Thursday, May 29, 2014

The New Soviet States of Amerika and Thought Crime

by Al Benson Jr.

Most of us are familiar with George Orwell's book 1984 in which he mentions "Thoughtcrime"--the thinking of thoughts that Big Brother would not approve of. If Big Brother doesn't approve of it then it must be a crime, right? Or if it isn't yet it soon will be--as soon as the current Regime can either marshal enough votes in Congress to pass a law making it a crime. Short of doing that, an Executive Order might be issued.

The latest on the Obamanite  agenda is thought crime--especially as it pertains to Trotskyite "racism" which, in this country, people are being taught is the new unforgivable sin.  In the Holy Scriptures Jesus tells us that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the one unforgivable sin, but the present Regime will have none of that Bible-thumping stuff, because their Adviser from on low has revealed to them that the real unforgivable sin is "racism"--well at least "white racism." Black racism, so it has been revealed to them, is really a virtue, but they have to work to stamp out that rotten "white racism" so they can enthrone that virtuous black racism. 

And the way to start doing that, according to the "First Lady" in a speech she recently gave at the graduation ceremony at a public brain laundry, is to make sure the kids start monitoring what their parents say regarding race. That way, if the kids hear any adverse comments pertaining to the race question they can immediately spring up from the supper table, landing confidently on the moral high ground, while they commence lecturing their parents on why they shouldn't commit the new unforgivable sin.

One wonders how long it will be before the kids are encouraged to start reporting their parents' conversations to a newly-appointed "Race Commissar" who will then evaluate those conversations to determine whether the parents need to attend mandatory sensitivity training sessions, or possibly a FEMA "re-education" camp to purge their wayward souls from their old reactionary attitudes. And, should they refuse, they just might not make it home again, and the minions of Big Brother can assume the rearing (and brainwashing) of their children. Big Brother would like that.

I recall that, during the reigns of Comrades Stalin and Mao, students were encouraged to monitor their parents' conversations and attitudes, and if the new fledgling Marxists felt their parents were not in line with current Marxist orthodoxy they reported them and the parents were brought up on the carpet to account for their reactionary deviations. The kids were taught in their Marxist public schools (really government schools just like here) that this was what they should do, and many of them did it with pride.

An author, Cheryl Chumley, who has written a book called Police State USA has commented on this. She said, as recorded on that "Michelle Obama's push for kids around the nation to monitor their family members for perceived racist comments is just another way the government seeks to inject itself into an area it doesn't really belong--the American home." Well, she's right there.

Chumley sees a very disturbing trend in this country with political figures now singling out private individuals and groups  because of their beliefs and using government agencies and public ridicule to intimidate and silence their opponents. All standard Marxist practice. She says this is "...something that belongs in a George Orwell novel, not in the White House..." Theoretically she's right. In actuality however, if you understand this current Regime, this is exactly something that belongs in the White House, because this "White House" is really a "Red House"  and this is standard propaganda for Red Houses peopled by Marxists and their syncophants.

We've all gotten used to seeing the First Commissars--oh excuse me, I meant the First Couple, as they point their fingers at "we the people" and lecture us about what we should be doing, with just a bit of condescension. They talk down to us as if we were school children and they were sages with all the wisdom of the world.  I suppose we are all supposed to be thankful that they even deign to pay attention to us, because, after all, they are EVERYTHING and we are NOTHING. We only exist to pay for their expensive digs and travel accomodations while they travel around the world apologizing to everyone everywhere for the fact that we are such lowlife's. Makes you wonder whose running the government (hint--we know it ain't Obama). He's just the poster boy for George Soros and the Council on Foreign Relations.

So, if your kids come home from school with big plans to eavesdrop on any conversations you may have where the subject of race might be mentioned, you will know they have taken their cue from Comrade Michelle.


  1. The State attempting to get between parents and their children is definitely totalitarian, whether it be fascism or Marxism. The modern Democrats have attributes of both, while the Republicans are similar to the Vichy government of France (collaborators) during World War II. No wonder more and more parents are home schooling their children. All five of my grandchildren are home schooled.

    1. That's great, We home schooled our 2 kids and now our 6 grandchildren are being home schooled. This is exactly what we have to do and it is a multi-generational task.

  2. Americans have become like the frog in the pot of water, as the heat is slowly raised, the frog doesn’t notice it until he is boiled. This communist government has been feeding us communism for decades, bit by bit, until we are much more of a communist country than a republic. Just look at the 10 Planks of Communism. All 10 are firmly engrained into our laws and society. Not six or seven, ALL 10. We do not even resemble the country that our Founders established. We have to get back to God and the Constitution if we are to turn this around.

    1. We have been fighting with the planks in the Communist Manifesto in this country since Lincoln's administration. In our book "Lincoln's Marxists" Donnie Kennedy and I dealt with much of this.

  3. Americans have become like the frog in the pot of water, as the heat is slowly raised, the frog doesn’t notice it until he is boiled. This communist government has been feeding us communism for decades, bit by bit, until we are much more of a communist country than a republic. Just look at the 10 Planks of Communism. All 10 are firmly engrained into our laws and society. Not six or seven, ALL 10. We do not even resemble the country that our Founders established. We have to get back to God and the Constitution if we are to turn this around.
