folks in the state. So what do they need another 300,000 acres on top of all that for? So private citizens can't use it to make a living that might render them somewhat independent that's why. The Ruling Elite wants no independent citizens, only subservient slaves, so any attempts at liberty have to be suppressed--any way they can, any way they have to because, after all, the end (total slavery) justifies the means according to Marxist dogma.
This is the sort of thing Trump was elected to prevent. Let's hope he gets the chance and that Comrade Obama doesn't end up confiscating it all (in the name of the people) before Trump even gets in office.
I've said it before and I will say it again, the folks in the South with their unique heritage and the folks in the West with their unique heritage (both of which are connected) have the same enemies--liberals, socialists, communists, and the ruling CFR/Trilateral Establishment. Both Southerners and Westerners need to realize this and try to help one another out wherever they can. The Ruling Elite, if it can, will willingly destroy both of our cultures.
For another article along these same lines please check out http://revisedhistory.wordpress.com
for January 6, 2017. The article is entitled The Establishment Declares Guerilla Warfare Against Trump Administration.