Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Is the Next Presidential Election Nothing More Than a Fixed Political Horse Race?

by Al Benson Jr.

Just read an article on today telling about how a Zogby Poll shows that the voters think Donald Trump would do a better job as president than would Hillary Clinton, otherwise referred to as "Hillary the un-indicted." Lots of polls have shown Trump in the lead as of late and I have to admit that he is saying lots of things many of us agree with, not all, but many.  He is an excellent barometer to reflect how much of the American public has come to feel, accurately so, that the Ruling Elite is stiffing us today. And the Ruling Elite--the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group realize how dissatisfied  the public has become with what passes for real government in our day.

Only problem is, "those people" have spent lots of money and literally generations of time diligently getting us into the sorry shape we are now in and they are not about to let someone like Trump, if he really is a lone wolf, win an election that will set their timetable back.  Ron Paul would have sought to do that back in 2012 and they made sure that didn't happen. If Trump is really on the level they will do the same thing on this go-round. They can't afford to let him get in there and gum up the agenda they and their fathers and grandfathers have worked so diligently to put in place.

Back on April 14, 2015 I did an article on my other blog spot  which I entitled Has the Next President Already Been Chosen--and is the election just going through the motions?  I noted in that article that radio talk show host Michael Savage had stated that: "The Bilderbergs met in Davos,  and the decision was made that Hillary Clinton will be the next president.  Romney was doing too well in the polls, so they threw him out. They want to make sure that another Bush--or an incompetent moron like Rubio--will be chosen to lead the Republicans, to ensure that Hillary becomes president." My April 14, 2015 article must have struck a responsive chord somewhere, because a year and eight months after I wrote it, it is still getting a bunch of views every week, many more than some of the other articles that have come and gone since then.

What brought all this to mind again was an article I just read on  on January 26th for this year. The headline for this one was: Insider: It Doesn't Matter About Trump, 'Hillary Will Win.'
The article began with this: "Highly influential CEO Martin Sorrell suggests that the outcome of the 2016 presidential election has already been decided, remarking, 'It doesn't matter who the Republicans put up..Hillary will win'." Infowars noted that: "Sorrell's comments are in line with similar sentiments expressed by globalists at the recent Davos confab...According to a Reuters report, financial elitists are 'alarmed' at the prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee, although they still expect his campaign to falter. Harvard University's Niall Ferguson told Reuters that Trump's chances 'could be over before Super Tuesday'." Now how would he know something like that? Some little bird been chirping in his ear?

Author and columnist Ann Coulter, in a column on January 20th wrote that: "We never had total war against a candidate like we're seeing with Donald Trump. All the elements of national media are uniting to stop him. Look for a fake Trump scandal  to break--probably from a conservative news outlet--right before the Iowa caucus."

As a candidate, I hadn't thought all that much about Trump one way or the other. I had figured he was just part of the Establishment's stable of candidates like all the rest. Maybe inserted in there to give the primaries a little pzazz, to possibly enthrall a voting public that's getting a little tired of all this and that is finally beginning to realize that, no matter who wins, they lose! However, he has stuck in there longer than I thought he would, and the fact that everybody, both socialists (Democrats) and conservatives seem to hate his guts, including the "news" media, both socialist and conservative, does make one wonder. If he's really genuine (I love his stands on illegal aliens and Middle-Eastern terrorists and the Second Amendment) what does that say about the moral bankruptcy  of what we mistakenly refer to as the "conservative" movement in this country? What it says is that, in reality the same people control the "conservatives" that control the socialists--the CFR, the Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers. No matter what party label they wear they all work for the same bosses!

The main point to this is that, in my opinion, many of our elections are a sham, a game played to fool the public so they will not realize that the Ruling Elite in Washington, New York and London is screwing them and that the elitist One World Government agenda will go forward no matter who gets into the White House. The presidential elections are a farce anymore and the people taking part in these "debates" ought to get Oscars--oh, sorry, I forget, the Oscars are too "white" anymore. Maybe we should start handing out "Barack Obama Diversity Awards" instead. That might appease the perpetually offended--for awhile.

I would encourage people to start doing a bit of homework on some of these candidates. You can find enough on the Internet if you "hunt and peck" around a little to make you shudder at where they are really coming from. You might just find enough to cause you to question if a vote for president  is really even worth the effort.


  1. I have questioned that for a while, Mr. Benson. I have also wondered about Trump since he entered the race. Even though he says some things I agree with, I do NOT trust him. My "gut feeling" is that he is a shill or whatever to make sure Hillary wins.

  2. Julia,
    I don't fully trust ANY of them in either party but everybody in both parties is so down on Trump and all the media, both socialist and "conservative" are do down on him that I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at this point. Depending on what he does that could change so I will just wait and see.

  3. I can't stand the thought of a Sanders or Clinton Presidency, so that leaves me with the 3 Republicans to choose from. Kasich is delusional to think he has any chance at all to get that Party's nomination. Cruz is not qualified to take office since he was not born on US soil or property. I can't find any definite NWO connections to Trump and most of his governmental positions resonate with me. He is a well known successful businessman who has socialized with many unsavory characters, but I believe he merely uses them for business purposes. I know he will disappoint and be unable to attain some of his goals thanks to Congress. I don't have proof, but I'll bet that Kasich is still in the race to take some support from Trump, and Cruz really is a Trojan Horse because of his wife's NWO memberships and connections he will take a dive for Clinton or Sanders if this administration does not rule he is ineligible to take office due to his Canadian birth. I will continue to support Trump, hoping and praying, unless I find he has real NWO connections. -Fred Jones
