by Al Benson Jr.
Most of us are familiar with George Orwell's book 1984 in which he mentions "Thoughtcrime"--the thinking of thoughts that Big Brother would not approve of. If Big Brother doesn't approve of it then it must be a crime, right? Or if it isn't yet it soon will be--as soon as the current Regime can either marshal enough votes in Congress to pass a law making it a crime. Short of doing that, an Executive Order might be issued.
The latest on the Obamanite agenda is thought crime--especially as it pertains to Trotskyite "racism" which, in this country, people are being taught is the new unforgivable sin. In the Holy Scriptures Jesus tells us that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the one unforgivable sin, but the present Regime will have none of that Bible-thumping stuff, because their Adviser from on low has revealed to them that the real unforgivable sin is "racism"--well at least "white racism." Black racism, so it has been revealed to them, is really a virtue, but they have to work to stamp out that rotten "white racism" so they can enthrone that virtuous black racism.
And the way to start doing that, according to the "First Lady" in a speech she recently gave at the graduation ceremony at a public brain laundry, is to make sure the kids start monitoring what their parents say regarding race. That way, if the kids hear any adverse comments pertaining to the race question they can immediately spring up from the supper table, landing confidently on the moral high ground, while they commence lecturing their parents on why they shouldn't commit the new unforgivable sin.
One wonders how long it will be before the kids are encouraged to start reporting their parents' conversations to a newly-appointed "Race Commissar" who will then evaluate those conversations to determine whether the parents need to attend mandatory sensitivity training sessions, or possibly a FEMA "re-education" camp to purge their wayward souls from their old reactionary attitudes. And, should they refuse, they just might not make it home again, and the minions of Big Brother can assume the rearing (and brainwashing) of their children. Big Brother would like that.
I recall that, during the reigns of Comrades Stalin and Mao, students were encouraged to monitor their parents' conversations and attitudes, and if the new fledgling Marxists felt their parents were not in line with current Marxist orthodoxy they reported them and the parents were brought up on the carpet to account for their reactionary deviations. The kids were taught in their Marxist public schools (really government schools just like here) that this was what they should do, and many of them did it with pride.
An author, Cheryl Chumley, who has written a book called Police State USA has commented on this. She said, as recorded on that "Michelle Obama's push for kids around the nation to monitor their family members for perceived racist comments is just another way the government seeks to inject itself into an area it doesn't really belong--the American home." Well, she's right there.
Chumley sees a very disturbing trend in this country with political figures now singling out private individuals and groups because of their beliefs and using government agencies and public ridicule to intimidate and silence their opponents. All standard Marxist practice. She says this is "...something that belongs in a George Orwell novel, not in the White House..." Theoretically she's right. In actuality however, if you understand this current Regime, this is exactly something that belongs in the White House, because this "White House" is really a "Red House" and this is standard propaganda for Red Houses peopled by Marxists and their syncophants.
We've all gotten used to seeing the First Commissars--oh excuse me, I meant the First Couple, as they point their fingers at "we the people" and lecture us about what we should be doing, with just a bit of condescension. They talk down to us as if we were school children and they were sages with all the wisdom of the world. I suppose we are all supposed to be thankful that they even deign to pay attention to us, because, after all, they are EVERYTHING and we are NOTHING. We only exist to pay for their expensive digs and travel accomodations while they travel around the world apologizing to everyone everywhere for the fact that we are such lowlife's. Makes you wonder whose running the government (hint--we know it ain't Obama). He's just the poster boy for George Soros and the Council on Foreign Relations.
So, if your kids come home from school with big plans to eavesdrop on any conversations you may have where the subject of race might be mentioned, you will know they have taken their cue from Comrade Michelle.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
One Major Southern Problem--Public Schools, Part 2
by Al Benson Jr.
Horace Mann received much support in his endeavor to kill the influence of Christian education from people like Robert Owen, the British socialist who came to this country and founded the socialist colony at New Harmony, Indiana in the late 1820s. Owen was the man whose socialist scheme in Indiana "lighted up (Abraham) Lincoln's heart" according to Lincoln's biographer, Carl Sandburg, himself a socialist.
So the foundation of public education in this country was clearly anti-Christian--and if that was the case in the beginning, then how, pray tell, do you get it back to the "good old days?" There never were any "good old days" in public education. All there were, if you perceive events correctly, were times years ago when the anti-Christianity and socialism were a little less evident than now, but they were still there. If the root of the tree is rotten, you can't improve it by lopping off a few small branches and labeling it "school reform." Unfortunately, most Christians in the last 160 years have never figured that out.
After the public school system had operated in Yankeeland for about thirty years, one generation, along came the War of Northern Aggression. When the shooting part of that war was over, then what is euphemistically called "reconstruction" was instituted, starting in the South--and guess what came South with the Carpetbaggers? You got it--the public school system, complete with Yankee school teachers and textbooks, all designed to show the benighted South the path of true salvation--not through Jesus, but through the State. Up until that point, you hadn't had a public school "system" in the South. Here and there you had parentally-controlled local schools, and that was it because that was enough. As part of the Yankee/Marxist "reconstruction" you got the public school system you have all come to know and love.
I have one question no one has yet been able to answer. Most Southern folks I know that know anything at all, hate "reconstruction" and justifiably so. I hate it and what it did to the South, and I was born in the North. If you hate "reconstruction" why do you love public schools? They are a major part of what you profess to hate. Have folks in the South finally been brainwashed to the point where they now love "Big Brother?"
You will never even begin to preserve your culture, history, and heritage in any lasting way until you start to realize what the public school brainlaundering has done to you and your kids and you start taking them out of public schools and either putting them in Christian schools or teaching them at home. It's hard for folks to grasp this because they were brainwashed in the exact same way their kids are being brainwashed now.
However, we need to ask the Lord's help so we can begin to think outside the public school box. I would exhort folks to think about this and to ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they seek to deal with what they need to do regarding the education of their children.
I recently read an article that asked the question, "Are Christians who put their kids in public schools committing a sin?" The upshot of the article was that, if they are unaware of what the public schools are all about, then, no, they are not, but if they have some knowledge of what the public schools are and still choose to leave their kids in them, then they have a major problem. There are many instances where parents have no other alternative. But there are also many instances where parents do have the possibility of Christian alternatives and they just don't bother, or worse, yet, because their kids are in public school, they stand up and defend public education. Again, they don't know the history of public education in this country, or they don't want to know it. Either way they have a problem they will, at some point, have to deal with.
Either way, the South has to deal with the public education problem. If it does not, it will cease to exist as a viable entity and a culture that had a Christian worldview will be lost forever.
Taken in part from The Confederate Sentry, Volume 19, Number 3, AD 2013,
The publication of the Confederate Society of America
Horace Mann received much support in his endeavor to kill the influence of Christian education from people like Robert Owen, the British socialist who came to this country and founded the socialist colony at New Harmony, Indiana in the late 1820s. Owen was the man whose socialist scheme in Indiana "lighted up (Abraham) Lincoln's heart" according to Lincoln's biographer, Carl Sandburg, himself a socialist.
So the foundation of public education in this country was clearly anti-Christian--and if that was the case in the beginning, then how, pray tell, do you get it back to the "good old days?" There never were any "good old days" in public education. All there were, if you perceive events correctly, were times years ago when the anti-Christianity and socialism were a little less evident than now, but they were still there. If the root of the tree is rotten, you can't improve it by lopping off a few small branches and labeling it "school reform." Unfortunately, most Christians in the last 160 years have never figured that out.
After the public school system had operated in Yankeeland for about thirty years, one generation, along came the War of Northern Aggression. When the shooting part of that war was over, then what is euphemistically called "reconstruction" was instituted, starting in the South--and guess what came South with the Carpetbaggers? You got it--the public school system, complete with Yankee school teachers and textbooks, all designed to show the benighted South the path of true salvation--not through Jesus, but through the State. Up until that point, you hadn't had a public school "system" in the South. Here and there you had parentally-controlled local schools, and that was it because that was enough. As part of the Yankee/Marxist "reconstruction" you got the public school system you have all come to know and love.
I have one question no one has yet been able to answer. Most Southern folks I know that know anything at all, hate "reconstruction" and justifiably so. I hate it and what it did to the South, and I was born in the North. If you hate "reconstruction" why do you love public schools? They are a major part of what you profess to hate. Have folks in the South finally been brainwashed to the point where they now love "Big Brother?"
You will never even begin to preserve your culture, history, and heritage in any lasting way until you start to realize what the public school brainlaundering has done to you and your kids and you start taking them out of public schools and either putting them in Christian schools or teaching them at home. It's hard for folks to grasp this because they were brainwashed in the exact same way their kids are being brainwashed now.
However, we need to ask the Lord's help so we can begin to think outside the public school box. I would exhort folks to think about this and to ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they seek to deal with what they need to do regarding the education of their children.
I recently read an article that asked the question, "Are Christians who put their kids in public schools committing a sin?" The upshot of the article was that, if they are unaware of what the public schools are all about, then, no, they are not, but if they have some knowledge of what the public schools are and still choose to leave their kids in them, then they have a major problem. There are many instances where parents have no other alternative. But there are also many instances where parents do have the possibility of Christian alternatives and they just don't bother, or worse, yet, because their kids are in public school, they stand up and defend public education. Again, they don't know the history of public education in this country, or they don't want to know it. Either way they have a problem they will, at some point, have to deal with.
Either way, the South has to deal with the public education problem. If it does not, it will cease to exist as a viable entity and a culture that had a Christian worldview will be lost forever.
Taken in part from The Confederate Sentry, Volume 19, Number 3, AD 2013,
The publication of the Confederate Society of America
Saturday, May 17, 2014
One Major Southern Problem--Public Schools
by Al Benson Jr.
Although I am writing this, frankly, I don't expect very many people will want to pay much attention to it. You see, it will go against the grain of the propaganda they have been fed and ingested for well over the past century or so, and to do something about the problem would involve personal responsibility, and most folks today flee personal responsibility as they would the plague.
The small North Louisiana town I live in thinks the local public schools there are the greatest thing since sliced bread. The possibility that the local public schools there may be brainwashing their children is the last thing they want to hear, and so if you dare to approach the subject they just tune you out. "Don't confuse me with the facts, please." It's so much better to remain ignorant, then I don't have to DO anything. This is the typical attitude in town and cities across the South, and the rest of the country, too.
The public school is sacrosanct. It is the sacred cow. The only time anyone ever dares question it is if their kid wears a Confederate flag tee shirt to school and gets sent home for that. The black kid next to him may have a Malcolm X tee shirt on, but that's okay. It gets an automatic pass, just like the tee shirt with the "gay pride" stuff all over it. These are okay, by public school standards today, but your kid's Confederate flag tee shirt has to come off, immediately if not sooner. If the parents decide to protest this, the result is usually far from satisfactory.
I've talked with folks whose kids or grandkids come home from public school spouting anti-Confederate propaganda about how the Confederate flag is "racist." I despise the term "racist" because it is of Trotskyite origin and every time we use it we are playing on our opponents' turf. Same thing when we argue with the local public school bureaucrat about our kid's Confederate flag tee shirt--we are playing on their turf and it's a battle we will seldom win. They already know that. We haven't figured it out yet.
Rather than going through an exercise in exasperation, what we should start doing is just taking the kids out of public school. What we need to do when a problem arises is to just go and state our position politely and then inform the local education commisar "my child will not be returning to your school again." Don't fuss, fume, or get ticked off--the educrat likes that and it gives him or her a reason to put their thumb down on you as a "recalcitrant parent." So don't fuss, just take the kid out. End of conversation! That will derpive the local school district of, depending on where you live, anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 per year in federal money. And if there were a big enough flap over Confederate symbols in one particular area and ten people had the guts to remove their kids from the public system, you can see where that would cost the local public brain laundry some serious money.
Most Southern folks seem to have the opinion that the local public school is second cousin to God, motherhood and apple pie--and it just ain't so. It never was. People love to prattle about the "good old days" when they went to public school and how much better it would be if we could just go back to that. Sorry to disillusion you, but those "good old days" never really existed. The public school's foundations were bad from day one. Public schools, as we now have them, were originally started up in New England, Massachusetts to be specific. The major mover and shaker in starting them was a man named Horace Mann. You may even have seen schools named after him, I have. But do you really know doodly sqat about him?
Horace Mann was a Unitarian. Know what that is? Know what Unitarians believe? They are people, calling themselves Christians, who do not recognize the Deity of Jesus Christ, who think Jesus may have been a great moral example and teacher, but definitely not the Son of God. What really bothered Mann was the influence of church schools in his area. In fact, that bothered him so much that he sought to come up with a way to counteract it.
He didn't think kids should be influenced by Christian education, that they would be better off in "secular" (humanist) schools, run by the state and regulated by the state, where Christian ideas and influence could be muted, and eventually done away with.
To be continued.
Reprinted from The Confederate Sentry, Vol. 19, Number 3, 2013
Although I am writing this, frankly, I don't expect very many people will want to pay much attention to it. You see, it will go against the grain of the propaganda they have been fed and ingested for well over the past century or so, and to do something about the problem would involve personal responsibility, and most folks today flee personal responsibility as they would the plague.
The small North Louisiana town I live in thinks the local public schools there are the greatest thing since sliced bread. The possibility that the local public schools there may be brainwashing their children is the last thing they want to hear, and so if you dare to approach the subject they just tune you out. "Don't confuse me with the facts, please." It's so much better to remain ignorant, then I don't have to DO anything. This is the typical attitude in town and cities across the South, and the rest of the country, too.
The public school is sacrosanct. It is the sacred cow. The only time anyone ever dares question it is if their kid wears a Confederate flag tee shirt to school and gets sent home for that. The black kid next to him may have a Malcolm X tee shirt on, but that's okay. It gets an automatic pass, just like the tee shirt with the "gay pride" stuff all over it. These are okay, by public school standards today, but your kid's Confederate flag tee shirt has to come off, immediately if not sooner. If the parents decide to protest this, the result is usually far from satisfactory.
I've talked with folks whose kids or grandkids come home from public school spouting anti-Confederate propaganda about how the Confederate flag is "racist." I despise the term "racist" because it is of Trotskyite origin and every time we use it we are playing on our opponents' turf. Same thing when we argue with the local public school bureaucrat about our kid's Confederate flag tee shirt--we are playing on their turf and it's a battle we will seldom win. They already know that. We haven't figured it out yet.
Rather than going through an exercise in exasperation, what we should start doing is just taking the kids out of public school. What we need to do when a problem arises is to just go and state our position politely and then inform the local education commisar "my child will not be returning to your school again." Don't fuss, fume, or get ticked off--the educrat likes that and it gives him or her a reason to put their thumb down on you as a "recalcitrant parent." So don't fuss, just take the kid out. End of conversation! That will derpive the local school district of, depending on where you live, anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 per year in federal money. And if there were a big enough flap over Confederate symbols in one particular area and ten people had the guts to remove their kids from the public system, you can see where that would cost the local public brain laundry some serious money.
Most Southern folks seem to have the opinion that the local public school is second cousin to God, motherhood and apple pie--and it just ain't so. It never was. People love to prattle about the "good old days" when they went to public school and how much better it would be if we could just go back to that. Sorry to disillusion you, but those "good old days" never really existed. The public school's foundations were bad from day one. Public schools, as we now have them, were originally started up in New England, Massachusetts to be specific. The major mover and shaker in starting them was a man named Horace Mann. You may even have seen schools named after him, I have. But do you really know doodly sqat about him?
Horace Mann was a Unitarian. Know what that is? Know what Unitarians believe? They are people, calling themselves Christians, who do not recognize the Deity of Jesus Christ, who think Jesus may have been a great moral example and teacher, but definitely not the Son of God. What really bothered Mann was the influence of church schools in his area. In fact, that bothered him so much that he sought to come up with a way to counteract it.
He didn't think kids should be influenced by Christian education, that they would be better off in "secular" (humanist) schools, run by the state and regulated by the state, where Christian ideas and influence could be muted, and eventually done away with.
To be continued.
Reprinted from The Confederate Sentry, Vol. 19, Number 3, 2013
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Gun Violence Is Up In the US, Right? WRONG!
by Al Benson Jr.
Recently I noted an article by Kerby Anderson on Kerby Anderson's Point of View dealing with a recent study by the Pew Research Center.
The study noted that most Americans, due to the blatant propaganda by what passes for the "news" media in this country, have been brainwashed into thinking that national gun violence is out of control.
The Pew Report went on to explain that: "National rates of gun homicide and other violent gun crimes are strikingly lower now than during their peak in the mid-1990s, paralleling a general decline in violent crime." Anderson continue on, noting: "Government statistics show that the rate of non-fatal violent gun crime victimization dropped 75% in the past 20 years. The gun homicide rate dropped 49% in that same period."
And Anderson made an insightful observation, stating: "Let's put it another way. At a time when the nation was having a debate about guns and gun control, more than 8 out of 10 Americans had a perspective about gun violence that was completely opposite of the true reality. I think we all know why the public perception is incorrect. The news media focus out attention on crimes, especially gun crimes. This has been true for some time, but was especially true since the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. This latest survey once again is a reminder that public opinion can often be wrong, and that's why we need accurate statistics before we enact government policies."
However, needless to say, between the current regime's efforts to tear down the Second Amendment and the willing complicity of the "news" media, accurate statistics will be one of the last things we get.
This is one reason we need to learn how to do the research ourselves so we can find out what really goes on and not just sit back like spiritual couch potatoes believing all that the politicians and their paid prostitutes in the media dish out to us. If we want truth, we have to ask the Lord to show us how to find it, because from the "news" media and Washington it will hardly ever be forthcoming.
Recently I noted an article by Kerby Anderson on Kerby Anderson's Point of View dealing with a recent study by the Pew Research Center.
The study noted that most Americans, due to the blatant propaganda by what passes for the "news" media in this country, have been brainwashed into thinking that national gun violence is out of control.
The Pew Report went on to explain that: "National rates of gun homicide and other violent gun crimes are strikingly lower now than during their peak in the mid-1990s, paralleling a general decline in violent crime." Anderson continue on, noting: "Government statistics show that the rate of non-fatal violent gun crime victimization dropped 75% in the past 20 years. The gun homicide rate dropped 49% in that same period."
And Anderson made an insightful observation, stating: "Let's put it another way. At a time when the nation was having a debate about guns and gun control, more than 8 out of 10 Americans had a perspective about gun violence that was completely opposite of the true reality. I think we all know why the public perception is incorrect. The news media focus out attention on crimes, especially gun crimes. This has been true for some time, but was especially true since the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. This latest survey once again is a reminder that public opinion can often be wrong, and that's why we need accurate statistics before we enact government policies."
However, needless to say, between the current regime's efforts to tear down the Second Amendment and the willing complicity of the "news" media, accurate statistics will be one of the last things we get.
This is one reason we need to learn how to do the research ourselves so we can find out what really goes on and not just sit back like spiritual couch potatoes believing all that the politicians and their paid prostitutes in the media dish out to us. If we want truth, we have to ask the Lord to show us how to find it, because from the "news" media and Washington it will hardly ever be forthcoming.