Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Planned Parenthood and Federal Threats

by Al Benson Jr.

It's not unusual to see the federal government doing what it does best, threatening the states if they refuse to comply with federal edicts. This is, after all, what the centralizers and collectivists in Washington, the District of Corruption, live for. It makes their day if they can find some way, somehow, to stomp on states rights today.

Thus, when two states, Louisiana and Alabama, have sought to defund Planned Parenthood, this is something the feds can't afford to let pass. Notice these two states are both in the South.

In an article on for August 12th it was stated that: The U.S. government has warned states moving to defund women's health group Planned Parenthood that they may be in conflict with federal law, officials said Wednesday." The article reiterated  this same line a couple paragraphs later with commentary from the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS). Reuters noted that "The agency warned those two states that their plans to terminate Medicaid provider agreements with Planned Parenthood may illegally restrict beneficiary access to services, the spokesman said in a statement." In other words, you may be in violation of federal statutes that allow the murder of unborn babies if you restrict the "rights" of mothers to use this group to help them murder their unborn children.

Gary North, in an article on for August 19th noted that the operative word in use here is may. You may be in violation of some federal statute, but if you may, there is also a 50-50 chance that you may not. So this is a (at this point) thinly veiled threat by the Washington bureaucrats to the states that they better not try this. After all when it comes to murdering babies the federal government should have the final say and heaven help those states that really don't want to go along.

Now I hate to sound like a rabble-rouser, but I would dearly love to see another batch of states decide that they had had enough of Planned Parenthood's policy of murdering babies and marketing the baby parts. Will the feds decide to prosecute 15 or 16 states if they decide to adopt such a policy?

I can just hear some pompous federal bureaucrat dumping all over various states because they are not willing to pay for the murder and resale of unborn children (and they ARE children, even if unborn). However, the "law" that allows for the murder of unborn children is not nearly as old as the one that says Thou shalt not kill  (Exodus 20:13). And the two laws obviously have two different and opposite sources. And now the federal government may prosecute states that choose to follow the Commandment rather than the federal edict.

Some of those  in the insane race for president have stated that would look into what Planned Parenthood has been doing if elected. Which means, in plain English, that they want the pro-life vote so they will give the appearance of being concerned until the election is over.  I'm sorry, but at this point, I don't trust any of them.

The Reuters article noted also that: "Anti-abortion activists said that a sixth video, released on Wednesday, shows  Planned Parenthood doctors sell(ing) aborted fetal tissue to researchers without the mother's permission." And of course Planned Parenthood still maintains it has done nothing wrong. The blood of those unborn children, crying out from their graves, gives the lie to that absurdity and the people at Planned Parenthood who willingly participate in these murders will answer to the Lord for these lives.

In the meantime, other states that would like to defund Planned Parenthood should go ahead and take that action and make that statement. For if there is a chance that they may be in violation of federal statutes, there is also the chance that they may not.  And either way, it is the right thing to do.

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