Sunday, December 11, 2016

Deplorable--and Beyond

This article has been submitted by two gentlemen who have been astute observers of the political scene for several decades. Their names may or may not be recognizable to many and because of this they have chosen to provide this article with pseudonyms rather than actual identities. Given that we seem to be entering an era where the truth is being condemned as "fake news" while baldfaced cultural Marxist fabrications are being  parroted as eternal verity they felt that might be the best policy. In a time when telling the truth has become a revolutionary act these two have chosen the path of journalistic revolution. I think many will agree with their assessment. Quite naturally the Left will call them liars, but then, in the movie Braveheart the narrator paints a similar situation when he says The English will call me a liar--but history is written by those who have hanged heroes."

Al Benson Jr.

Deplorable--and Beyond

by Sammy Schwartz, with Vance Viscount

It seems that Hillary thoroughly understands DEPLORABLE. It really does "take one to know one." Pointing the finger at any opposition is easy when she knows how to intimidate people. And there is an old Marxist trick she has learned to employ called "Condemn others (for what you yourself are doing) and elevate yourself." 

The fact is: The way she has treated people who have gotten in her & Bill's) way is, not just deplorable, but especially, despicable and inexcusable.  We've seen lists (50+) of those who have gotten in her and his way and have met their demise.

That goes back to the "Mena (AR) Connection" from where arms shipments were being delivered to Nicaragua for "the Contra Rebels" who were fighting a vile regime.

Each delivery of munitions too two full planes to complete a full order; however, upon each return trip, a third plane was being escorted back, delivering drugs to Arkansas. When the airport fuel supply attendant stayed to witness the reason for missing quantities of petrol is when he discovered an extra plane. He had security detain that pilot, who claimed his legal right to one phone call. Within 30 minutes this happened...

The governor of Arkansas came and said, "You cannot hold this man; you must release him to me." That governor was none other than: "Slick Willie" William Jefferson Clinton. And, many surrounding that particular incident met their demise to make sure it was 'covered up" as best possible...some of those other witnesses "permanently," including two boys who happened to be walking the railroad tracks nearby.

That may not have been the beginning of the long string of so-called "carpet-sweeping,"  but the killings went to and through the two terms of the Clinton Presidency, which also included military bodyguards, pilots, and on-and-on.

Deplorable is a minor term for what Hillary was definitely "a party to." As Rodney Dangerfield used to say. "I get NO respect!" That is exactly what the Clintons have displayed for human beings, including Bill's continual and constant string of women who, (may or may not have) received injections or ingestions of drugs and/or sperm for their willing, or unwilling, receptions of sexual play from "Slick Willie."

It is a fact that too many people who unluckily happened  to "get in the way" of both Bill and Hillary (and their agenda), didn't make it to see the light of another day. Can anyone spell VINCE FOSTER? For a little background information, read the book Hell To Pay by Barbara Olson, published by Regnery Publishing in 1999.

"Deplorable" is a minor term for those types of atrocities. Complicity, condoning and "Enabling" might be better words for what Hillary seems to have NO problem allowing. SO WHY in the world would she think that good people in the United States would be willing to tolerate even more of the same from her? 

We are not done with this subject.

And, in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, we have had "cry-ins" and all other sorts of denials, including what appears to be George Soros' funded vote recounts,  with mysterious overnight bank deposits at 3:00 a.m. (E.S.T.). It goes without saying that the majority of Americans in the millions have awakened and spoken greatly through efforts of honesty. The Alternative Media, the so-called "fake news" (which is really the truth) have played a major part in this. You see, Separation of "Church and State" as currently portrayed, never really existed. Thoroughly tired of "crooks and liars," Christians brought forth their voice to shout "Thy Will Be Done!" Pray it stands!

Liberals (socialists) have gotten away with "Fudging the Truth" for far too long! So, frankly, to correct their previously docile attitudes, the "no-longer" silent majority spoke loudly and clearly  at the ballot box. We "deplorable" (meaning 'sad") folks have arisen, and reacted strongly for what America stands for. And, we have gotten on our feet and used our truly God-Given "Freedom of Speech"  to pass the word through direct communications, the internet & "Face-book"  to express to liberals & the rest of the world, that the Heartland of America is "fed up" with the phony Political-INcorrectness  that has plagued our nation for far too long.

We are tired of being intimidated by the Network Media, who have continued to lie and who try to justify their bias and their most-unjust reporting. We are more than tired of those Hollywood moguls who use their stardom and "pseudo-prestigious"  positions trying to sway others to their liberal line of thinking. We heard that several of these people threatened to leave the country if Trump was elected? Are they still here, and if so, why? Well, we don't buy what they sell. We don't wish to follow "fads" like ignorant sheep, admiring those who should really be frowned upon for their many abominable behaviors. Many of those so-called "stars" (in their own minds) are just that are not really themselves;  so, really, they are "phony-balonies" in many facets of their lives. There are some who have maintained their standards and principles. But many actors, trying to influence youth and young adults to act and misbehave like some do, have distorted what real moral foundations previous American Christian family generations have long conveyed.

Frankly, we are "fed up" with the cheating, lying to our faces, and hearing other liberal socialists condoning those lies; we are really tired of the crooked smiling and lying, straight to our faces. Living in lie-after-lie seems to be the liberal socialist way of existing. We are exhausted from being intimidated for valued truths. 

So you conservatives, QUIT allowing yourselves to feel that YOU are the ones who are wrong, when you know, deep down in your heart-of-hearts those esteemed truths are right.

No longer accept cheating and lying. Continue to stay "fighting mad." And do NOT allow yourselves to become "intimidated" by liberal socialists.  To describe what liberals really are, we must say that they are: bitter, beastly, depraved, despicable, dreadful, evil, hateful, heinous, hurtful, pitiful, sinister, venomous, wretched, wicked, ungodly, vile and yes: "deplorable" souls. i.e. (that is) means: sad and regrettable. 

Also, every liberal continues to be a P.I.T.A. to us. 
That means: 
    P= Pain

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