Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trashing the Economy--on purpose!

by Al Benson Jr.

I have not always agreed with all the positions promoted by David Horowitz, head of the David Horowitz Freedom Center in Sherman Oaks, California, but in this instance, regarding his take on Obama and the economy, I think he has hit the nail on the head. I have not seen anyone else come this close.

I've watched all the conservative pundits gasp in shock at what Obama seems to be doing to the economy, and to the cultural condition of the country in general. Many of them look at particular parts of his agenda and exclaim "Doesn't he realize what this will do to the country?" Of course he realizes it. That's why he's doing it. Somehow that glaring fact never seems to fully register with much of his opposition. Many of his conservative opponents almost seem to have a deer-in-the-headlights approach to his agenda. They view it in living socialist color, but act as though they can't quite believe it. Makes you wonder. Are some of them that dumb, or do they think their audience is?

Recently, Mr. Horowitz sent out a short Internet missive in which he asked the question "Is the President trying to strain the American economy to the breaking point?" Good question. Mr. Horowitz already knows the answer and he is trying to get his audience to grasp it.

Like Mr. Horowitz, I concluded some time ago that Obama's agenda, (not really his but that of the shadow government behind his throne) was to destroy the country economically, spiritually, and in every other vital or important way. You can reach no other conclusion when you look at his solutions for "reviving the economy" which are nothing more than the same old tired socialist solutions that were used to get us into this mess. He almost seems to be saying "If this failed, then let's do more of it to fix the problem."

Obama's agenda, (and again, that of those behind his throne) seems to be to lower the living standards in this country to those of the third world countries and then to raise the standards of those countries so that the United States can be successfully merged into the third world. This is really no different than the programs of various tax-free foundations in this country back in the 1950s and 60s. Their aim was to lower the standard of living in this country so we could be successfully merged with the Soviet Union. Is there much difference between that and what Obama is doing, via directives from his puppeteers (George Soros and the CFR)?

Mr. Horowitz, like me, doesn't see much difference, and he notes in his comments: "If you think the last question is improbable it is only because you haven't read the plan of two Marxist professors from the 1960s who hatched the plan to 'stress the system' so that a leftwing government can take more control over our lives and make America a place we will no longer recognize as home. These two professors, Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward (whose work Obama learned about as a young 'community organizer' in Chicago) envisioned an activism that would flood the housing market with bad loans, overwhelm the electoral system with the names of dead and fictitious voters, and give a toxic shock to the health care industry by adding millions of people to the rolls with their bills to be paid for by the taxpayer. They wanted all this to happen so that America would be forced to embrace socialist solutions." Can anyone honestly say this isn't happening today?

It does sound somewhat familiar doesn't it? You've probably never heard of these two left-wing professors, but that doesn't mean their work has not affected the way you and your family are being forced to live right now. Most people have never heard of the Council on Foreign Relations either, but that does not mean that this organization hasn't been a major force in this country, during all administrations for decades, to move this country to the left and to grease the skids here for a one-world government. Mostly it means that folks do not find out about these organizations and people because they are deliberately mis-educated or undereducated. Does than mean that the government schools are part of this too? You better believe it baby--in spades!

Mr. Horowitz's organization is distributing a pamphlet called "Breaking the System." To find out more about this check out their web page at

It was refreshing to see that someone out there recognizes the fact that Obama and his handlers are purposely trashing the system and that all their seemingly stupid moves are really part of a grand design to trash the country. Even many of their so-called "conservative" opponents seem to fail to grasp his.


  1. Back in 2009 I posted a piece similar to Horowitz that shows the connection of Alinsky, Soros, Gramsci, and all the rest of the theomachists who have influenced the present Administration

    D Reif

  2. Thanks David. Hope some of those who read this will check out your blog spot.
