by Al Benson Jr.
I've just been reading today, 10/22/18 how the so-called "immigrant caravan" heading this way from Central America has brushed past the token resistance given it by Mexico (as was the real intention) and is again headed for our southern border.
Supposedly the number of "immigrants" has swelled to somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 and guess when they are slated to arrive? You get 3 guesses and the first two don't count. They will probably wash up against our southern border right about in time for the mid-term elections--the wildest of coincidences I'm sure. It I had a suspicious mind, I'd think this was timed to make Trump look bad. But, seeing that I am such a trusting soul, I wouldn't dream of accusing the George Soros-funded groups that have organized this of such a devious and low-down agenda. After all, everyone knows that the radical, socialist Demoncrats and other Soros appendages are all pure as the driven snow.
It's interesting how the radical Left and its media prostitutes have characterized all these people as "immigrants" and there are probably some genuine would-be immigrants among them. However, over all, they are not immigrants; they are invaders.
An article on the American Thinker website for July 10th of this year, by Shari Goodman, takes the trouble to spell out the difference between the two groups. Ms. Goodman noted, quite accurately, that "The Democratic Party with its shills in the mainstream media, has misleadingly blurred the lines between the definition of 'immigrant' and 'invader.' An immigrant is an alien who has been granted the right to permanently reside in the United States by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. An 'invader,' as defined by Merriam Webster, is one who 'trespasses, encroaches, and infringes upon another's property."
These people who are on their way up here, should they manage to get across the border, will be trespassing and encroaching. THEY ARE INVADERS--NOT IMMIGRANTS!
President Trump is supposed to be calling up the Army to deal with this. I hope he does that and does not back down because these people mean to get in here and take whatever they can get away with and if they manage to infringe upon our liberties, well then, that's part of the plan.
This is all part of the Democratic plan to destabilize the country. Ms. Goodman comments on the Democratic Party leadership. She labels Tom Perez a Marxist and Keith Ellison a Muslim Brotherhood operative. Both have been campaigning for open borders along with the rest of the Democratic horde. These people want a foreign invasion to obliterate our culture and its high time we woke up to what these people are doing to us. They are thieves of our culture and heritage and we better learn that and start to resist. Our grandchildren won't thank us for sitting idly by and doing nothing.
Update: According to a Fox News report noted on about 80% of those in the "Migrant" caravan Are men under the age of 35. Despite the main stream media narrative that the caravan is comprised of "hundreds of mostly women and children" local reporting from exican newspaper El Universal found that report grossly misleading. In fact 80% of the caravan are military age men, Fox News reported. So folks, we are being invaded and we are being lied to about it. Does that really surprise anyone. Let's face it--the mainstream media in this country is not on the side of real Americans--it is on the side of the radical Leftists and those who fund their activities. And now they are talking about yet another caravan that is on its way to McAllen, Texas.
Get used to the idea folks--We are in the process of being invaded!!! What's done about it will determine if we still have a country when it is all over!
Monday, October 22, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Some Unwelcome U N Guests
by Al Benson Jr.
Well, the Soros-sponsored invasion of the southern united States has officially begun, with the United Nations giving a large helping hand.
This invasion was supposed to have been stopped at Mexico's southern border. The Mexican police, or army or whatever, was there and they lobbed a little tear gas at the invaders and then basically got out of the way to let them pass.
I noted one video on https:'' that showed a whole batch of the invaders tearing down the gates at one place so they could get through and many of them were wearing blue United Nations hats with UN printed boldly on the front. Now where do you suppose they got those? At the local costume store no doubt. You don't actually think the UN would sanction any of this now do you? Of course not. Needless to say, with their One World Government worldview the UN is all for open borders except where it might be inconvenient to them.
And in Texas the socialist demoncrats are busily getting ballots ready for the non-citizens and illegals so they can vote in the next election and culturally dilute the American South even more. I would hope the current Texas government wouldn't put up with this, but we will see.
Trump has been talking about sending the army to our Southern border to stop this illegal invasion. I pray that it's not just talk and that he will stand up and DO it. If he caves in on this issue his base will have sufficient reason to question just what he is doing, as this is one issue he campaigned heavily on--keeping the illegals out--and this invasion from Central America is comprised of people who will be illegals if they can just manage somehow to cross our southern border.
One of the activist groups promoting this invasion is funded by one of George Soros' groups so you have to realize who is behind all this. Even Mike Pompeo has had to admit that this invasion is not "organic" but is sponsored by outside groups. So it's an invasion pure and simple.
So what do we do? Pray and ask the Lord to stem this invasion and ask Him to give our leadership the moral backbone to stop it in its tracks at our southern border.
Well, the Soros-sponsored invasion of the southern united States has officially begun, with the United Nations giving a large helping hand.
This invasion was supposed to have been stopped at Mexico's southern border. The Mexican police, or army or whatever, was there and they lobbed a little tear gas at the invaders and then basically got out of the way to let them pass.
I noted one video on https:'' that showed a whole batch of the invaders tearing down the gates at one place so they could get through and many of them were wearing blue United Nations hats with UN printed boldly on the front. Now where do you suppose they got those? At the local costume store no doubt. You don't actually think the UN would sanction any of this now do you? Of course not. Needless to say, with their One World Government worldview the UN is all for open borders except where it might be inconvenient to them.
And in Texas the socialist demoncrats are busily getting ballots ready for the non-citizens and illegals so they can vote in the next election and culturally dilute the American South even more. I would hope the current Texas government wouldn't put up with this, but we will see.
Trump has been talking about sending the army to our Southern border to stop this illegal invasion. I pray that it's not just talk and that he will stand up and DO it. If he caves in on this issue his base will have sufficient reason to question just what he is doing, as this is one issue he campaigned heavily on--keeping the illegals out--and this invasion from Central America is comprised of people who will be illegals if they can just manage somehow to cross our southern border.
One of the activist groups promoting this invasion is funded by one of George Soros' groups so you have to realize who is behind all this. Even Mike Pompeo has had to admit that this invasion is not "organic" but is sponsored by outside groups. So it's an invasion pure and simple.
So what do we do? Pray and ask the Lord to stem this invasion and ask Him to give our leadership the moral backbone to stop it in its tracks at our southern border.