The latest commentary by our two political commentators as they take a long view on history.
Al Benson Jr.
The Desire For Total Control
by Schwartz & Viscount
It goes way, way back. Check out the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament. Man wanted to reach to Heaven by his own efforts, to be God, as it were. If you read the Genesis account you see that he didn't quite make it. However, that has not stopped his efforts in that direction for centuries and they continue to this day.
The Caesars controlled the Roman Empire, which was all of southern Europe, the eastern Mediterranean area, and much of North Africa; the known world at that time. Caesar (depending on which one) was a benevolent dictator. You could have whatever religious beliefs you wanted to--as long as you recognized Caesar as Lord. The Christians wouldn't, couldn't, do that, hence Caesar would not have total control--and that was where their problems began. For them, Jesus the Christ was Lord, not Caesar. When Caesar tried to force the issue, and a lot of Christians died, it was the beginning of the end for Rome.
For us in this country, it goes back to the British Empire. King Henry started the Church of England, a.k.a. the Anglican, or, in this country, the Episcopal Church. Henry wanted everyone to worship the way he thought was right, although there was more to it than that. This resulted in the Pilgrims, separatists by belief, leaving England and coming to America so they would not be under the king's control in their worship.
And, as time passed, the children of the Pilgrims and Puritans had major problems with King George over taxes on tea and other things, and finally, at Lexington and Concord, King George discovered that he did not have the total control he craved. The "Divine Right of Kings" was, in the final analysis, only their desire to control all in their realms. In the end, it did not work out. Not that some of what replaced them has been much better in many instances!
But the quest for control continued on (as it still does in our day)! Our ULN-civil war was really not about freeing the slaves; it was, in the end, about controlling the whole country. Lincoln didn't want a country "half slave and half free"--he wanted it, politically, ALL slave. And he accomplished this--more than 80 years after our Declaration of Independence and the victory over King George. One way he sought to control it was with a heavy tariff, beneficial only to the North, which the South ended up paying most of. But that is another story.
Fact is, Lincoln sought (to commend and promote Union troops) many openly socialistic men as officers; men who had failed in their 1848 efforts to coerce the German populace and others into swallowing their Marxist/socialist ideas in Europe. Having failed in Europe they naturally matriculated to the US, where they could then force their brand of total control on an unsuspecting American populace--starting in the South.
You have to ask the question; did some of these guys induce some of the atrocities committed by Sherman and Sheridan in their wanton destruction of many of the wonderful homes/plantations in the South, along with all the other property they destroyed. One author called Sherman's men in South Carolina "A legion of devils." An apt description! But these were the same tactics used by Hitler and Stalin.
Friends, that is Communism (Marxism)--control by force and destruction. In your minds it may seem far fetched or absurd, but think about this: Is taking over the Communications Commission what the Marxists are doing by forcing local radio and television stations to be controlled by the "already fake news" outlets? Is this one more way to control what is supposed to be an entity for the expression of our free speech (First Amendment Rights)? The FCC has out-stepped its bounds by allowing this to happen.
In fact, you might ask the question--"Who owns the airwaves--the FCC or God?" If the answer is God, then possibly the FCC should think about shutting its doors and sending its people home.We don't expect that to happen, though, because for the bureaucrats the agenda is always control. Little by little, so no one notices, their intention is always control!
Update 1/15/17
In regard to total control, please read the most recent article on
dealing with driverless cars and the United Nations' Agenda 21 program which would shut us all up in sardine can apartments in megacities, unable to go anywhere except where these new driverless cars are willing to take us. All for our own "good" of course.
New post on
from a history professor about some of the folks that really won the Civil War.
Hint: They were not right-wingers! 1/16/18
Friday, December 29, 2017
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Our Double Standard
by Al Benson Jr.
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
Does anyone honestly doubt that we labor with a monstrous double standard in this country--one set of rules for the Statist Elite and a totally different set for us ordinary folks, us "deplorables,"--"we the peons."
All the time I hear these windy politicians get up and spout "We are a nation of laws, not of men." C'mon guys, you know better, and so do most of us that pay attention. It's hogwash--100% pure dee bovine fertilizer and I am surprised they can keep a straight face when they peddle such drivel to us. I guess some of them, like Ronald Reagan, have gotten to be pretty good actors. That may be the way it was supposed to be, but if so, it ain't been that way for a long, long time, for most of us not in our lifetimes. I will be 80 next year if the Lord gives me another year and I never remember it being that way except in the political verbiage.
So let us not kid ourselves. Our Double Standard is alive and well--cultural Marxism in living color. Should you doubt it all you have to do is look at the way Donald Trump is treated by the Establishment versus the way Hillary Clinton (known to some as Hitlery) is treated.
The Statist Aristocracy has sought to have Trump removed from his elected office, supposedly because of his "Russian collusion" (but really because he is destroying their agenda) and they have been working at that for almost a year now.So far they have zilch for results, zip. zero, nada. They have not come up with a scintilla of evidence in almost a year, but they keep plowing ahead anyway--at the cost of millions of dollars to us taxpayers who, unfortunately, have to pay for their Leftist political agenda, as fruitless as it is. If they get lucky they may come up with some Russian Trump had dinner with 50 years ago and they fondly hope that will be enough to indict him.
Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio is on one of the committees looking into all this, and on he is quoted as saying: "You can't make this stuff up. It gets worse each and every day...What deep down scares me, if this actually happened the FBI had a concerted effort with the people at the top to go after one party's nominee to help the other party's nominee. If that actually happened in the United States of America and everything each and every day points to more and more likely that this is what took place, it is sad for our country if that took place. And I think it did based on everything I am seeing. All the evidence points to that." In other words, the FBI and certain people in it, one of them being FBI agent Peter Stztok, actively worked for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump during the last election. I was not aware that the FBI was supposed to be involved in partisan politics, but I guess,during the reign of socialist Obama, everything was up for grabs and the absolute last thing those people wanted was a
Trump victory, so whatever they could do to prevent that was permissible by cultural Marxist standards.
This all goes to show you that we have a certain Elite in this country, whether their names be Clinton, Ohama, Bush, or whatever, that are able to govern their lives by a different standard, a different set of rules, than us ordinary mortals are bound by. They can basically do whatever they want and they can get by with actions the rest of us would be thrown in the slammer for. Wrong for us, but perfectly okay for them, even when it comes to outright political chicanery. Hillary Clinton and her auxiliaries did enough in the last election that you can't even begin to list it all in an article like this--but that's okay.Hillary automatically gets a pass for all of it, sort of a "get out of jail free" card that exempts her, her husband, and their associates from what you and I would go to jail for 99 years for.
So, when I read all these articles on the internet, even by so-called "conservative" writers about "Hillary getting busted for this or that" or whatever, they are not even worth a laugh. These people are dreaming! When I see Hillary on her way to jail in an orange suit and handcuffs, only then will I believe it. Up to that point. "I'm from Missouri." You've got to show me. Up to that point it all sounds good, but it's all talk!
And until Hillary and Company go to jail for the same things you and I would have, as far as I am concerned, there is still a double standard--one for the Statist Elites and a totally different one for us. If you want to convince me differently, then Show Me!
Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America
Does anyone honestly doubt that we labor with a monstrous double standard in this country--one set of rules for the Statist Elite and a totally different set for us ordinary folks, us "deplorables,"--"we the peons."
All the time I hear these windy politicians get up and spout "We are a nation of laws, not of men." C'mon guys, you know better, and so do most of us that pay attention. It's hogwash--100% pure dee bovine fertilizer and I am surprised they can keep a straight face when they peddle such drivel to us. I guess some of them, like Ronald Reagan, have gotten to be pretty good actors. That may be the way it was supposed to be, but if so, it ain't been that way for a long, long time, for most of us not in our lifetimes. I will be 80 next year if the Lord gives me another year and I never remember it being that way except in the political verbiage.
So let us not kid ourselves. Our Double Standard is alive and well--cultural Marxism in living color. Should you doubt it all you have to do is look at the way Donald Trump is treated by the Establishment versus the way Hillary Clinton (known to some as Hitlery) is treated.
The Statist Aristocracy has sought to have Trump removed from his elected office, supposedly because of his "Russian collusion" (but really because he is destroying their agenda) and they have been working at that for almost a year now.So far they have zilch for results, zip. zero, nada. They have not come up with a scintilla of evidence in almost a year, but they keep plowing ahead anyway--at the cost of millions of dollars to us taxpayers who, unfortunately, have to pay for their Leftist political agenda, as fruitless as it is. If they get lucky they may come up with some Russian Trump had dinner with 50 years ago and they fondly hope that will be enough to indict him.
Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio is on one of the committees looking into all this, and on he is quoted as saying: "You can't make this stuff up. It gets worse each and every day...What deep down scares me, if this actually happened the FBI had a concerted effort with the people at the top to go after one party's nominee to help the other party's nominee. If that actually happened in the United States of America and everything each and every day points to more and more likely that this is what took place, it is sad for our country if that took place. And I think it did based on everything I am seeing. All the evidence points to that." In other words, the FBI and certain people in it, one of them being FBI agent Peter Stztok, actively worked for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump during the last election. I was not aware that the FBI was supposed to be involved in partisan politics, but I guess,during the reign of socialist Obama, everything was up for grabs and the absolute last thing those people wanted was a
Trump victory, so whatever they could do to prevent that was permissible by cultural Marxist standards.
This all goes to show you that we have a certain Elite in this country, whether their names be Clinton, Ohama, Bush, or whatever, that are able to govern their lives by a different standard, a different set of rules, than us ordinary mortals are bound by. They can basically do whatever they want and they can get by with actions the rest of us would be thrown in the slammer for. Wrong for us, but perfectly okay for them, even when it comes to outright political chicanery. Hillary Clinton and her auxiliaries did enough in the last election that you can't even begin to list it all in an article like this--but that's okay.Hillary automatically gets a pass for all of it, sort of a "get out of jail free" card that exempts her, her husband, and their associates from what you and I would go to jail for 99 years for.
So, when I read all these articles on the internet, even by so-called "conservative" writers about "Hillary getting busted for this or that" or whatever, they are not even worth a laugh. These people are dreaming! When I see Hillary on her way to jail in an orange suit and handcuffs, only then will I believe it. Up to that point. "I'm from Missouri." You've got to show me. Up to that point it all sounds good, but it's all talk!
And until Hillary and Company go to jail for the same things you and I would have, as far as I am concerned, there is still a double standard--one for the Statist Elites and a totally different one for us. If you want to convince me differently, then Show Me!